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Rushers And Completionists.


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Alright there been very long discussions regardless this topic and it's about time i stepped into it. 
First of all I stand for both Parties. I like to do the objectives, i like to kill stuff, and i like to do it fast. I believe this is because of my childhood where i spent lots of time in Quake with friends, but that's irrelevant. 

The best way to deal with this situation is to support both type of players. 
Make so that Rushers will accomplish the mission and he will automatically departure with escape pod and will receive the reward due to fact that mission is accomplished.  While on the side note add completion rewards that reward you for cleaning more portion of enemies in the area (Like a progress bar which has checkpoints that represents rewards) which can be claimed when escaped. 

This will lead to more people wanting to clean the rooms while acknowledging that there is a choice to rush if you want to, or if the tough situation requires to. 

Of  course rushers will not receive completionist rewards, but they will receive the mission rewards which with careful calculations can be made so that revenue of completionists (slow) is equal to the revenue of rushers (fast). 
Making both parties happy, more or less. 

I am worked up about this because i don't want to live to a day where Rushers are stopped with gimmick tricks, like putting more walls, more traps, more damage for going faster, more lasers (which annoy the hell out of me even when i don't rush) 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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they already made it that  the timer to close the map/finish it won't start until a certain number of ppl is at the end of the map, that changed a lot cause before it only took one person to reach the end to already finish the mission. Besides if you want to farm in peace/explore the map/whatever... there's always solo mode or the private mode for your party.

Edited by g43riel
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Rushers can and should solo or create/join guilds which have rushing as main theme.


Sorry. Play style is one thing. Penalizing the rest of the party just because you like to rush is quite an other.

If you want to rush, then make sure that everyone agrees to it (by asking in chat and/or looking for such a party/guild/solo/whatever) otherwise thats life. Nobody should be penalized just because you played quake one too many time as a kid.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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Rushers can and should solo or create/join guilds which have rushing as main theme.


Sorry. Play style is one thing. Penalizing the rest of the party just because you like to rush is quite an other.

If you want to rush, then make sure that everyone agrees to it (by asking in chat and/or looking for such a party/guild/solo/whatever) otherwise thats life. Nobody should be penalized just because you played quake one too many time as a kid.

Slowjobs can and should solo or create/join guilds which have being incredibly slow as main theme.


Sorry. Play style is one thing. Holding up the rest of the party just because you like to move at an astoundingly glacial pace is quite an other.

If you want to stage an amateur impression of a three-toed sloth, then make sure that everyone agrees to it (by asking in chat and/or looking for such a party/guild/solo/whatever) otherwise thats life. Nobody should be penalized just because you can't find the shift key on your keyboard.

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If you want to just breeze through the mission as fast as you possibly can...why are you joining or hosting online games? Just go private.

Exactly.The majority of the rushes that I have dealt with have simply joined and tried to rush to the exit and gotten single digit kills or even no kills at all. At that point why join random matches if you aren't going to help the party or even really play the game aside from rushing to a point and then rushing to the exit?

The update did help a little by requiring half the party there so a single rusher joining 3 people going at a normal pace and actually killing things cant force an extraction on them.

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I wonder if it would be worth having two categories of public games: fast/slow.  Or rush/completionist, however you want to classify them.  I know I've done some of both.

Though I, too, wonder why runners join public games -- so they may end up just joining completionist games anyway.  It sounds like DE has a lot of stat tracking in place so they could probably even track the number of missions v number of kills (or shots fired, enemies hit, whatever) and force people into a league.  But I'm also not sure whether or not we have the population available to effectively split it.

My bit is, I don't feel either way is a more or less legitimate way of playing the game, so I don't want to see either become penalized.  In my mind it's more about enabling us to choose our playstyle and end up getting matched with similarly minded players, rather than loling at the slowbies, or penalizing those dirty runners.

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Slowjobs can and should solo or create/join guilds which have being incredibly slow as main theme.


Sorry. Play style is one thing. Holding up the rest of the party just because you like to move at an astoundingly glacial pace is quite an other.

If you want to stage an amateur impression of a three-toed sloth, then make sure that everyone agrees to it (by asking in chat and/or looking for such a party/guild/solo/whatever) otherwise thats life. Nobody should be penalized just because you can't find the shift key on your keyboard.



Trying to invert and/or point at a double standard has failed you one hardcore time mate.

Please priorize making sense over trying to be ironical and/or trolling, cause all you did right now was to destroy your own point.


