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Nihil Shimmering Void Frame This Idea Has Been Updated In A Later Post See It For The New Details


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HI fellow Tenno I'm new to forms so bear with me,


Introducing Nihil the frame lost within the infinitely of the void a forgotten experiment left on his own by the Oroken through much pain and quite hot fire of decades lost he has ended back within the lost Oroken ships of the derelict gripped tightly by those whom don't even know they have him are you skilled enoph to find him and awaken the lost shimmering void frame.


Nihil is a master of the energy's surrounding the void due to being thrown within the void and being unable to be reclaimed he has had much time to master the effects of the voids dimensional powers enabling his fellow Tenno during a violent dimensional clash and allowing his foes to be torn asunder by its powerful grasp.     





1.Severance: Nihil warps dimensional space with a swing of his blade, cleaving enemies in two as points of space ceasing to be connected.

damage type 150 / 200 / 240 / 300 random type
VoidCut: Nihil discharges raw void energy from his sword your frame swings your melee weapon horizontal dealing a dimensional pulse that would act as a liner hit type 


2.Lift The Veil: Nihil rips a tear in reality exposing enemies to the Void. Enemies that gaze into the rift are driven mad by its blinding light, attacking enemies and allies alike, while those that stand too close are torn apart by the impossible forces of the Void


Basically creates a rift that shines a sphere of Void energy away from Nihil and remains for a few seconds. The light deals Radiation damage to enemies over time with a very high Proc chance per tick. Damage per second scales with proximity to the rift, may also have a directional vacuum effect that draws enemies closer while they are in the light. Not quite to the extent of Vortex, though. If within opposite directions the damage spikes  


Severance: Nihil shakes and rips the dimensional space around him letting otherworldly monstrosities to slip through and tear your foe asunder  your frame rips a hole in dimensional space causing random slashes in the surrounding area makes several different forms of monster tentacles and claws to stick out of them dealing damage  

damage type: 25 / 75 / 100 / 150  random physical types with bleed proc within 5 / 8 / 10 / 12 meters lasting for 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 seconds.


3.Distortion: bends space to redirect bullets toward their targets


allows the frame to target an enemy all shots fired at the frame curve toward the target as long as the target is within the sight of the frame including allied shots curve as well all within the cone of sight this also includes the targets shots as well  


Silver Summoning: forces the closest allies to teleport to your frame with a max of 2-3 allies? allies being any and all factors supporting your missions?


4.Convergence- Nihil blurs the boundaries between our universe and the Void, causing its alien physics to seep into and corrode our own.


Gravity is reduced, causing enemies to float away helplessly while Tenno merely get low-gravity effects perspective are rendered moot, negating projectile travel time and causing all bullets to hit their targets the moment they reach them, and creating 3-6 small spatial anomalies that drift about, sucking enemies that make contact with them into oblivion. Tenno that touch these anomalies are instead empowered by the Void, having their shields and/or energy gradually replenished for as long as they remain in contact with it. (Nihil himself wouldn't gain energy, as he is channeling energy to sustain the effect already)


Diminishing Gravity: Nihil bends space and time around him forcing foes to slip in-between reality and the void AOE that opens a dimensional rift forcing enemies to be phased in and out with reality that randomly teleports mobs then damages them with a lingering armor decrease along with Tenno randomly being teleported away from the main frame once

damage type: dealing around 11 radiation dam per tick not forced proc though within 5 / 7 / 8 / 15 meters lasting 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 seconds with 10% / 20% / 25% / 30% armor decrease; allies will teleport form main frame  10 / 8 / 7 / 5 meters away


the reason why his name would be Nihil is because it is Latin for zero and the zero symbolically meaning the shape of a portal.


his appearance should be similar to a  dimensional traveler wearing a trench coat and kind of a duster feel showing how he has been though so many places for so long which would also help his story for his discovery within the lore of Warframe. 

added to his appearance:

I could kinda picture this guy being kinda bulky with a sort of trench coat with a tall, slender build and robe-like appearance


his introduction into the game can be through the thread as seen here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/246633-new-event-idea-secrets-of-the-void/



possible favorite weapons: Karak wraith?



possible mods with release of event: 


VoidSkip allows the frame to replace the roll with a short range teleport at the cost of energy at 3 / 4 / 5 meters?


