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Overzealous Nerfing


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Guest Shibboleet

You guys are missing the REAL point here which is that this max ammo nerf is just the latest in a long line of nerfs caused by people who apparently have nothing better to do than nitpick at a fantastic game. Think about it, if you don't like a particular weapon or warframe just don't use it, but there is no need to ruin it for the people who do like it. Trinity was one of my favorite frames but guess what...People complained that she was too powerful so they nerfed her too and now she's just a marshmallow with a nice behind! The devs could put their time to better use fixing bugs and adding new content instead or nerfing things because of people whinning about their kills being taken by OP weapons. This is the first time I've ever used the forum because I love this game and I respect the skill and expertise of the devs who worked so hard to create it and who continue to work to make it better. I would never disrespect them by complaining that they didn't make something properly in the first place because its their creation and I for one am very glad to be given the opportunity to play their creation. Those who fuss about OP weapons and frames surely can't make the same claim.

The real point of the feedback section is to give beta feedback; e.g. what should be buffed, what should be nerfed, and ideas to make something feel more fun.

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When money get's charged it's no longer a real BETA. That's just a PR term now :-)



That EULA reference is exactly what you get for your money. Nothing. Enjoy it as long it lasts, NEVER invest in a product with such terms attached :-).


eh what? read the EULA on any game or atleast on MMORPGS and you'll find basically the same terms there too, not to mention what terms you accept nowadays which no one reads.......gotta love the hypocritism some people have


ontopic: yes the launchers were nerfed but for a good cause, mainly beacuse you had basically infite with ammo, i mean cmon, 540 ammo,really? 20 or 30 is enought, they are grenade launchers, not assault rifles. justified nerf, be happy they didnt nerf the dmg or anything else. Or are you noe of those who cant adapt to changes?

Edited by makaloff95
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Actually it is a nerf.  A nerf is any reduction in the effect/ability of a weapon/warframe/feature.  A massive reduction in ammo a weapon has is, by definition, a reduction in it's ability.  Agree or disagree with the end effect of that reduction, it is still a nerf. 


your termanoligy is spot on and i would agree with you if it actually affected the ability of the wepon in any way, but it doesnt.  The ammo reduction mearly reduces the usability or restricts the utility of the wepon, the stats remain the same therefore the ability is the same as well.  Those people who bring ammo restores or a sahasa dont even notice the ammo reduction hence why its not a nerf, nerfs are always felt.

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This "nerf", though I'm sure had the intention of satisfying the vocal minority and actually try to do something "good", ended up being both pointless and useless. At first we mostly had panic, then people tested, and many ended up thinking this : "Wait a minute... What the Hek was the purpose of this "balancing/nerf"? It didn't change ANYTHING! What a waste of time and ressources!"


I share this thought. It changed NOTHING. Hell, you don't even need any ammo mods even with a measly 20 max ammo. I still think it was overkill though. Useless and pointless, but still, overkill. A plain waste of time and money. The intention was good, but we all know the saying about good intentions and Hell... Prime example right here folks. Now, I'm not blaming the devs for this, I'm blaming this "vocal minority" that has the habit of pushing them all the time.


Keep in mind, this is only my opinion (and also the opinion of many players I know to be honest).

Edited by Marthrym
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Everyone crying about the "nerf", watch this Penta build. Listen to what the guy says from 1:20 to 2:30 (Though really, the whole video is pretty good. Definitely one hell of an insane build.)


All that fire power. All that damage. While I agree this guy has forma'd his Penta from hell and back, do you guys seriously believe that a weapon that can dish out that much AOE damage should also have infinite ammo? Really?

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Back in the day, games in beta made no money until full release, now it's legal for them to milk and bamboozle players out of their hard earned money just to build up their corrupted empire, or just blow it all on themselves and not give a damn about anything the player has to say... and as for the Rox nerf... There's always the Attica+thunderbolt, which is now officially the BFG 10K until they nerf that too... if you don't believe me then look at this:



Edited by R3DBelmont456
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Back in the day, games in beta made no money until full release, now it's legal for them to milk and bamboozle players out of their hard earned money just to build up their corrupted empire, or just blow it all on themselves and not give a damn about anything the player has to say... and as for the Rox nerf... There's always the Attica+thunderbolt, which is now officially the BFG 10K until they nerf that too... if you don't believe me then look at this:

As compared to:


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Honestly, I think one of the biggest reasons people complain about nerfing the game is that it makes a game more difficult.


As far as Warframe goes, I think it could use a boost in difficulty. Just my opinion.


The reason you're complaining about nerfing is that you spent money on something that wasn't as good as when you bought it, shortly after you bought it.


My only response to that is that you should avoid spending money on things subject to change unless you're certain that regardless of the changes made to it, the item will serve it's original purpose.

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My only response to that is that you should avoid spending money on things subject to change unless you're certain that regardless of the changes made to it, the item will serve it's original purpose.

Original purpose... before ammo reduction it was grenade launcher and after ammo reduction it is still grenade launcher, nerfs never change original purpose.

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Original purpose... before ammo reduction it was grenade launcher and after ammo reduction it is still grenade launcher, nerfs never change original purpose.

Then it wasn't a bad idea for him to spend money on it, lol.


Considering you're taking out craptons of enemies with one single hit, changing the ammo from a ridiculously overpowered 540 down to 20 is a minor situation, especially compared to some of the other hits weapons in this game have taken. Pre-nerf Penta killed a great amount of mobs in a single hit, post-nerf Penta kills a huge amount of mobs in a single hit.


You want to talk about nerfs changing purpose? Let's talk about how melee 2.0 ravaged the Galatine.

