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For Certain Players In The Forums


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These kind of comments make me want to punch someone in the face. It isn't adding anything. This forum is for expressing (intelligent) opinions. I'm sorry but I'm getting tired of it. And RNG is not earning things. It's playing a game of chance. If it were fighting a boss, then yes that's earning it. RNG is not earning, since you have a chance to get it on your first try, but it is never guaranteed for any amount of work.
This was my reply from a bit ago to another's reply which basically said if you don't want to grind then don't play the game. It was well received and made me think of making this post.
Those are the comments that are very counterproductive, especially in a BETA game, where feedback is essential. Telling someone to stop playing the game upsets me for two main reasons.
1. Everyone has different opinions. Saying "too bad, get lost" for expressing preferences/hopes/wants isn't good for anyway. To each their own.
2. The people who post those kind of comments basically are saying that what is in the game won't change. 
It's a bad excuse for the things that need fixing in the game.
Example: Player1- "Kubrow's losing health doesn't seem right to me. I don't want to have to keep it alive or find it died if I forget about it while taking a break from the game." Player2- "Then put it in stasis and don't use it if you're too lazy."
Just because there is a way that doesn't mean it's the best. I emphasize this, as I've seen too many of these kind of comments.
My point: pretty much the bolded parts.
I apologize for seeming aggressive and leaving this post sloppy, but I really needed to get this off my chest.
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Thank you for taking the time to make this, I feel something similar and with a little more "tongue and quill" put into it should find a sticky.


I know that Warframe's player base is ever evolving and there will be bads and goods alike added into our ever growing roster, but that will never make it acceptable to lose any sort of standard for the way we treat each other. Yes I myself have had a harsh sounding post or two, but there was information relative to the OP or following questions in there. I'm not exactly talented in making words over the internet sound soft, and some people aren't used to things sounding stern and take offense. that's generally when things degrade, but always make it a point to bounce back and take the high road. Apologizing isn't the end of the world, and it will save you from more trouble than silly internet points are worth. (sometimes ending up as warning points)

Edited by .Zeva
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Thank you for addressing this issue out in the open. Frankly I also feel there are certain salty individuals who repeatedly make posts just as mentioned or use the same "reason" as justification for things, often without explaining any further. If anything, they are the ones that tend to derail and degrade the discussions to a level similar to middle-schoolers bickering at each other. Unfortunately they are also free to do so without repercussions in this forum, alongside as with many. I'm sounding harsh, but the sad fact is some people are ignorant and wish to remain ignorant. Not everyone on the planet is equal, not everyone on the planet has the same level of intelligence as each other, whether it be on terms of life experience, education, or such. Some are more ignorant than others, some make the effort to change, and some do not wish to change, because frankly, "ignorance is bliss" is not completely invalid. However, as they are people just like you and me and everyone else, we cannot deny them the right to post or voice their opinion, no matter how related to the discussion or constructive it is, and the best we can do is ignore them or try to explain ourselves better.

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Wait what?


So basically your saying everyone is entitled to an opinion but if your opinion is not in line with your own then they shouldn't post?


Look the game has flaws but as with most things many of them are in the eye of the beholder. My issue is with post like these. They are beyond useless. If I honestly tell a player, "It might take you months to get Booben. If your dead set on having him, and not paying plat or doing all that farming then you should quit." my goal isn't to be rude but honest.


At the same time if a person complains about every little thing then I might get annoyed having to read a copy paste of the same post over and over in echo. I think every player has a right to post but that we all have a right to give feedback to the devs and each other. Just because you got traction with some doesn't mean you have one the majority over (no down votes here).


Anything that has to do with kubrows take up with DE. Many players have adapted as best they could and DE has already reduced the destabilization rate. I would imagine not putting it in stasis before a 10 day holiday would be flat out laziness in the eyes of many who remember to take care of them. 


Theoretically OP your post is hypocritical. You basically tell players to deal with the whining, and not respond while you actively whine about people who do not put up with whining.



Edited by TheGuy08
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+1 Yea verily amen brother ... kinda reminds me of those individuals who think its good idea or productive in any way to say "first world problems" ... Yeah ok, what do you want me to do? Sell all my stuff, move to somewhere that isn't "first world" in your opinion and work my hands to the bone tryin to make their lives better?

Don't get me wrong that's a very noble thing to do and I applaud anybody who has done this but that's not my life and you do realize people all over the world are playing this game right?

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i just dont like it when people attacks one another and stray away from the topic

but its human nature, but if it got worse and thres lots of flames people reports it and thread gets locked


report button is nice, 

It is very nice

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Arguing, is human nature unfortunately, disagreement, struggle, strife, it seems it's all one of our largest defining factors not only as a species but as conscious beings in general. 


Any time you put so many different thoughts, views and opinions together there is bound to be those that produce conflict. 

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