Antimatter Charge ( fires a shot charged with antimatter) with a possible max proc of 30% giving the unlved stat effect of Nova's Molecular prime


as for the roll teleport it could also be a mod for the Warframes making frames like Loki or Ash feel more fluid with there actions.


 Please tell me what you think, don't be afraid to criticize and if someone could make concept ART I'd love it I suck at drawing 


                                                                                                              Sincerely, RyneFall


note: this frame was made by me and Cobalt313 I cant take all the credit for this amazing idea





http://redskittlez-da.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-the-Locust-redesign-part-2-415901111 this is locust by RedSkittlez-DA when I had saw this image I thought of Nihil only with no pauldrens and a different helm. his arm shimmers like liquid mirror when he activates his skills and maybe with belts around the arms and hips?



https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/250869-some-syandanas-50-9114-corrupted-vorlotus-syandanas/  these Syandanas where made by  blazingcobalt the ragged syandana could possibly fit the theme of Nihil and also be released during his event



feel free to improve apon my idea in any way you see fit

Edited by Rynefall
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I was thinking, and maybe you should rename him "Janus"? Janus is the roman god of trasitions and portals. I don't think t would be bad, cause we already have a norse god warframe.


Although they would have to rename the node, but Janus fits so well with what you said above

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I was thinking, and maybe you should rename him "Janus"? Janus is the roman god of trasitions and portals. I don't think t would be bad, cause we already have a norse god warframe.


Although they would have to rename the node, but Janus fits so well with what you said above

good idea oberon has a stage named after him too


there is a Janus already

Edited by Rynefall
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A couple of them, actually. One of which is mine: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/270742-grineer-warframe-janus/

The other was this cool yin-yang dude designed by a guy who can actually draw.

wait are you saying I need to be able to draw? :P the object was to present my idea to the community for them to develop and add ideas.

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wait are you saying I need to be able to draw? :P the object was to present my idea to the community for them to develop and add ideas.

I was saying he could draw (and pretty dang well, too) while I couldn't, hence why his idea had concept art while mine doesn't.

I suppose your idea could still work with some tweaking- heck, I actually had an idea for a Prime Frame that got lost during the war with the Sentients and thus never had "normal" mass-produced versions made. I even had an idea for these hidden Orokin Vaults where you could find his parts- perhaps yours could work with something like that too? (Here's a link to the original thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/246633-new-event-idea-secrets-of-the-void/)

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I was saying he could draw (and pretty dang well, too) while I couldn't, hence why his idea had concept art while mine doesn't.

I suppose your idea could still work with some tweaking- heck, I actually had an idea for a Prime Frame that got lost during the war with the Sentients and thus never had "normal" mass-produced versions made. I even had an idea for these hidden Orokin Vaults where you could find his parts- perhaps yours could work with something like that too? (Here's a link to the original thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/246633-new-event-idea-secrets-of-the-void/)

I like where you are going with this could we perhaps merge the two in some way and you said you could draw id love to see what comes to mind when you read the idea of Nihil

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I like where you are going with this could we perhaps merge the two in some way and you said you could draw id love to see what comes to mind when you read the idea of Nihil

Well, given the rather template-based nature of my idea he could fit in just fine. I suppose it wouldn't be too big of a stretch for more than one Warframe model to be lost in the Sentient war before mass-production could begin.


As for the powers, I could just see this guy being able to warp space (ironic considering my original Prime for the idea was my take on time-controller), blurring the lines between real space and Void. As for the Powers:

Void Cut: Seems fine as-is, though name could be cooler, like "Void Blade" or something. Warps space with a swing of his blade, cleaving enemies in two as points of space cease to be connected.

Severance: Could probably change the name to "Lift the Veil" or something, as Nihil rips a tear in reality exposing enemies to the Void. Enemies that gaze into the rift are driven mad by its blinding light, attacking enemies and allies alike, while those that stand too close are torn apart by the impossible forces of the Void. Basically creates a rift that shines a cone or line of Void energy away from Nihil and remains for a few seconds. The light deals Radiation damage to enemies over time with a very high Proc chance per tick. Damage per second scales with proximity to the rift, may also have a directional vacuum effect that draws enemies closer while they are in the light. Not quite to the extent of Vortex, though.

