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Alert Displaying And Filtering Program


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The new Filter looks nice ,tho i have a question is the Banshee Helmet BP not in the Reward list or did you just forget to add the filter ? :)


That is one I forgot to add, I will add it in the next release.




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on that mediafire ink



That means you are using the wrong link.  Use the one that is in the first post in the thread please.  I set the other versions to private so that people aren't downloading old versions and reporting old bugs.



I have a minor issue with it, i changed the .wav and it doesn't play it, do i need to convert it to a specific format ?



Recommending a few things to do onto the program.

1) Have it read from the processes and pull the currently running WarframeAlert.exe open if we open a new one.

2) Have an option to minimize to tray when selecting the Close button.

3) Have an option to minimize to tray when selecting the Minimize button. (I want to have it off personally.)


I was planning to add these changes to the next version, thanks :)

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For some reason the app didn't pull the 4300 credits alert from twitter for me. Anybody else?


Please paste your config files when reporting these kinds of bugs, it helps tremendously.



Also, I have released an updated version. Changes:

  • Now has support for automatic downloading of newer versions
  • Now has the ability to import older configuration files if they are still valid
  • The Minimize button now minimizes to task bar, and the Close button now minimizes to the system tray
  • Fixed "Banshee Helmet" not being listed in the blueprints section
  • I'm now hosting the files on my own webserver, mediafire is way too glitchy.


Link: http://wfa.okiesmokie.ca/WarframeAlerts_v1.4.0.0.zip

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Please paste your config files when reporting these kinds of bugs, it helps tremendously.



Also, I have released an updated version. Changes:


  • Now has support for automatic downloading of newer versions



  • Now has the ability to import older configuration files if they are still valid



  • The Minimize button now minimizes to task bar, and the Close button now minimizes to the system tray



  • Fixed "Banshee Helmet" not being listed in the blueprints section



  • I'm now hosting the files on my own webserver, mediafire is way too glitchy.



Link: http://wfa.okiesmokie.ca/WarframeAlerts_v1.4.0.0.zip


Hey, was hoping you could allow mp3s to be selected rather than just wavs

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things i would like to see:

>Need to add paris BP to filter list (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Paris)
>Add zeros to the time. xx:xx:xx 01:01:01 makes it easier to read
>add support for email/password for twitter (only username/password works and can solve a lot of new users problems)
>have it import the log upon open just incase the program crashes after a alert was just added.
>add an auto-login

mentioned by others:
>add support for .mp3 for alert tone
>Have it read from the processes and pull the currently running WarframeAlert.exe open if we open a new one.(matrixEXO)
>Sometimes im afk and miss an alert, or in a game, and miss the alert sound. For this reason I would like if the program could repeat the alert in every minute or so, until I click it, or something... (Damoklesz)

it caught the 4200 credit alert for me so might just be the way they configured it.


a bug i have found is if you resize the config window the import button doesnt move.

also i dont see anyway to update this version unless its done behind the scenes. also i get a "unhandled exception has occurred in your application" when trying to import from the current version. (ie i tried to import 1.4.0 config and got the error.) but it does work on 1.3.3 config file.

Edited by Nemesis353
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>Need to add paris BP to filter list (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Paris)
>Add zeros to the time. xx:xx:xx 01:01:01 makes it easier to read
>add an auto-login
>a bug i have found is if you resize the config window the import button doesnt move.
I'll fix/add these next release

>add support for email/password for twitter (only username/password works and can solve a lot of new users problems)
This is beyond my control. It's easier to log in with your username than your email anyway -.-

>have it import the log upon open just incase the program crashes after a alert was just added.
Possibly in the future, but I would have to change the log format, this isn't a priority for me at the moment, sorry.

>add support for .mp3 for alert tone
I'd have to completely re-do the way it plays the sound, for me this isn't a priority at the moment, but I will get to it eventually.

>Have it read from the processes and pull the currently running WarframeAlert.exe open if we open a new one.(matrixEXO)
I've already made it so that you cannot open a new window if one is already open, I suppose I could make it open the current one when you click it, but it is generally bad practice to be doing that to open windows. Just click the icon in your notify tray.

>Sometimes im afk and miss an alert, or in a game, and miss the alert sound. For this reason I would like if the program could repeat the alert in every minute or so, until I click it, or something... (Damoklesz)
I've already seen this suggestion and will add it eventually, it's just not a priority for me.

I read all the comments in here, there's not really a need to re-state things other people have said. If I haven't replied directly to them, it's because I am working on something else and what was mentioned is not a priority to me.

>also i dont see anyway to update this version unless its done behind the scenes. also i get a "unhandled exception has occurred in your application" when trying to import from the current version. (ie i tried to import 1.4.0 config and got the error.) but it does work on 1.3.3 config file.
I'm not sure what you mean by this? The version I posted is the newest version, and it is the only one with the version checking. I can't modify things that you have already downloaded to include version checking. Also, there is no reason to import a 1.4.0 config? It would already be reading that.. I didn't add error checking to that because I didn't think anyone would do it, but I suppose I will >_<

Edit: Let me clarify. The error is that you are trying to import the current config, not that you are trying to import a config. When the config file is already loaded, there is absolutely no reason to try and import that.

Edited by Okiesmokie
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1.2.1 did not show a 6200 credit alert for me. Not sure whether it is a network problem on my side of a bug in the warframe alert application. I am not using any filters. If it is relevant I can post again if it happens with

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1.2.1 did not show a 6200 credit alert for me. Not sure whether it is a network problem on my side of a bug in the warframe alert application. I am not using any filters. If it is relevant I can post again if it happens with


IIRC there was a bug with ~1.2 credit filters that I fixed in the version right after.  Let me know if it happens in 1.4 and I'll take a look.