1. There is no such thing as "holding up the rest of the party" in Warframe since pre patch 1 person could trigger exit, after patch 2 people can do the very same thing.

Unlike rushers, "slowjobs" cant "hold up" or penalize the party in any form or way.


2. "slowjobs" cant penalize the party in any form or way UNLESS you take +credit, xp, mods, craft mats, stats as penalty, in which case i would suggest to set your steam to offline and play warframe as such. Dont have any better idea at preventing you from the penalty of gaining anything.


3. Implying that grinding mobs equals to amateur impression.

Yep. Seems totally legit, just like the rest of your failed arguments. The nab rushing past everything, calls those who clear instead of him "amateurs".


Tl;dr: Do me the favor and reply to this post.

The community can use more replies from people such as yourself to make rushers look like the cancer of the entire game.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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Rushers exist for a reason... there is no point to play this game the slow way. If you want a lot of mod drops, play defense.


DE should make incentives for going slow and killing everyone, like adding bounty or give huge rewards if you exterminate all mobs or kill more than 50 or something else.

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Rushers exist for a reason... there is no point to play this game the slow way. If you want a lot of mod drops, play defense.


DE should make incentives for going slow and killing everyone, like adding bounty or give huge rewards if you exterminate all mobs or kill more than 50 or something else.

Indeed, we need something that would benefit us more to kill everything than to simply finish the mission as fast as possible.


Or conversely, something that would punish us more to not kill everything.

Like sending the stalker after people who are solo and away from the group.

He's laughable at higher levels, but a concept is a concept.

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DE should make incentives for going slow and killing everyone, like adding bounty or give huge rewards if you exterminate all mobs or kill more than 50 or something else.


Like mod drops, money, xp, craft mats, sta... Oh wait those are already dropping.

The entire point of your comment was that there is an inflation and items/money/everything is worth nothing. Literally.



- Difficulty increase/adjustment

- Item/mat sinks (hopefully with update 8)

- Revamping drop rates for even more rarity (in which case these topic will be about the horrible grind and the fact that not only blue prints, but crafting mats also take days to find)


Other than that im very much against the idea of adding even bigger drops to mobs.

Soon we will reach a point where DE will have to give away inventory slots and complete warframes just to encourage people to play the game and not just rush past everything like quake fanbodys.


I also would like to thank everyone who votes down anti-rusher posts.

Clearly voting down is the last resort when you have understood that you cant make any logical arguments in the defense of your case.

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Exactly.The majority of the rushes that I have dealt with have simply joined and tried to rush to the exit and gotten single digit kills or even no kills at all. At that point why join random matches if you aren't going to help the party or even really play the game aside from rushing to a point and then rushing to the exit?

The update did help a little by requiring half the party there so a single rusher joining 3 people going at a normal pace and actually killing things cant force an extraction on them.


The worst ones are the ones that join you while you are killing the boss. Do ~3% damage, take the loot and run off to the exit.

Sometimes I just give up, especially if it is a Loki and I am on Rhino. So I kill stuff and open boxes. Just wish he wouldn't get any of the EXP / Credits though.

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The worst ones are the ones that join you while you are killing the boss. Do ~3% damage, take the loot and run off to the exit.

Sometimes I just give up, especially if it is a Loki and I am on Rhino. So I kill stuff and open boxes. Just wish he wouldn't get any of the EXP / Credits though.

Some people seem to think that its not fun to go through and actually kill the mobs and enemies and get the mods and stuff that drop, and that its only fun to rush through the whole map and essentially not do anything but run.

They are usually concieted enough to think that their idea of fun outweighs everyone elses in the groups and that the rest of the group should cater to their idea of fun.

Honestly I dont see whats fun in playing "Run by everything and dont fire off any of your guns and dont dare kill anything" when the devs give you guns that are fun to use, such as the paris or bolt weapons.

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The worst ones are the ones that join you while you are killing the boss. Do ~3% damage, take the loot and run off to the exit.

Sometimes I just give up, especially if it is a Loki and I am on Rhino. So I kill stuff and open boxes. Just wish he wouldn't get any of the EXP / Credits though.



Rushers should be encouraged to make their own parties with rushing in mind instead of penalizing the entire party.

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I must admit that after i had finish all missions, all bosses and did not get any motivational reward at the end (no badge, video, applause, 2 phrases, money, a egg, a hat, nothing), i could understand rushers, what should push me to explore every corner DIablo style like of almost similar if not equal maps? Because if at the end i want to farm effectively i just could farm defense missions and do boss runs, these take less time than to do regular missions and are more rewardable, afterall maps are just random displacement of a few of elements and what i like from the game are the fights ^^. So normal missions are just there for to unlock possible spots for alarms.