Silver Summoning seems too context-sensitive to be useful outside of trolling allies, might need to change it. How about Distortion: bends space to redirect bullets toward their targets? Basically gives a buff to Nihil (tempted to just call this guy "Null", or "Null Prime" if you want to use my "Lost Primes" idea) and his allies that bends bullet trajectories toward targeted enemies, basically letting you "lock on" to enemies you shoot at and swerving your bullets toward them for as long as you keep firing and keep them in your view. Alternately bullets will just swerve to hit the nearest enemy in your field of vision.

Diminishing Gravity... doesn't do what it sounds like, huh. How's this:

Convergence- Nihil blurs the boundaries between our universe and the Void, causing its alien physics to seep into and corrode our own. Gravity is reduced, causing enemies to float away helplessly while Tenno merely get low-gravity effects like Zephyr, distance and perspective are rendered moot, negating projectile travel time and causing all bullets to hit their targets the moment they reach them, and creating 3-6 small spatial anomalies that drift about, sucking enemies that make contact with them into oblivion. Tenno that touch these anomalies are instead empowered by the Void, having their shields and/or energy gradually repleneshed for as long as they remain in contact with it. (Nihil himself wouldn't gain energy, as he is channeling energy to sustain the effect already).


Just my ideas. I could kinda picture this guy being kinda bulky with a sort of trench coat (would fit right in with Achronus Prime, my Time frame with the tall, slender build and robe-like appearance, lol). Any of these sound appealing?


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Well, given the rather template-based nature of my idea he could fit in just fine. I suppose it wouldn't be too big of a stretch for more than one Warframe model to be lost in the Sentient war before mass-production could begin.


As for the powers, I could just see this guy being able to warp space (ironic considering my original Prime for the idea was my take on time-controller), blurring the lines between real space and Void. As for the Powers:

Void Cut: Seems fine as-is, though name could be cooler, like "Void Blade" or something. Warps space with a swing of his blade, cleaving enemies in two as points of space cease to be connected.

Severance: Could probably change the name to "Lift the Veil" or something, as Nihil rips a tear in reality exposing enemies to the Void. Enemies that gaze into the rift are driven mad by its blinding light, attacking enemies and allies alike, while those that stand too close are torn apart by the impossible forces of the Void. Basically creates a rift that shines a cone or line of Void energy away from Nihil and remains for a few seconds. The light deals Radiation damage to enemies over time with a very high Proc chance per tick. Damage per second scales with proximity to the rift, may also have a directional vacuum effect that draws enemies closer while they are in the light. Not quite to the extent of Vortex, though.

Silver Summoning seems too context-sensitive to be useful outside of trolling allies, might need to change it. How about Distortion: bends space to redirect bullets toward their targets? Basically gives a buff to Nihil (tempted to just call this guy "Null", or "Null Prime" if you want to use my "Lost Primes" idea) and his allies that bends bullet trajectories toward targeted enemies, basically letting you "lock on" to enemies you shoot at and swerving your bullets toward them for as long as you keep firing and keep them in your view. Alternately bullets will just swerve to hit the nearest enemy in your field of vision.

Diminishing Gravity... doesn't do what it sounds like, huh. How's this:

Convergence- Nihil blurs the boundaries between our universe and the Void, causing its alien physics to seep into and corrode our own. Gravity is reduced, causing enemies to float away helplessly while Tenno merely get low-gravity effects like Zephyr, distance and perspective are rendered moot, negating projectile travel time and causing all bullets to hit their targets the moment they reach them, and creating 3-6 small spatial anomalies that drift about, sucking enemies that make contact with them into oblivion. Tenno that touch these anomalies are instead empowered by the Void, having their shields and/or energy gradually repleneshed for as long as they remain in contact with it. (Nihil himself wouldn't gain energy, as he is channeling energy to sustain the effect already).


Just my ideas. I could kinda picture this guy being kinda bulky with a sort of trench coat (would fit right in with Achronus Prime, my Time frame with the tall, slender build and robe-like appearance, lol). Any of these sound appealing?


your Genius!!!!! where were you 6 hours ago that's Brilliant though I really like the name  Severance it makes me feel like he is pretty much obliterating enemies DUDE!! we have to repost this and add all kinds of lore if there was I'd wish youd draw him now!! would deff be that time id ever think he was awesome now would be that time!! your AWESOME though I must admit the last skill seems really op PLEASE help me make this reality!!XD

Edited by Rynefall
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Well, given the rather template-based nature of my idea he could fit in just fine. I suppose it wouldn't be too big of a stretch for more than one Warframe model to be lost in the Sentient war before mass-production could begin.


