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Update 7.7.4: Hotfixes


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Goodness that's alot of updates and fixes in a month :-) I like you DE XD

Btw, i dunno if anyone noticed but i've encountered mods "overlapping" each other, especially after supercharging my gear.

This caused the mod UI to overlap the other menues after exiting.

Other than that, keep up the great work d;-)b

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6 out of 9 are true.

a 33% fail rate suggests you didnt actually test this hotfix.

a Rhino with +50% armor rate and 660 shields shouldnt lose all those shields in 2 seconds to 5 grineer lancers.

perhaps instead of letting the lancers keep a braton, maybe, JUST MAYBE, you should replace it with a different gun so any future fixes you make wont effect their firerate. maybe in your next hotfix youll consider changing their gun, because a damn rhino with that much defence SHOULD NOT BE MORE AFRAID OF A LANCER THEN A HEAVY GUNNER!


yeah i agree rhino should be nerfed*

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Bumping someone's question I'm curious about...

I don't mean to be rude, but I'm wondering why you keep ignoring the people asking about the dual ether swords and ether daggers possibly being bugged? The swords have armor ignore on them while the daggers have no armor ignore (including the charge attacks). Seeing as how a lot of people will probably buy the swords thinking that this is intended, could you please clarify whether this is intended or not? Thanks.


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6 out of 9 are true.

a 33% fail rate suggests you didnt actually test this hotfix.

a Rhino with +50% armor rate and 660 shields shouldnt lose all those shields in 2 seconds to 5 grineer lancers.

perhaps instead of letting the lancers keep a braton, maybe, JUST MAYBE, you should replace it with a different gun so any future fixes you make wont effect their firerate. maybe in your next hotfix youll consider changing their gun, because a damn rhino with that much defence SHOULD NOT BE MORE AFRAID OF A LANCER THEN A HEAVY GUNNER!


Armor rate has nothing to do with your shield. Also shield means nothing when you're getting shot by for example level +50 mobs. Rhino is fine, use your iron skin.

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LoL i just remembered about a new  mode that were suposed to come with the new maps....


was it a dream or it got ninjaed like my beloved ground ninja kick (suposed to come when zipeline came)


and i forgot the cool "Prezet" option were you could save,colorpatern and name your frames


it was a cool idea

Edited by Tsoe
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well this whole is kinda awsome but there is one thing that bother me the most...
what about rare mods?
i mean yep, they are rare but not so rare!

I met people that with 5 hour gameplay didn't met evene once!
Myself too is playin this game for 5 days kinda 1-2 hour a day ( i skipped this continuity for some day i know the daycount by the daily reward) and i noticed i didn't even find a rare, nor a fusion core nor a mod
but what about the skills? u cannot build frames witouth skillz and at the moment is kinda impossible to find skill's card :(
i think it would be better not to put the rate at how it was before wich was like "eachmob get a rare 5 fusion rare mod " but still it would be nice to find at least 1 every 2 mission or 3 what do u guys think about this?

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Armor rate has nothing to do with your shield. Also shield means nothing when you're getting shot by for example level +50 mobs. Rhino is fine, use your iron skin.


This doesn't invalidate his experience, though. As  Rhino payer, I realize that this is still an issue. It bothers me that glaring problms like the Grineer fire rate, when they're addressed, should be fixed when they go to fix them, but they weren't, which is weird. He makes a point though. How did the devs not know that whatever changes they made to fire rate were inneffective?

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Support is backed up right now - are you affected by the friends appear offline problem?


no, we invite each other to a game in lobby (works fine), then we start a mission and after loading we have 5-15 seconds until we get kicked from the session and are seperated!

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This doesn't invalidate his experience, though. As  Rhino payer, I realize that this is still an issue. It bothers me that glaring problms like the Grineer fire rate, when they're addressed, should be fixed when they go to fix them, but they weren't, which is weird. He makes a point though. How did the devs not know that whatever changes they made to fire rate were inneffective?


With the rate they manage to patch this game we should be grateful that they're obviously working on it.  It was most likely a programming fluke that didn't have time to be tested, was assumed to have worked, and didn't.  They'll realize that (especially with so many posts about it..) and fix it, rest assured.


They manage to patch this game 2-3 times a week, and they're not the largest company.  They won't be able to patch AND test absolutely everything, which is why we, the Beta testers, are here.  I'd understand your concern more if this game was officially out of Beta and we were having 2-3 week (month at times) delays on patches, but we're talking patches a mere day or two later (often over the weekend even!). 

Edited by Verazix
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