This doesn't means i rushed but if the game will be hard resetted (theorically speaking), i will probably rush the content for the reasons above here.

Edited by Clownsanity
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This is the interent. People are going to play how they are going to play and at least half of them won't give a **** about anything but the fact that THEY win. Team play is supposed to be you know... teams working together? I know, I know... I am weird. Silly that, teamwork in an online game. How STUPID is that?


COD proved once and for all that teamwork is NOT the way online games should be played. Solo rush through everything and if you are not done with an entire level in less than five minutes you are a pathetic noob!


/sarcasm off.


That said, I am a completionist, but I TRY to stay with my team. Nothing ****es me off more than some yahoo who runs off trying to solo and runs smack dab into a whole mess of Corpus bots, gets chain stunned, killed, refuses to revive (probably because he is totally F2P and has to ask his parents for an allowance to buy revives)  and then screams at US for being too slow to support HIM. Then of course he rage quits. That gets old.


Of course it it OUR fault for being slow. For not keeping up with the speedster. For TRYING to play a team game as a team. Our bad.


I don't CARE if you rush. I am not going to. Go ahead, run past all the mobs, line them up for me in chokepoints. Go ahead, ignore all the chests/lockers along the way. You WILL still get the credits I pick up, but I don't care. You won't get the mods and resources I wil.


To each their own, but DO NOT cry to me if you run away from the team and get ganked. DO NOT.

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To each their own, but DO NOT cry to me if you run away from the team and get ganked. DO NOT.

This, a thousand times.

I cant recall how annoying it is to be insulted for not saving the person who didnt want to play in a team until they were downed. Though I do have to admit more than once I have played a trinity, hit Z and saw he was the only one dieing and refused to pop my ultimate because why waste 100 energy on a single person who isn't playing with the team?

And when they do get in trouble its the rest of the groups fault for not keeping up with them, its the rest of the groups fault for not playing "right". Where do they get off being so concieted as to actually think that their way is the only way?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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There must be a thin line there between the two.

On some maps you get infinite spawns (had an alert on Eris to capture a target on infested mission, lvl 40+ mobs) and in immediate vicinity of starting area I had infinite spawns of infested. I killed ~300 mobs there (was soloing) and they were still coming. While is nice to kill them for mods and stuff, they just won't stop coming. Imagine with a group. Will you hold everyone back there without advancing just because mobs keep spawning?

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COD proved once and for all that teamwork is NOT the way online games should be played. Solo rush through everything and if you are not done with an entire level in less than five minutes you are a pathetic noob!


I understand the sarcasm but i honestly wish you wouldnt have written that... just seeing it gives me the creeps...

Edited by Aerensiniac
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There must be a thin line there between the two. On some maps you get infinite spawns (had an alert on Eris to capture a target on infested mission, lvl 40+ mobs) and in immediate vicinity of starting area I had infinite spawns of infested. I killed ~300 mobs there (was soloing) and they were still coming. While is nice to kill them for mods and stuff, they just won't stop coming. Imagine with a group. Will you hold everyone back there without advancing just because mobs keep spawning?


Infinite spawns are different, I agree. The problem is knowing what IS an infinite spawn. I have had a few on solo that SEEMED infinite, then they stopped. Others on solo just kept coming in small groups and I finally realized they were infinite spawns.


I have also gotten separated from the group, taken more wrong turns that I care to admit in this game, usually into packs of bad guys. But I TRY to stay with the team. I don't just sit somewhere and shoot, I move. Sometimes firign backwards to keep MOAs and such at bay. I don't just hoof it to the extraction area, ignoring the mobs as I run like SO many others I have seen.


Oh and on that note...


How many of you rushers have ever SEEN a security camera? Know what it is? Know that it activates the laser doors BEHIND you? So that sometimes we CAN'T follow you?


Oh, wait... Why would you care? You are past it. Not your problem. Who cares if WE can hit the security camera YOU tripped in your hurry? Sometimes we can't from the angle and don't have anyone who can slide through the door.  (Sprinting slide doesn't always work)  So we have to WAIT for it to go down while YOU get further ahead.


Oh, wait... again, my bad. Not important. You just keep on rushing. It is what you do. I won't.

Edited by Kalenath
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