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What people don't underestand is that having Really good equipment at MR 2 doesn't mean all Players do. Your personal experiences Do not change the fact that until you hit MR 5 you shouldn't do T4.


Just because you are skillful, or you had friends/players who helped you get good gear at low level, does not mean others do.


I don't want too disrespect you, but its pretty narrow sighted to think that since you had a beginning that allowed you to get into high teir content immediately, everyone else does.

Edited by Feallike
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MR means nothing. Someone could have stopped their leveling at MR2 and still have a maxed out boltor prime and a fully kitted frame. All mastery rank indicates is how many weapons you've used, not skill. I reserve my judgement until I can see the gear someone has equipped.



 You actually care about whether or not someone is at a particular Mastery Rank? But that hardly matters. It's more about what sort of builds they are capable of - which is largely RNG reliant. Some MR3's will have better stuff then some MR6's purely because they've managed to do better with drops.


 I find the idea that you expect to push this MR crap on others to the point of making a scolding thread about it kinda silly. It's your right to only want to play with people that fit whatever specific standard you set but don't go trying to push that idea on anyone else like it ought to be a standard. 


 Hell, compared to the people I call Clanmates I'm a very average skill level player and I'm good enough at the game where I can expect to safely backpack someone who accidentally ends up in over their head. I don't need such specific standards.

which is why they should add conclave restrictions anyways and to show it when you hover over ones name only if they have pm-ed you.


its not mastery that is the problem

Edited by OverlordMcGeek
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Meh.  Honestly I spent most of my time in Warframe this past weekend playing interceptions on supposed "T4 key farms" to level my gear.  85% of the players I played with were level 4-10, and when I get invited from recruiting chat to T4 games most of the hosts are level 4-8.  It's no big deal.


It's not surprising for a lower level player to be able to survive and play in T4 missions.  I mean it's not commonplace, but not impossible.  Some people will never play for high mastery rank because they don't see the point, (more trades and extractors don't mean much to them) but that doesn't mean they don't have maxed mods, etc.

Edited by sushidubya
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What people don't underestand is that having Really good equipment at MR 2 doesn't mean all Players do. Your personal experiences Do not change the fact that until you hit MR 5 you shouldn't do T4.


Just because you are skillful, or you had friends/players who helped you get good gear at low level, does not mean others do.


I don't want too disrespect you, but its pretty narrow sighted to think that since you had a beginning that allowed you to get into high teir content immediately, everyone else does.

Wow this guy got bold type butthurt..


What does MR5 define? Nothing really, except an introduction to some clan tech.

y can

Conclave doesn't mean S#&$ either, auto-install for some reason with it's S#&$ builds, allows you to build specters easier.


High tier content or not, if a player understand their limits, and their strengths, they can do surprising things.


Hell you could run around the T4S all day just spamming radial blind.. No one is going to hate you for that..


Think outside your tears..

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Meh.  Honestly I spent most of my time in Warframe this past weekend playing interceptions on supposed "T4 key farms" to level my gear.  85% of the players I played with were level 4-10, and when I get invited from recruiting chat to T4 games most of the hosts are level 4-8.  It's no big deal.


It's not surprising for a lower level player to be able to survive and play in T4 missions.  I mean it's not commonplace, but not impossible.  Some people will never play for high mastery rank because they don't see the point, (more trades and extractors don't mean much to them) but that doesn't mean they don't have maxed mods, etc.

A gentleman and a scholar. ^_^

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which is why they should add conclave restrictions anyways and to show it when you hover over ones name only if they have pm-ed you.


its not mastery that is the problem


 No thanks. If you want to press personal standards on other players I'd rather it be a pain in the neck for you.


 Because while YOU might mean well. While YOU might be sensible and polite and all this different stuff.


 That doesn't mean it wont feed that ugly beast that is always lurking in every community. Elitism. People will start to crunch numbers and 'perfect the right Conclave requirements' until like in so many other games Recruit chat looks more like people at an auction as they throw their ideal number they've invented based on their own standards. It'll continue and continue and then even expand to places there is no need for it, like low tier voids that people slap high conclave requirements on for their own convenience.


