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I Heard That All The Big Alliances Fix The Dark Sector Fights And Do Favors For Each Other Behind The Scenes To Have Monopolies And High Taxes.


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they definitely do fix the fights... all night last night there was an ash lagging up the server literally killing everyone everytime they respawned, it wasn't the natural kind of lag either. not only that but I would run to the other side of the map to get away from the bladestorm, it would still hit me. no matter where i was. it sucked!!!

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I literally have a recording of this being discussed with my alliance as the "shadow alliance" who owns something like 20 of the dark sector nodes (just look at which clans have been fighting each other over and over for months...) was attempting to strong arm us into handing our node over.

Yes, there is a "shadow alliance" of alliances and clans which control nearly every node. We've spoken with DE about this but they haven't fixed the situation as you can tell and it would not seem they intend to fix it.

The rich get richer, and if you can't beat 'em, you join 'em, or you quit. We chose the second option. But anyone still holding a node most likely chose the first.

This is not a conspiracy, it's real. I can share more info over PM or something but I will be punished for naming and shaming if I were to say anything else.

i wouldn't really call it a shadow alliance since it was pretty obvious, given that they all have similar names and logos and practices and have overly sanitized recruiting blurbs


some of them seem to be better at building rail defenses than others, though

Edited by weirdee
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ive heard some generally shady stuff about pretty much all the major alliances. that they talk behind the scenes to figure out who gets what and then tell their members what to defend or attack so they can tax places for like 60% after they secure their monopolies. any truth to this? 

And this is why i will not play any dark sector and no way is my clan going in any alliances with this type thinking in game i only work with my clan team there good lads all them its at the stage where game players have power over single players now mad tax's and that is a game killer when you give the gamers control over the game content we play or did.

Edited by gunsmoke77
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Well All nodes are 0% taxes What do you have to say now.


Greed has nothing to do with Haven fun. Good sir, I am haven fun.


I'll be perfectly honest, I don't like high taxes, and I don't like ICE alliance. Our friend here, if I recall correctly, is from ICE alliance, but everything he has said regarding what their alliance has done, alongside all allegations that may be feasibly true (DDoS is not, as one bad server day doesn't constitute as evidence for the remainder of conflict days of no issues), assuming they were true, are all well within their right as players and as the controllers of a rail.


There's a difference between things that are subjectively immoral, and things that are objectively, for lack of a better word, wrong.

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Well All nodes are 0% taxes What do you have to say now.


Greed has nothing to do with Haven fun. Good sir, I am haven fun.


Yea...because today makes the previous taxes,etc. go away lol


Saying "well they are now" isnt really a valid argument till its become something of a trend vs out of the norm

Edited by Echoa
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I'll be perfectly honest, I don't like high taxes, and I don't like ICE alliance.


I don't like Mondays, and I don't like ICE cream that melts, 2 things that are going to happen and always be around .   I love Warframe. I love my Alliance. some of the Best computer games I have meet in a long time. I thank you all.  I also thank DE for bring every one this free to play game.


You go DE

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So, all this talk of if its true or if its not true.  ( that there is a large group of alliances working united to control all the dark sectors )  and then the ICE leader himself comes and says....


Well All nodes are 0% taxes What do you have to say now.


Greed has nothing to do with Haven fun. Good sir, I am haven fun.



as you can see it really is. 0% tax all across the solar system. so..... magically 15 nodes drop all taxes?



I mean come on people. if you can't put these 2 together. please ask someone with a bit more IQ to explain it.

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So, all this talk of if its true or if its not true.  ( that there is a large group of alliances working united to control all the dark sectors )  and then the ICE leader himself comes and says....




as you can see it really is. 0% tax all across the solar system. so..... magically 15 nodes drop all taxes?



I mean come on people. if you can't put these 2 together. please ask someone with a bit more IQ to explain it.


Brains people use them, this guy did. 


Nice move romp

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So is there any one in these Alliances with the name of Madoff, Milken, Martoma, Ebbers, Skilling, Corzine, Boesky, Nacchio, Gupta or Rajaratnam?

Honestly, this whole business reeks to high heaven


I didn't know all the people in the alliance had the credits put into their accounts.


Taxes are free now. Might as well enjoy them while you can.

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why it is a surprise? we have UN security council irl. big powers will coordinate before taking actions to avoid unnecessary conflicts.


This isn't the UN though, it's a videogame, and apparently there shouldn't have to be a coordination between actions, these conflicts are a source of battlepay for players, but when the rails fight themselvs, they don't need to offer battlepay, because theres virtually no one fighting them 


A conspiracy such as this is making a tool out of the game system the devs worked hard to build, and provides an advantage to players who exploit the lack of rules prohibiting inter-alliance coordination


Not that it's against the rules, but everyoen wants to at least have a go at trying to take em dark sectors over yonder...

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Pretty much how I feel on the matter. If a bunch of alliances want to work together and do political shenanigans, let them. If they want to act scummy and make ludicrously high taxes, that's not DE's problem. It might be "exploiting" in some sense, but it isn't really the form of exploiting that warrants them to be punished or the system to be changed (such as if they were exploiting a bug, which is tantamount to cheating).


Seems to work well enough in EVE Online. I'm of the mind that DE should follow CCP's example when it comes to alliance/clan/solar rail politics.


If you guys are so upset by how some clans or alliances are conducting themselves, then do something about it. Band together to form an anti-corruption alliance and give the "shadow" alliance a run for its money.


My sentiments exactly, except I had trouble wording it out. This is exactly how DE meant things to go.  The original idea was, as it goes is to encourage smaller clans to band up to form a big coalition to fight against other alliances and corporations if you may say call them by. This is very similar to EVE Online sort of system where the players control everything.

And on EVE Online, if anyone has ever heard. It is filled with these sort of conspiracy and wars between different factions and it is awesome like that. It is a constant battle against each faction as they try to gain and possess areas on their own. What I really want to see in this game is the same kind of action happening here too. What it requires though is for the smaller clans to be willing to be a part of a bigger coalition alliance and fight for their right to have power in the solar system.

It will not happen by trying to persuade DE or the community because the other players then get discriminated against for being part of the bigger alliances as they chose to do in favor of smaller alliances. And how could you solve the issue? By dividing the effect of influence between the count of membership? Then the smallest coalitions would be able to dominate the show by having few active players, each of their contributes being worth of hundreds of players in bigger alliances.

The fact of the matter is that smaller alliances need to step up if they want to have power and influence over some areas. Dark Sectors are meant to be end game content basically and they are meant to be something to be fought over of in one way or another so the only way to gain what you desire is to fight back the bigger bullies if you may metaphorically say so about bigger alliances.

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