I've been running 1.4 with the configs people posted all day, and so far and have not seen any discrepancies.




The icon used on the taskbar is pure Black and impossible to see if one is using a dark background like myself.


Please find some wait to add any contrast. Besides that, well done. I love it.

I'm not an artist :P  If someone wants to make me an icon, I will use it.
Edited by Okiesmokie
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Didn't pull the latest alert:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
            <section name="WarframeAlerts.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" />
            <setting name="Password" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="Username" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="RememberUser" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="FirstTimeRun" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="LogAlertsCheck" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="Filters" serializeAs="Xml">
                    <ArrayOfFilter xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
                            <Name />
                            <OtherRewardsFilter>Banshee Helmet;Saryn Helmet;Volt Helmet;Trinity Helmet;Rhino Helmet;Ash Helmet;Mag Helmet;Loki Helmet;Nyx Helmet;Frost Helmet;Excalibur Helmet;Ember Helmet;Dagger Axe;Brokk Hammer;Plasma Sword;Pangolin;Jaw;Heat Sword;Heat Dagger;Dark Dagger;Ceramic Dagger;Orokin Catalyst;Orokin Reactor;Dark Sword;</OtherRewardsFilter>
            <setting name="LaunchWithWindows" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="LogAlertsFilename" serializeAs="String">
                <value />

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Didn't pull the latest alert:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
            <section name="WarframeAlerts.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" />
            <setting name="Password" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="Username" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="RememberUser" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="FirstTimeRun" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="LogAlertsCheck" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="Filters" serializeAs="Xml">
                    <ArrayOfFilter xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
                            <Name />
                            <OtherRewardsFilter>Banshee Helmet;Saryn Helmet;Volt Helmet;Trinity Helmet;Rhino Helmet;Ash Helmet;Mag Helmet;Loki Helmet;Nyx Helmet;Frost Helmet;Excalibur Helmet;Ember Helmet;Dagger Axe;Brokk Hammer;Plasma Sword;Pangolin;Jaw;Heat Sword;Heat Dagger;Dark Dagger;Ceramic Dagger;Orokin Catalyst;Orokin Reactor;Dark Sword;</OtherRewardsFilter>
            <setting name="LaunchWithWindows" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="LogAlertsFilename" serializeAs="String">
                <value />



I'm going to release a client with a debug window later today.  It will display the information it gathers on every alert that is posted, in a separate window, and perhaps it will help in tracking down this bug.

Edited by Okiesmokie
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I think I changed the credit amount it should alert me for between the 7k and the 6k alert. I restarted the client and it alerted me just fine for the newest one, so maybe that's got something to do with it. Thanks for your efforts.

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I love it it´s finally working exactly like I wanted it to ^^ for everything I wanted too. 

Only thing I had a problem with was the .wav files but then I realised I could just convert MP3´s ^^ been using it for the entire day today and it´s working wonderfully. Love it ^^ and keep up the  great work 

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sorry to re-post what others have said was just trying to make it easier for you to have it in one spot.

about the update thing... 1.4.0 doesn't have an update button so i didn't know if it just does it by itself or maybe the button got left out.

i was just pointing out the issue with loading the current config didn't know if it was a problem with the 1.4.0 config or if it was just because your loading one that's already loaded.


anyway great program and has been working 24+ hrs straight for me no missed alerts.


running 1.4.0

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sorry to re-post what others have said was just trying to make it easier for you to have it in one spot.

about the update thing... 1.4.0 doesn't have an update button so i didn't know if it just does it by itself or maybe the button got left out.

i was just pointing out the issue with loading the current config didn't know if it was a problem with the 1.4.0 config or if it was just because your loading one that's already loaded.


anyway great program and has been working 24+ hrs straight for me no missed alerts.


running 1.4.0

Ahh I see what you meant now.  I thought you meant you were trying to update from to a newer version.  But nope what you said was correct, it does the work behind the scenes and will alert you if there is a newer version.  There's no need for you to click an update button.

Also I appreciate you trying to help by combining other people's suggestions into one post, but it just means I have more to read xP  I read every comment in here, and I have a text file saved with all the suggestions so that I remember them.


Bad work

What's wrong with it?  Saying "Bad work" doesn't help if you don't elaborate.



E:\dl\games\warframe\WarframeAlerts_v1.4.0.0.zip.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

Try again later, or contact the server administrator.


When do you get this error?  It says contact the server administrator, but there is no folder structure like that at all on my server.  The file should also not be a .part file.

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Updated to Version Changes:


  • Added a debug window, accessible from the Debug Menu.  Please paste the contents of this when reporting bugs with alert reporting.



  • Added Paris to the list of filtered blueprints.



  • Added an auto-login check box on the login form.





Download Link: http://wfa.okiesmokie.ca/WarframeAlerts_v1.4.1.0.zip


To update either download it from the link above, or run the program and it will download it for you.

Edited by Okiesmokie
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Updated to Version Changes:


  • Added a debug window, accessible from the Debug Menu.  Please paste the contents of this when reporting bugs with alert reporting.



  • Added Paris to the list of filtered blueprints.



  • Added an auto-login check box on the login form.





Download Link: http://wfa.okiesmokie.ca/WaframeAlerts_v1.4.1.0.zip


To update either download it from the link above, or run the program and it will download it for you.


Dead link.

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