 Nah. No thanks. Right now it's decent enough.

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Wow this guy got bold type butthurt..


What does MR5 define? Nothing really, except an introduction to some clan tech.

y can

Conclave doesn't mean S#&$ either, auto-install for some reason with it's S#&$ builds, allows you to build specters easier.


High tier content or not, if a player understand their limits, and their strengths, they can do surprising things.


Hell you could run around the T4S all day just spamming radial blind.. No one is going to hate you for that..


Think outside your tears..


Sorry, i use bold to establish the point of the post. :/


Also no need to cuss dude. :/


Also, unlike most people i don't have a unlimited supply of T4S, and i hate having to leave them at 10 minutes because my teammates can't handle the content.


MR5 is just a figure, it could be MR3 as far as i care. MR5 is usually the time when someone has done all the planets (legit not taxieing). Thats why i was using it as a starting point.


Also i was just agreeing with the OP, the matter is the DE has a choice whether to implement it or not, but i am personally not going to let MR3's play T4S with me. I will gladly help them complete the starmap, or help them on bosses, but T4S isn't easy to comby like all the other keys.


Well i am off this thread, it seems like a flamewar is starting and i didn't bring my jacket. :/

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MR5 is just a figure, it could be MR3 as far as i care. MR5 is usually the time when someone has done all the planets (legit not taxieing). Thats why i was using it as a starting point.


I had all the planets open at MR2. My friend didn't have them open until MR8. Mastery is an extremely flawed way of judging player skill, and going by it will cause problems for you.

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 No thanks. If you want to press personal standards on other players I'd rather it be a pain in the neck for you.


 Because while YOU might mean well. While YOU might be sensible and polite and all this different stuff.


 That doesn't mean it wont feed that ugly beast that is always lurking in every community. Elitism. People will start to crunch numbers and 'perfect the right Conclave requirements' until like in so many other games Recruit chat looks more like people at an auction as they throw their ideal number they've invented based on their own standards. It'll continue and continue and then even expand to places there is no need for it, like low tier voids that people slap high conclave requirements on for their own convenience.


 Nah. No thanks. Right now it's decent enough.

Another gentleman/scholar.


Hell yea

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Conclave rating is definitely not the answer. At least not with the current ratings on mods.


In a T4 mission I will rarely use my melee weapon but it still adds a pile to my Conclave!  Now lets consider the mods I could put in the melee weapon, three examples, guess which has the highest Conclave rating then click the spoilers to see if you are right:


Shocking Touch: +60% Electric Damage for 11 points

Conclave 40

Focus Energy: +60% Electric Damage & +40% Channeling Efficiency for 9 points

Conclave 20

Voltaic Strike: +60% Electric Damage & +60 Status Chance for 7 points

Conclave 20


I hope this highlights why Conclave rating shows nothing about how effective your build is or how good you are at constructing a build let alone how good your are in mission.


PS:  For bonus points a mod completely out classed by Voltaic Strike and its cousins Virulent Scourge and Volcanic Edge:

Melee Prowess: +15% Status Chance for 7 points (works out at an extra 1.5% for most melee weapons and at best 3.75%)

Conclave 50

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You can get a boltor prime at MR2, just sayin'.


...and you can Catalyst it, Forma the hell out of it, make the best build known to humanity and be the most skilled player of all time and...  these guys still wont let you join their mission until you complete 3 more Mastery Tests.

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oh boy...


1. the game warframe is anything but hard or something were u need skill. IQ from 40 or higher is needed for puttin the right mods in frame/weapons nothing more. 


2. mastery rank means.. umm.. N O T H I N G ! ! !  what if i decide (with m8 for example) to stop using new weapons or frames cuz im happy with my specific weapon/frame layout? does this make m8 players worse than m17? no. only ur ignorance does.   (im mastery 17 myself but would NEVER restrict missions to specific mastery levels.. how stupid is that?!?)


