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Stop Designing The Pc Ui For Controllers


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I don't see how the UI has been made any easier for controllers than they were for Mice. If I can click on it and it does the thing I expect it to do then it works for my mouse. I don't see how any of it would make more of a difference on console.

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Suck it PC masterracers.


Seriously though, the old system was screwed up for controllers. This new one puts everyone on equal footing, instead of giving PC the major upperhand.


Also... the title of this thread makes me want to punch my screen. They developed the game for consoles as well, wtf do you think they're going to do? Not improve upon the one sided UI that came before? I'm sure PC will get it's own UI overhaul soon enough.



Edited by Kestral9999
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And yet using the controller on the PC build is terrible.

^^ Amen ^^ I have asked the gaming gods over and over to let DE make the PC version allow true controller use and they ignore and mock me. I have to use both keyboard and controller to play and it is terrible!

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Suck it PC masterracers.


Seriously though, the old system was screwed up for controllers. This new one puts everyone on equal footing, instead of giving PC the major upperhand.


Also... the title of this thread makes me want to punch my screen. They developed the game for consoles as well, wtf do you think they're going to do? Not improve upon the one sided UI that came before? I'm sure PC will get it's own UI overhaul soon enough.




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Seriously, almost every UI design so far has only made it easier to use with a controller and harder with a mouse. I hoped it wouldnt come to this but it seems it has.


Err, yes... of course it has.  Not.  I've been a PC player of Warframe for over a year now and honestly, the UI changes haven't made it any more difficult to use with a mouse.  Rather than making such a bland statement as you have, why not cite what you find difficult about it so the Devs have more feedback to consider.  This is after all the feedback forum.


Suck it PC masterracers.


Seriously though, the old system was screwed up for controllers. This new one puts everyone on equal footing, instead of giving PC the major upperhand.


Also... the title of this thread makes me want to punch my screen. They developed the game for consoles as well, wtf do you think they're going to do? Not improve upon the one sided UI that came before?


Hmm, a bit aggressive on your response eh Kestral??  Might want to tone it down a little!

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this thread is so ignorant.


let me explain to you in layman's terms how you do UI design.


if you have multiple platforms in mind, for consistency, you design your UI to accomodate the least feature filled platform. 

however, you also keep in mind the other platforms that will be using it, and make compromises here and there so that everybody can be happy.



the UI we have now, as well as everything since 'UI 2.0' has had both PC and Console equally in mind. (Edit: well, actually, generally it feels Warframe is more focused on PC than Console actually)

this is why navigating the menus in both is a fairly smooth process.


i have no trouble using Warframe with a mouse whatsoever.



i would say please know what you're talking about and do research before sticking your foot in your mouth, but this is the internet, who am i kidding.

Edited by taiiat
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It's a bit more cumbersome to navigate menus now with a mouse (especially the main menu with Options, Navigation, Arsenal, etc.), but it's a compromise we have to make for console play. Thankfully it's not outright -terrible-. It takes a few extra clicks to get to where I want to be, and while I'd rather it not be that way, I can tolerate the new UI.

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Hmm, a bit aggressive on your response eh Kestral??  Might want to tone it down a little!

I play on PC occasionally and have literally 0 issues with the UI. It doesn't hinder me whatsoever, yet every day I see threads like this one saying that the new UI is crap and it makes everyone's game so much harder to navigate. It gets annoying after the first hundred times or so. Yes, it is slightly less efficient than the old UI but that doesn't mean everyone has to band together in harmonious hatred against the new UI. People suck at adapting to change...


For what it's worth, I'm not nearly as aggressive about it normally. This particular thread just struck a nerve because of the title and OP. Like because this is how things are, they aren't ever going to change and DE is the devil for having made an intermediary UI that totally works fine in the meantime to make both sides "happy".



I have never... EVER in my life been a fan of PC gaming. The ability to plug and play with a 360 controller made it more accessible but no more appealing to me. When this game came out, I gave it a try. Liked it enough to buy a founder's package and then quit the game shortly thereafter. Only to pick it up when I saw that it was a free download on PS4. Now, I only log in on PC to play around as Excal Prime occasionally, and only because they didn't make Founder's items transferable.


If anything, I'm a minor traitor to my love of next gen consoles. And only because I have to be.

Edited by Kestral9999
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