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Hate Newbie Players? Please Read This When You Have Time.


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I like to adress something that i have experiened when playing with others, especialy older players

that have played the game alot longer. This isnt just Warframe but in other games too.

As an example, let me tell you what i experienced some time ago when playing online with 3 other people.

It was me, 1 guy who was zorenchoptering and 2 new players who just joined warframe.


I was staying behind and was helping the new players to get them to play the game, like guiding them

and all that. But then there was this guy who was zorenchoptering and he was already at the reactor

(was playing Sabotage). When he was there, he called the new palyers (Censored) noobs and called me

a founder elitist (and ofcorse, back to the kitchen joke). He said alot more things to the new players

but those where far to vulgar to even say it here openly.


Why am i talking about this? Well, let me ask you something. You play Warframe, and you have all

the awesome mods, weapons and the experience of using them, or you might be a zorenchopter guy or gal, who

wants to rush through the level for various reasons, may it be for unlocking more nodes on a planet, farming or

simply have no patience, but one thing that stops you from rushing, are the new players who are still new

to the game and need more time to catch up, and you get mad at them, doing name callings and insult them.

But maybe one thing, jsut one thin,g you might have forgotten something, for i have never forgotten the

most important thing.


We all where newbie too in the past.


Shocking isnt it? Just like them, you and i once where drooling babies on the battlefield, had no idea how to

play and had to learn and grow up and able to experience the best of the game, but many of you (me included) never

had it easy at the beginning (in my case, for economical reasons). I can tell you my story as a newbie but i save it

at the spoiler tag at the bottom if you are interested.


On to the point. Back in 2007, i bought Unreal Tournament 3 when it jsut came out.

On many of its loading screens, it have tips and tricks. One of them was this

sentance if i remember it correctly *Practice good sportsmanship, you were a newbie once too*.

That quote is indeed true since, we all where noobs too in the past, and none are born pro.

I know quite few of you who does care for the new players and for that, i have full

respect to.


All i want is that if there is a new player in your team, let them take their time to get to know

the game, let them have fun. If you really need to rush a level to unlock nodes, collect resources and

materials or other reasons that require rushing, do so solo, it be also alot easier for you.


Alright, so you are interested in my story as a newbie in Warframe? Well here it is.

While Excalibur was my starter, i choose Volt later since i had platinum (Also bought Bo).

While many veterans had alot of fun wiht their mighty weapons and mods that could deal over 2k

damage, i was stuck with a Braton, Sicarus and Bo while using Volt.

For a long time, i wanted a new warframe, so i searched around google and the only

warframe i could farm that was actauly possible for me to get, was Ember.


But getting the parts for Ember was alot harder than it was today consider that the

blueprints where dropping as purple orbs, and most of the time it was either the wrong one or

it never dropped at all. Also, even when i finaly got the parts, getting the materials for them

was even worse. Control Module was the part i needed the most, and it might sound silly

to most of you, but belive me, that sucker was rare, very rare, and Hyena had it.

At the time, Hyena was actualy a rescaled, recolored Jackal but was ALOT stronger.

So imagen firing a low powered Braton on it. Not that fun i tell you.


That is just a taster on how my noob life was. When i aquired a new job that gave me alot

more cash, i could spend more money in WF without having economical problems.

I later managed to get into major events (Gradivius Dilemma was my first), and

aquiring exclusive weapons and items where awesome, and i later became a founder and

later aquired my most priced item, Hayden Tennos's armor <3


Even after such a long journey, i still look back at those frustrating days and i am

happy on where i am now. I do my best to help new players to embrace what this amazing game

has to offer, giving them some tips and tricks, helping them out on missions and so forth.


Thanks for reading this spoiler tag.


That be all my luvs.

Edited by Cebius
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I spent years as an active admin for various shooter game servers and I enjoyed leading groups in MMO's when I was more active on those.


The internet community is a sewer. Even good people behave badly, because they're playing an a sewer.


The bar for the community will always be on the floor or lower, until we have tools to raise it.


We need intentional hosting with kicking. Simple as that.


