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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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If someone missed that:



Okay, that is something really good for this addition but will my pc handle it??


U14 is still in need of performance tweaks. (I've played for 7 updates and my game starts to have little freezes even on solo,and that worris me a lot about the future! If I play this gae it's also because it's beautiful and well optimized. If it won't be the case, I'm afraid I'll just stay tuned via the forums only... :( )

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Archwing is an upcoming game mode in warframe, if you heaven't seen the teaser yet, here it is, but i'm sure you did.


I'm sure you also missed the megathread about Archwing, which is already 63 pages long...  Please use the search function next time.:)


Another one merged.

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for those who think Wow was the first MMO




you might want to do some reading.


on topic, this speculation about warframes new U15 archwing is really pointless at this point, at least in trying to take any of it as factual. we have no information to base these speculations on, other than a short video, showing really nothing more than design premise. it shows nothing about gameplay, nor does it imply really anything about the archwing other than that we will have wings, and be outside our ship. 


I have yet to see an Online game of any kind release updates without bugs, every time DE releases an update, people go batchit crazy about it, as if the bugs in this game are special,,,they aren't. They are normal, and should be expected by any gamer who's been on a game anywhere ever since games started being put online.<refer to link posted>....Did u14 have bugs, sure it did, will u15 have bugs, sure it will. will we find them, of course we will. Will they fix them, of course they will. will some bugs still persist no matter what happens, of course, just like in every other game out there. 


U15 archwing will be fun, it will be interesting, it will be entertaining. This debate about what it looks like (gundam wing) is as pointless as comparing WoW to everquest 2, who cares where they get their inspiration, How bout we enjoy it, debug it, and play it for all its worth when it gets here? Just like we've done every other game since games and computers were invented. (collective social statement)

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Theres not enough info on it so I can't judge it yet. To me the Hype died almost instantly as I thought OMG cool, Oh wait I switched from PC to PS4 so ill have to wait for it to hit PC months down the road, then wait for it to hit PS4 another couple of months down the road, how does this add to the story... Hype dead. I really think there should be more focus on making your RPG feel more like an RPG. I dont feel the story (hopefully I wil get to taste some of that this week finally u14), I think there should be more focus on that aspect before adding more game modes. I find myself looking forward to Destiny over Warframe and I enjoy both games but Destiny pulls me into the lore where Warframe has felt more like do whatver you want with no direction and Archwing just adds to the confusion.

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The Archwing's look cool, too bad it'll be awhile before the PS4 and X1 get the U15 update.






That's OK it will be super buggy when it comes out on PC and by the time the PC players are on the verge of quitting in frustration it will be sent to Sony and MSFT for cert and we will have our typical smooth update.


Funny how the Console Peasants get the PC Mustard Race to do all the grunt work of beta testing for us. ;)

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for those who think Wow was the first MMO


you might want to do some reading.

on topic, this speculation about warframes new U15 archwing is really pointless at this point, at least in trying to take any of it as factual. we have no information to base these speculations on, other than a short video, showing really nothing more than design premise. it shows nothing about gameplay, nor does it imply really anything about the archwing other than that we will have wings, and be outside our ship.

I have yet to see an Online game of any kind release updates without bugs, every time DE releases an update, people go batchit crazy about it, as if the bugs in this game are special,,,they aren't. They are normal, and should be expected by any gamer who's been on a game anywhere ever since games started being put online.<refer to link posted>....Did u14 have bugs, sure it did, will u15 have bugs, sure it will. will we find them, of course we will. Will they fix them, of course they will. will some bugs still persist no matter what happens, of course, just like in every other game out there.

U15 archwing will be fun, it will be interesting, it will be entertaining. This debate about what it looks like (gundam wing) is as pointless as comparing WoW to everquest 2, who cares where they get their inspiration, How bout we enjoy it, debug it, and play it for all its worth when it gets here? Just like we've done every other game since games and computers were invented. (collective social statement)

...agreed to most of your points, but I want to add that,

revealing the Archwing is just a starting point...

...but for the devs it can generate useful development data and input via hypes, ideas, reasoning and justifications from players. Sure, DE may already have some original ideas in development, but thread like this help the devs to gauge and develop new contents in a way that meet the general expectation and acceptance, which is especially true for Warframe.

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That's OK it will be super buggy when it comes out on PC and by the time the PC players are on the verge of quitting in frustration it will be sent to Sony and MSFT for cert and we will have our typical smooth update.

Funny how the Console Peasants get the PC Mustard Race to do all the grunt work of beta testing for us. ;)

I love mustard, one of my favorite condiments for sandwich. :P

...nothing bad or good to say about consoles. It's just some pro and con and if you're willing to take them. Subscription fees from these players are paying to support their policies and the "door-keepers". They are there to ensure their players will get the best experience, but also causing the delay (which is about the same time that the PC players have completed hammered out most of the bugs to make the same update pass the cert test). If you are not a beta-tester kind of person or with that attitude, then these consoles and their policies would serve you better, keeping you "safe" most of the time. Of course, same true can be said for the PC side, those on the verge of quitting are aptly so and should consider playing with the consoles instead.

It's kinda funny to think about it. While the some PC players were b!$@%g like crazy about bugs as the same time some console players were complaining the delay and even said willing to deal with bugs... I guess they were playing the wrong game system for their style and preference.

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"The ninja is finally, going into space"


-DE Steve

Nice quote Mr. Steve, however people will never see the frames as ninja without proper Stealth mechanics (and some new moves in addition,like hanging/moving on ledges for instance). :/

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Archwing seems kind of lame.

I would have rather they fixed existing bugs and enemy pathing - maybe even give us some sensible PVP or other endgame missions...

Also, aesthetically, the game keeps drifting further away from the dark, gritty, alien-ninja-goodness which drew me in when I first picked up the game so long ago.  The colors and themes are becoming increasingly fantasy/angel/WoW-like.  I miss the sinister-alien texture the game used to have.


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...agreed to most of your points, but I want to add that,

revealing the Archwing is just a starting point...

...but for the devs it can generate useful development data and input via hypes, ideas, reasoning and justifications from players. Sure, DE may already have some original ideas in development, but thread like this help the devs to gauge and develop new contents in a way that meet the general expectation and acceptance, which is especially true for Warframe.

yes you're right of course,,,I was meaning more in regards to the comparison as though it is a bad thing. Certainly we should enjoy thinking about how its going to be, but at the same time we shouldn't fixate on bugs or potential for them, or trivialize the interest in the project simply because it resembles some other element of a game elsewhere. 

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