As for the powers, I could just see this guy being able to warp space (ironic considering my original Prime for the idea was my take on time-controller), blurring the lines between real space and Void. As for the Powers:

Void Cut: Seems fine as-is, though name could be cooler, like "Void Blade" or something. Warps space with a swing of his blade, cleaving enemies in two as points of space cease to be connected.

Severance: Could probably change the name to "Lift the Veil" or something, as Nihil rips a tear in reality exposing enemies to the Void. Enemies that gaze into the rift are driven mad by its blinding light, attacking enemies and allies alike, while those that stand too close are torn apart by the impossible forces of the Void. Basically creates a rift that shines a cone or line of Void energy away from Nihil and remains for a few seconds. The light deals Radiation damage to enemies over time with a very high Proc chance per tick. Damage per second scales with proximity to the rift, may also have a directional vacuum effect that draws enemies closer while they are in the light. Not quite to the extent of Vortex, though.

Silver Summoning seems too context-sensitive to be useful outside of trolling allies, might need to change it. How about Distortion: bends space to redirect bullets toward their targets? Basically gives a buff to Nihil (tempted to just call this guy "Null", or "Null Prime" if you want to use my "Lost Primes" idea) and his allies that bends bullet trajectories toward targeted enemies, basically letting you "lock on" to enemies you shoot at and swerving your bullets toward them for as long as you keep firing and keep them in your view. Alternately bullets will just swerve to hit the nearest enemy in your field of vision.

Diminishing Gravity... doesn't do what it sounds like, huh. How's this:

Convergence- Nihil blurs the boundaries between our universe and the Void, causing its alien physics to seep into and corrode our own. Gravity is reduced, causing enemies to float away helplessly while Tenno merely get low-gravity effects like Zephyr, distance and perspective are rendered moot, negating projectile travel time and causing all bullets to hit their targets the moment they reach them, and creating 3-6 small spatial anomalies that drift about, sucking enemies that make contact with them into oblivion. Tenno that touch these anomalies are instead empowered by the Void, having their shields and/or energy gradually repleneshed for as long as they remain in contact with it. (Nihil himself wouldn't gain energy, as he is channeling energy to sustain the effect already).


Just my ideas. I could kinda picture this guy being kinda bulky with a sort of trench coat (would fit right in with Achronus Prime, my Time frame with the tall, slender build and robe-like appearance, lol). Any of these sound appealing?



your Genius!!!!! where were you 6 hours ago that's Brilliant though I really like the name  Severance it makes me feel like he is pretty much obliterating enemies DUDE!! we have to repost this and add all kinds of lore if there was I'd wish youd draw him now!! would deff be that time id ever think he was awesome now would be that time!! your AWESOME though I must admit the last skill seems really op PLEASE help me make this reality!!XD

I think we have a solid idea. The only thing to do now is to get a dev to look over this

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your Genius!!!!! where were you 6 hours ago that's Brilliant though I really like the name  Severance it makes me feel like he is pretty much obliterating enemies DUDE!! we have to repost this and add all kinds of lore if there was I'd wish youd draw him now!! would deff be that time id ever think he was awesome now would be that time!! your AWESOME though I must admit the last skill seems really op PLEASE help me make this reality!!XD

Glad you like it. Personally though I think if we're keeping the name Severence it would probably make more sense on the first skill since that's the only one to really involve any severing of anything.


As for the lore, well unless you're talking about a Codex entry all I had in mind was that he was one of the Lost Primes- Orokin original Warframes lost during the Sentient War before their secrets could be understood enough to replicate and mass-produce in the "non-Prime" form of Warframe. Recently, however, certain Orokin Towers were discovered to contain massive Vaults guarded by elaborate traps and defenses only a Tenno of considerable skill could circumvent, and sealed by locks that will only open to those with sufficient Mastery of the warrior's arts. Within each of these vaults lay a single Orokin Relic, containing ancient Orokin secrets that the Tower's Neural Sentry will stop at nothing to ensure will never leave the Tower where they are hidden. (the Relics contain a part for a random Lost Prime, if you hadn't guessed).

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