3. conclave is maybe the most useless thing in warframe. i often run arround with frame + 1weapon   (and mostly a weapon i forma)  does that make me bad? oh noes conclave 800 doing more in the mission than conclave 1800. magic right? jesus..

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What should really happen is a warning that pops up when a low conclave player joins and when you are inviting such a person. it would also help to place that conclave rating in a easy to access from chat place.


Of course a mission post would solve all this...


Conclave warning should be an easy fix or well, simple fix or faster fix depending on difficulty of implementing.

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What should really happen is a warning that pops up when a low conclave player joins and when you are inviting such a person. it would also help to place that conclave rating in a easy to access from chat place.


Conclave ratings are meaningless. Something like that would cause more problems than it solved. Refer to this post:


Conclave rating is definitely not the answer. At least not with the current ratings on mods.


In a T4 mission I will rarely use my melee weapon but it still adds a pile to my Conclave!  Now lets consider the mods I could put in the melee weapon, three examples, guess which has the highest Conclave rating then click the spoilers to see if you are right:


Shocking Touch: +60% Electric Damage for 11 points

Conclave 40

Focus Energy: +60% Electric Damage & +40% Channeling Efficiency for 9 points

Conclave 20

Voltaic Strike: +60% Electric Damage & +60 Status Chance for 7 points

Conclave 20


I hope this highlights why Conclave rating shows nothing about how effective your build is or how good you are at constructing a build let alone how good your are in mission.


PS:  For bonus points a mod completely out classed by Voltaic Strike and its cousins Virulent Scourge and Volcanic Edge:

Melee Prowess: +15% Status Chance for 7 points (works out at an extra 1.5% for most melee weapons and at best 3.75%)

Conclave 50



Edited by vaugahn
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Mastery Rank bears the dubious privilege of being one of the few aspects used to determine, at a moment's glance, a person's capability. Whether this is at all accurate or not, when you're dealing with large quantities of anonymous individuals, it's handy to have a way to quickly pick the people with brains apart from the people without.


However, the core problem with using Mastery Rank for this is that MR doesn't really mean jack S#&$. It's a flawed, arbitrary system that often requires you to slog through a bunch of weapons and frames you don't really like, to unlock a few weapons and mostly just watch a number climb.


Mastery Rank shows that a player has been grinding for a while. This implies experience, but time played does not always bear a correlation with skill. Anecdotal evidence is flimsy at the best of times, but the most competent and wealthiest Warframe player I know is at MR0 simply because he enjoys freaking out those who obsess over MR in T4 missions.

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And what youre suggesting to do means for begginers to not get good equipment early for hight tier content. Thats also prety narrow minded if you ask me.


Literally in any other game that you play.. you have to go through the ropes to get to a certain point in the game in order to take on certain challenges.


And I believe the grey and muddy area that are the teirs of challenge and level in Warframe need to be clarified. I'm serious. It's obviously and issue, otherwise why would they remove the ability to progress in the game by taxi when u14 came out? Because it impedes on the success and longevity of the game.. 


I'm not saying that everything should solely depend on your mastery rank, however there needs to be a threshold. 

I'll give you an example of what I mean: There was a new clanmate in the guild who we decided to take on a Pluto Dark Sector run to help him level up. During the run, we noticed that although his MR was low.. however he had technically the same loadout as all of us MR 10+. He was also fully decked out in cosmetics as well; an obviously plat buyer (which is not an issue). During the run, he stated that DE needed to fix the glitch with frost prime blue prints and the foundry.


At the end of trying to clear up what he was talking about, we came to the conclusion that he did not know Frost Prime BP parts had to be pulled together with a frost prime BP, and he bought the normal Frost thinking that would solve the issue. Said he wrote a ticket and everything to DE.


While that situation may be minute. Think about how many players are out there who join Warframe with some cash in their hands and think that you should be able to instantly suck in all the content and know everything about that game. And when you're hosting runs and someone comes in and just ruins your chances to get the items that you want because their not prepared to take on the challenges. That's when it becomes something of an issue. That I spend my time farming for keys or (for some players who buy them) wasting their platinum.


