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Is It Better To Rush Through Misssions Or To Open Every Locker And Break Every Chest?



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Depends on the mission. 


If you are able to, high-level Dark Sectors and void missions have a higher mission reward yield of credits. If you can't reasonably rush these missions because you neither have good mods nor access to said missions, opening every locker is better. I kept count of a couple (a lot) of missions where I opened as many lockers as possible, the average yield is between 4000 and 15K, depending on the map and your luck. I've had excessively good yields on the Jupiter map.


Survivals or bosses are hands-down the best missions for resources, but again, if you struggle with those lower missions, lockers are a better bet, if only because rushing isn't something doable and bosses can be a chore with poorly leveled weapon. Mobile Defense missions are also pretty good. 


If you are after the reward given by a mission, like say a Prime Part, rushing is the best way to go about it. 


EDIT: That's solely about the rewards, preferences might vary between individuals. 

Edited by Kinperor
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There's not much, if any at all, that's worth breaking chests and lockers for though I do open them but only because my health may low or I'm in need of energy or because why not? But chests and lockers generally only yield Health and Energy orbs, Credits and resources that many players already have a plethora of so that's why they're not bothering with it. 

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Depends on what you're hunting, really. When I'm really hurting for credits, I'll often do a big explore of a map with Master Thief equipped. Cracking open as many lockers as possible in a mission can score a pretty decent amount of credits, sometimes more than the mission reward.

If you've got a credit booster on as well, then it's definitely a plus to do that - I picked up about 27k credits from a T1 Capture just from lockers alone, which made the exploration worth it.

If you just want a solid reward (i.e. Prime, Alert BP, Invasion) then rushing is the better choice. Exploration only rewards credits and resources, which if you're not hurting means you can skip doing it.

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I suggest rushing in pretty much every map except the Void- there's just no reason to sit around and open every locker. If you're going to go Solo, be my guest, but taking forever and twiddling your thumbs while everyone waits and the exits is just a bit silly, and frankly not all that worth it.


When I suggest rushing, however, I don't mean that you should rush everything. I just don't think there's any reason to explore, other than for cat statues or if you want to see a new map (such as the new polar tileset). You don't have to copter as fast as you can to the exit, or put a Rush mod on every 'frame.

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If you're behind the rest of your team then I'd suggest not opening lockers and just keep up with your teammates. But if you're leading the way, do whatever you want.


I always get annoyed when I get on a lift then see the last person who isn't on the lift opening lockers. I usually will start the lift even if it's one of those 30 second ones.

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