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In Regards To Kubrow Palette In 14.5


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DE simply cant refund the plat for one major reason.  If they do refund on the scrambler for the reasons of changing how you pattern and colour a kubrow they have to reverse every transaction around that principle.  So that means reversing every transaction done on the DNA imprints as well to make it "fair" across the board.


That basically means tracing and reversing every transaction done with platinum used for the DNA imprints, be that platinum used after for mod/part trades, store purchases or further DNA trades.  All that would need to be reversed in a logistical nightmare (even if DE has full logs of every single one of the likely millions of transactions done with the plat).


Which then opens up the 100s of other issues where people would want refunds for colour pallets (no legacy colours dont match yet and they were colours we had for over a year), warframe changes/balances, and weapon changes/balances, on the basis of they did the refund for the kubrow scrambler.


At the end of the day doing a refund will have far reaching consequences that will do more harm than good.  About the only thing DE can do is maybe give everyone some token plat (like they did previously with a major change).

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You guys were probably too late to get a refund. I emailed support weeks ago and got a refund from the scrambler.


I got the idea from a thread and posted the link of that thread in my support details.

Edited by -CM-Asmud
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I'm more concerned about people who spent hundreds or thousands of plat for specific imprints if you can get the patterns and colors you want with only a few plat after the update.


No, I didn't spend that much on them myself.

Edited by Naftal
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No they don't care, they are getting away with a quick cash grab, so they are @(*()$ over the players who used it, and now introducing a new system that allows the player to simply to choose what colour they want and where they want it. Its absurd. 


I will for one, not be supporting DE anymore, and since they run a game with no AD generated funding, just logging in an playing doesn't make them a cent, platinum is their only source of income at this point.

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Well since people seem to get a "no" from support.

Here is my conversation with support:


  • CanIbiteU July 26, 2014 13:01

    I have already said a lot in this topic https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/274108-ok-i-payed-700p-for-my-kubrow-colors/

    Guys, I gladly support you, you work on an amazing game and I have purchased 2 Prime Access and Grand Master Founders pack already, I like the game.
    What I dont like is getting something that is considered a bug later and not getting anything back.
    I spent lots of platin scrambling the colors i want to get, I knew its a gamble but I got what i wanted in the end. Now its all gone - for 4 kubrows. And I dont have the possibility to change it back.
    May I know if there are any plans to get the plat back I lost on the scrambler or any plans to give me the possiblity to change the kubrow colors back in what i liked?

    I know you dont have to give me anythign due to eula, but its serious trust issue for me atm, since I dont consider monetizing i flawed system right in the first place, but much worse is taking away things from people they have payed a lot of money for and calling it a "bug" afterwards.

    Thx in advance.

    Patient and dedicated customer.

    CanIbiteU July 31, 2014 02:23

    Any update?

    CanIbiteU August 05, 2014 02:46

    and again any update?

    [DE]Tomasz August 08, 2014 21:32

    Hi CanIbiteU,

    I apologize for the late reply, we are slowly dealing with all the Kubrow tickets.

    I have fully refunded all the Platinum (560) you've paid for the – now defunct – color scrambler.
    Unfortunately, we cannot redo/change any Kubrow colors.
    If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to let us know.

    Thank you for enjoying Warframe!







    The only difference is that my complaint was, that the colors Iv got from the recent color pallete patch where different that the colors I have got from the scrambler ( and the colors I have payed for). So maybe its the reason for the denial.


Edited by CanIbiteU
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