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Nyx Is Likely The Next Prime Frame!


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So not sure if this is okay to post here (I hope so) but people who went through the files found some interesting new strings in there.


Specifically a mention of Nyx prime! So you can obviously do the math.


There's also a mention of Prime armor(likely the prime access accessory) , Hikou Prime, and Scindo Prime (let's hope this coincides with a Heavy Weapons buff)


So yeah exciting stuff! Discuss! 


And if you wanted to take a look at the strings yourself


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Oh boy she got "nerfed" and now the prime version comes out so everyone will be passive agressively accepting about the situation.


"GRRR I CANT BE IMMORTAL WITH NYX SHES GARB-hey prime version I guess this isn't so bad."


Kudos, DE if true.

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Oh boy she got "nerfed" and now the prime version comes out so everyone will be passive agressively accepting about the situation.


"GRRR I CANT BE IMMORTAL WITH NYX SHES GARB-hey prime version I guess this isn't so bad."


Kudos, DE if true.


I don't really understand why everyone is so upset about the Absorb nerf, Chaos is still brikkity broke and sitting in absorb and then alt tabbing to go troll the forums wasn't terribly fun anyways. But that's just my 2 cents.

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Was there supposed to be a pic?

Nah there wasn't any pictures it was just backend stuff referencing it.


But before the hype train gets going completely remember that loki prime had backend mentions for a long long time before came out.


But this is a little different considering it has all the makings of the next prime access. so I think this one is a little more sure.

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Oh, did they ever fix her 2?


Nyx is probably my least played frame of all time, I don't even remember what it's called, I just remember it sucked when I first played her and it still sucked after every patch note that mentioned it, but I've been less attentive to patch notes for the last two months or so.

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Oh, did they ever fix her 2?


Nyx is probably my least played frame of all time, I don't even remember what it's called, I just remember it sucked when I first played her and it still sucked after every patch note that mentioned it, but I've been less attentive to patch notes for the last two months or so.

Nope it still does no damage and misses 90% of the time. But at least you get more mod space !

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Nope it still does no damage and misses 90% of the time. But at least you get more mod space !


That's sad... I hope they fix that before she's released. It's so much nicer leveling a frame with a cheap damage skill than with the 'ultimate' IMO.

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(if wrong place to post then by all means move it, also if this breaks any rules, somehow, remove it/lockit)


anyone else watch the video about the "leaked" primes. obviously speculation on top of it but it does seem to be real. He was also the one who leaked loki prime and such a few weeks before that came out.


so yeah, HYYYYYYPE.

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Do a quick search on google/reddit and you'll find a video with the datamined content. It lists the next Primes as well as non-primes like an "acid rifle," a "Grineer spark rilfe," the archwing railgun, a Tigris pistol (sawn off?), and the long-awaited Grineer combat knife.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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