Yes. It can be abused. Yes, the community at large may set standards you disagree with. Sorry. Now look around at every other genre of game and show me the game that has a WORSE community because of intentional grouping and kicking. Show me the game where people say they wish there were no dedicated servers. Show me the game where they say they should be forced to group with whoever they bump into until their quest is over. It doesn't work that way. Leaders lead, kicking sets standards. The community in random PUGs will be a sewer until the people who care can set standards on issues they care about.


My greatest fear right now is that they'll do a kick vote, which does nothing and annoys everyone. I go back and forth on if that would be progress or not so I've stopped posting about it. Just makes me look like a hypocrite.

Edited by VKhaun
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I think the problem is that some people start off a little worse than others. While some people also take a lot longer to learn than others. Like when you see someone who's rank 8 and still doesn't know the "Don't be a doorway hero" rule. I don't want to be that guy tooting his own horn, but whenever I start a game I generally soak it all in pretty fast. So sometimes I get a little impatient with people not being able to keep up with the learning curve. Guess it's a case by case basis.

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I don't have problems with people that are new. I have problems with people that suck. 


That means I have a lot of problems.

I swallow. I'm not one of those problems right?

OT: I'm also one of those people that like to copter all the way to the ends of the earth but in no way would I ever be impatient to anyone that is slower than me or barely started the game. Warframe has a diverse community so you're bound to find all types of people from those in their late 50s to those with physical restrictions so to me, its not a surprise that we would find people like this.

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When I was a noob I actually wanted to play with other noobs. Playing with high-level players right after starting a new game is the most @(*()$ annoying thing ever I have experienced in this game. I couldn't get any kills, I couldn't get any better in this game because I couldn't do anything else than ''leech'' all the missions, unwillingly of course.


New players ruin the gameplay of old players, and old players ruin the gameplay of new players.

Edited by PeanutMonster
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I would be nicer... If only they weren't jumping into my T3/T4 and getting knocked down every 20 seconds.



I totally agree with wwhat you say Cebius, but don't forget that noobs can also be disgraceful beings. The most common example is when they get overzealous and try jumping in Void/Derelict missions. I don't really complain when I carry someone, but when I notify a new player politely that they're trying to run before learning to walk, they usually respond badly.

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I totally agree with wwhat you say Cebius, but don't forget that noobs can also be disgraceful beings. The most common example is when they get overzealous and try jumping in Void/Derelict missions. I don't really complain when I carry someone, but when I notify a new player politely that they're trying to run before learning to walk, they usually respond badly.

Indeed. There are many  kinds of players, both good and bad, but in my post, i refere to the inocent ones who simply just want to learn teh game and have fun.

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n00bs are people who have played the game before and refuse to change, or take the most OP gear to suck all skill out of playing the game (aka rank 8 hallway heroes running Mirage and Penta). Newbies are just new to the game and are generally clueless (aka most new players). n00bs deserve the treatment they get, but often newbs get mistaken for n00bs and that's when the trouble starts.

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I've never hated noobs

Let me tell you my first experience with people who hate noobs

My first i played online was on mass effect 3

I had almost no idea how to shoot use or my powers

So I joined a squad and of course I sucked at shooting I had a really hard time

Defending my self so I kept almost dying and one of the players decided to yell at me and call me names

Laughing at me

So I kept playing I got waayy better

So one day I joined a squad and I ran into the same guy who called me names it was just him and me

And he recognized my account name and he's like heeey it's you, you still suck, but at that time I got really good at it got a stronger character and a really strong sniper javelin

So the enemy's came and I killed them all he didn't even touch one

Got all the xp and the highest score and then he had nothing to say anymore

The moral of the story never be mean to noobs they may come back Better than you

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I used to be a newb in warframe the first week, then I played a lot and paid $50 for some plat, now I'm a master rank 10+ pro at this game, even some people who have mastery rank 15+ need my help. 

I'm sort of like that zorencopter guy, but I don't say stuff like that, I mean, I would say hurry the f**k up, but I'd be patient and wait, since I'm always the fastest player in the squad, and I don't zorencopter >:D

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