At the end of the day it's frustrating and turn off to some players who have put hours into the game because they love it. In another point of view, its also frustrating to the players like me who give lower MR's the chance and you offer to teach them and let them play along, but then get frustrated and lash out when you pull up the fact when they are not up to par/give advice how to get stronger. 

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Mastery Rank bears the dubious privilege of being one of the few aspects used to determine, at a moment's glance, a person's capability. Whether this is at all accurate or not, when you're dealing with large quantities of anonymous individuals, it's handy to have a way to quickly pick the people with brains apart from the people without.


However, the core problem with using Mastery Rank for this is that MR doesn't really mean jack S#&$. It's a flawed, arbitrary system that often requires you to slog through a bunch of weapons and frames you don't really like, to unlock a few weapons and mostly just watch a number climb.


Mastery Rank shows that a player has been grinding for a while. This implies experience, but time played does not always bear a correlation with skill. Anecdotal evidence is flimsy at the best of times, but the most competent and wealthiest Warframe player I know is at MR0 simply because he enjoys freaking out those who obsess over MR in T4 missions.



And you're right. I agree with you on the fact that MR does not directly correlate with skill. This isn't what I'm arguing when I say that lower MR's should understand why they are restricted. It's load-out and experience. This is the reason why I bring it up. While it may not be a sure win, more often than not I'd expect to get my keys worth with 3 other rank 8's or above than 2 or 3 rank 3's and 4's who want to come along. 


People release this deep seeded frustration when the idea of MR restriction but as I've stated before, if you want a game to survive and strive and be more challenging, allow their to be tiers to game play.... and STOP bashing those who understand this and apply restrictions.

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...and you can Catalyst it, Forma the hell out of it, make the best build known to humanity and be the most skilled player of all time and...  these guys still wont let you join their mission until you complete 3 more Mastery Tests.

Yes, I know.  Personally, I don't do that.  I filter people based on what Warframe they are using.  Like I would never take an Excalibur on one of my keys.  People have to risk their keys, and you don't get a lot of information to base that judgement on. Higher MR at least shows you have experience with the game, even if that doesn't directly translate to skill.

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The irony of your post...and the title of your post. Shoot I've run 45 min T4 with MR 1's and got them hella exp. and they loved it. Idc if you're a Pug or a friend you'll get treated the same way, you get downed just far enough away where we can't get to you at the last second....your death will be treated with too much exaggeration for one to comprehend. The community is great, most people love to help out, especially Vets who have stayed on the game like myself, I'll help people out, show them the ropes, and try to make their first experience a good one so they'll play longer. Give people a chance, tell them what you expect for certain missions so they learn what to do in the future. Don't just Void yourself from everyone except for the ones you have chosen to be friends.

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The irony of your post...and the title of your post. Shoot I've run 45 min T4 with MR 1's and got them hella exp. and they loved it. Idc if you're a Pug or a friend you'll get treated the same way, you get downed just far enough away where we can't get to you at the last second....your death will be treated with too much exaggeration for one to comprehend. The community is great, most people love to help out, especially Vets who have stayed on the game like myself, I'll help people out, show them the ropes, and try to make their first experience a good one so they'll play longer. Give people a chance, tell them what you expect for certain missions so they learn what to do in the future. Don't just Void yourself from everyone except for the ones you have chosen to be friends.


This is what I think a lot of people who read my post misconstrue. I give people a chance. Personally I do it because when I was lower leveled I wish people helped me out in certain aspects of the game.

do give people a chance. Constantly, which is exactly the reason why I'm saying that I can't understand how people can't accept the reality of it. Someone said it earlier. Yes you may be able to do T4 45 min with low levels and get them the exp they want (although I'm more than sure MR1s to 45 min is an exaggeration). This isn't everyone and more often than not it's a waste of time, effort and a key. 

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