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Tactical Alerts: Grind2Farm & Burning Out


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Kill 100 randomly-spawning Hyenas with not all of your equipment to get a credit booster... Great. Kill 100 more with even less of your equipment to get a badge.


When I first joined the alert I thought to myself "Oh! I'm gonna quickly run this little fun alert!" Then once I was done I noticed that [9 out of 100] and I just went "......Oh..."


DE you're trying to keep your players playing the game with fun new content, but in my opinion you're burning out everyone. The alert is fun as well as modding for the conclave limit, but 100 hyena kills per reward is a bit too much.


And this is coming from someone who was burnt out as all hell when he got 172 wins for the Grineer on a single invasion node during gradivus and then almost never played warframe again. And that's 100% my fault.


I'd say reduce the kills needed to 50 at least.


Rewards could be better than boosters as well, although this is just my personal opinion and I know some people may really need a booster of some kind. Issue is, I won't be playing warframe again once I finish this until something else pops up so that booster will just go to waste like the affinity one I got from avalanche offensive.


Just to clarify: I'm still going to play the alert till I get the badge, just not anything afterwards that's not time limited.


Just my negative opinions, again. That's just me. Feel free to discuss ways to improve these alerts.

Edited by Sarmon
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While I agree that killing 100 Hyenas (and 200 for the completionists, but Hyenas are more plentiful in the Stratos challenge so it goes quicker) is really exhausting, DE is giving us 4 days to do so. That's... five games a day, if one can play every day.


On the good side, I really don't feel very compelled to care about the credit booster. So...

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Kill 100 randomly-spawning Hyenas with not all of your equipment to get a credit booster... Great. Kill 100 more with even less of your equipment to get a badge.


When I first joined the alert I thought to myself "Oh! I'm gonna quickly run this little fun alert!" Then once I was done I noticed that [9 out of 100] and I just went "......Oh..."


DE you're trying to keep your players playing the game with fun new content, but in my opinion you're burning out everyone. The alert is fun as well as modding for the conclave limit, but 100 hyena kills per reward is a bit too much.


And this is coming from someone who was burnt out as all hell when he got 172 wins for the Grineer on a single invasion node during gradivus and then almost never played warframe again. And that's 100% my fault.


I'd say reduce the kills needed to 50 at least.


Rewards could be better than boosters as well, although this is just my personal opinion and I know some people may really need a booster of some kind. Issue is, I won't be playing warframe again once I finish this until something else pops up so that booster will just go to waste like the affinity one I got from avalanche offensive.


Just to clarify: I'm still going to play the alert till I get the badge, just not anything afterwards that's not time limited.


Just my negative opinions, again. That's just me. Feel free to discuss ways to improve these alerts.

OP has a good point here, but I don't want us to lose track of the fact that limiting a player's gear based on conclave rating is GENIUS.


I found this to be very fun, in small doses of course. Obviously, if you made the entire game into conclave limits then much of a player's motivation to improve his or her gear would be lost. But in moderation, I relished the opportunity to compete with my fellow warframites for the highest damage percentage.


(Random hot tip: equip unmodded primary and secondary to level them up, use multi-forma good melee weapon to kill nasties)


Okay, the original poster is right in every material point, but especially in that the mission was too grindy.


However, instead of cutting the kills to 50 I'd say have twice as many hyenas spawn. That would be fun.

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Those are fun missions. If you don't enjoy them, don't play them. And most importantly, don't complain because of your laziness.

They may be fun for you, but not for everyone. He also said he was doing 172 grineer runs on gradivus, so this has nothing to do with laziness. I agree with you that no one has to play these alerts, but at least the grind could be reduced. A credit booster isn't really what I want to spend some time on. Everyone runs around with tons of credits since dark sectors were introduced.

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Yeah...it's more of a distraction while U15 is in the making. Oh well, it's better than nothing, it switches up the gameplay and it gives players things to do, which is what the game is about, sorta.


The Credit Booster reward was a bit weak. For lower rank players, yeah maybe it's useful, but after a while credit just gather dust. I could use some Catalysts or Forma tho. Maybe even discontinued weapons.

Edited by AlphaSierraMike
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Those are fun missions. If you don't enjoy them, don't play them. And most importantly, don't complain because of your laziness.


Read the OP. I'm playing the alerts. I'm not lazy. I just have better things to do after killing 200 enemies in warframe that are not killing even more enemies in warframe.

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if you don't enjoy grinding, you shouldn't play warframe. if you enjoy it, warframes "grind" involves a whole hell of a lot of visual entertainment which is why I think it's the best grinding game out there. but that's the point, that's what kind of game it is. 200/200 was easy, the reward is cool. I enjoyed doing it and almost felt sad once it was done - if there was some sort of stacking rewards system I would do more of it, what other exterminate has up to 20 hyenas in it?
confused on why you're bothering to post about this in the first place as you're going to stop playing again after you do it anyway

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also really dig what I just read above about pure-hyenas. missions like that would DEFINATELY make the Arctic event last week just as awesome - if there's a "regiment" of these things somewhere, why not make a big arena-like map where you have to battle them all, if not a wave at a time?

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I am not even going to attempt this "tactical" alert. Already burnt out since weeks ago.


Make that months!

I played it twice - stopped at 16 and I'm not gonna do any more of it.

The time I spent doing this, I could just farm credits in the first place. Credits which I don't need...


So all in all... kudos for trying, but it misfired, big time

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i fully embraced the idea this alert proposed, and i enjoyed myself

This guy was on my team half the time, and he was great. And I agree with him. This was fun, it was creative. DE is trying different stuff to see what works; this worked for me. But more hyenas, please.

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I would say Tactical alert should be boss only Alerts where you have to kill for example: Alad V, Ambulans, Hyena pack, jackal and raptor all at the same time in 1 big arena (same with Grineer bosses) giving that a big reward for only doing it once, would be awesome (especially if the level of the bosses balance with the teams conclave level

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Nobody is reading the thread so I'll say it again.


I am doing the alert and I'm willing to finish it.


The issue is that the alert is incredibly repetitive and I will just lose my will to keep playing the game after I finish it. It's called "Burning out" I have better stuff to do than kill 200 hyenas and then kill more enemies just for the sake of farming after an incredibly boring and repetitive mission.


I'm basically suggesting reduced grind and farming so that players will do other things rather than doing grindy limited time missions and then leaving the game until another limited time event happens or a major update happens.

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