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You want to talk about nerfs changing purpose? Let's talk about how melee 2.0 ravaged the Galatine.

Melee 2.0 was system rework ofc it will change every weapon within that category, you cant compare that to simple nerf and galantine still works, they exchanged slow charging time for slow attack speed to have similiar effect at the end, melee however is still too weak and some wrong deicisions were made about attack speed of melee overall.

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Not sure if the discussion is still going on, But I feel i should add my own two cents into the matter.


First off, you don't need to buy plat for anything in the game, unless you are a collector and want all frames and weapons.   And then its just buying frame slots and weapon slots.    


Forma,  Catalysts...  reactors.   can all be gained in game,  From void missions for forma.   Alerts for forma, or Catalyst.  (reactors too?)   and the Invasion missions.   They can have catalysts or reactors or forma.   Granted those ones are rare and go by fast.   But its still something that you can do in game, without spending money.    


Personally I've spent about 700ish dollars on this Game.  From Founder Pack, Ember prime access,  First tier of Rhinos, and second tier for loki, and hoping to get the money to get the 3rd tier before it goes away.   Plus just plat purchases.  For..  Slots for the Frames, and weapons, catalysts, forma, etc  Cause I had the plat.   Did I have to spend the money on this game?   Nope.   But I did, because this Game.  The system they are building, piece by piece, reclaiming and showing off a game, that they've always wanted to make.  (Plus its awesome and enjoyable, and wish could support the game and pay the devs checks more often then I do now ^-^;.)  Dark Sector (one of the most noted game by DE) is the child of what could have been the First Warframe. (Though probably not called that)  yet..  Investors didn't think a sci-fy shooter would make any money, so DE went back, and made Dark Sector.   Funny thing though is that halo came out not to long after,  A Sci-Fy Shooter,, and it changed things for the gaming world.


DE has done other games, and projects,  But From how they react and care for the game.  Its clear that A huge weight has been lifted off their shoulders in knowing that, The Game they first wanted to make..  Is enjoyed by so many people, and wish it came out sooner.   


I will Defend DE's judgement in what they add too, take away from, or charge within the Game.  Its Their Game, as much as it is ours given how they do take our feedback, look at the game, and make changes if the feedback was right about something that seemed unintentional.   They even take idea's from the the players for abilities, emenies, art, sound, new frames.  Etc etc.   Giving credit where credit is do.   


Secondly.    People have said the ammo count was to high,  made the game dull (Minus getting headshots with the orgis >:3).  You didn't have to do much,  just find a good spot, and shoot to your hearts content, and probably end the mission before you ran out of Ammo anyway.    Then when the carrier was added.  Didn't even need to move to collect ammo.   If some was in range of the Carrier,  it would grab it and you'd have full ammo again.  I personally am one of those that didn't like the large ammo pool, so rarely used the launchers cause it felt,  Like I was cheating.  Clearing rooms, and groups ( And sometimes myself XD)  yet always,  had full ammo.  Cause that one or two picks up was all that was needed for full ammo again.  


Warframe isn't a tower defense game ( Tho would make a neat app game for phones, different frames with different weapons/etc etc)  Its a Run, Gun, and Slash game.  Staying Mobile keeps your alive longer,,  especially when you hit those lvl 40+ enemies.  Crit build weapons, and head shots..  Still might not kill the target, but you can be sure you will tons of damage if you just stand still.  So your Ammo pool is going to change.   The damage you deal isn't changing,  Just need to go collect ammo drops now. or bring ammo gear with you.


When changes come to a game,  Either you like them, or hate them.   Learn to Live with them and adapt, or Leave and whine about how a Great game was "ruined" cause they made some guns have less ammo cause they are like hand held nukes to enemies... (Sarcasm in that last part).


All games change, even ones you buy at retail,   Updates, game patches, etc etc.  Cause.. the community rises up, and go " Hey.. Devs..  love the game..  But.  there's this thing,   that you can do with this weapon/skill/item/etc,  that pretty much is god mode, cause everything dies in an instant and makes the game play dull.   Can you change it?"  In which the devs go and look at the thing mention and go.  Yep that does make the game dull, lets change/fix it.   


So.. Question now?


Can you adept to change?  

Can you find that the Orgis or penta is still just as strong and useful as before, even with a small ammo pool?.   

Can you Understand, that this game..  is still growning, learning, evolving and maturing into one of the greatest games to come to light?


I might sound arrogant here, But.  I just have no sympathy for those that Cry out about Game changes, and demand that they be reversed,  Especially when what was changed as been something that many of the games Community has been wanting for a while now.  Nerfs/Buffs/balances,  Are going to keep happening.   Nothing we can do about it, unless its truly game breaking.  Which the ammo change for launchers isn't game breaking,  It just means you have to Move..  "Move your Body, every everybody, Move your Body"

Edited by Tveoh
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the Galatine is another classic example of a wepon people didnt really try before claiming it was nerfed.  ill admit it does feel slow to some extent but slap on that Cleaving Whirlwind stance and it can be just as devestating as ever.  it literally becomes a spin to win wep...you just have to remember to stop the spin before you get dizzy and then start it up again.

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Like pretty much everyone is saying. Did it nerf the damage? did it make it any less effective? and dont give me that "I run out of ammo to fast" BS, thats what a primary/secondary are for, Thats what a mutation mod is for(yes a rife mutation mod still mutates your ammo pickups into sniper ammo), thats what actually participating in mission and not just perching up on a ledge is for. Get you Greedy milk filled bottle out of your mouth and act like a Man/Tenno

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