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Ugh... The Paywalls!



So, definitely a new player here. Right now I don't have much money and I am finding it really difficult to enjoy this game without paying for things. I know you can get a lot of things in game without paying, but you have to wait 24 hours to rank up, pass or fail, the starter weapons seem really bad compared to the rest of the weapons, and its extremely hard to get the resources I need to even make new ones! Oh, and when I do, finally, I have to wait 12 hours for the thing to process.


Like... was it intentional to make F2P players lives HELL. 


I can't even do solo missions where my frame level is +5 the missions reqs because I just have such crap gear. I am a burden to teams because I can't pull my weight, I am always hiding and regenerating my shields or something, and barely do much damage. 


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Ok so, I feel kinda silly for making this thread, and feel like I need to come back to set things straight. 


I am enjoying myself now- I figured out how to sell excess blueprints, netted me about 200k :O

I figured out how to BUY BLUEPRINTS

and I'm not trying to solo everything anymore.

And alerts! I didn't know alerts were an important thing till not too long ago. 


Also... I am running the Valkyr frame at the moment- so fun!


Devs, listen up. You guys need to make it clearer that you can do these things so newer players aren't so frustrated. It is unclear that you can sell excess parts, and it is unclear that blueprints are even a thing! In other games, I knew the base mechanics within the first few hours, do missions, buy stuff with your in game cash, if you want permanent stuff, you can spend real money on it, etc etc. 


This game just made it seem like you HAD to pay in to get a lot of things. Pretty frustrating. The time it takes to complete blueprints is still pretty frustrating though, I had to put up with doopy Volt frame for a long time. :/


So I want to apologize to those commenters that decided to confront my frustration, and thank you all as well!

Edited by Skullriot
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There are no paywalls in this game.

YOu can do everything for free.

Maybe the slots (emphasis on maybe), to an extent, since someone has to buy additional Platinum to get more slots after he/she exhausts his/her starting Platinum, and/or then trade it with players who do not pay a cent so they could buy additional slots. But a very, very small paywall. 

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The only things you have to pay for in this game are Inventory Slots and Warframe slots.


Even that is arguable, but let's concede that people will want to use more than 2 Warframes, ever, and more than the initial weapon slots would allow.



Everything else is cosmetics and convenience.



To be a little more helpful, though, try to keep the streamed shows on your radar.  They often have Gift of the Lotus alert missions concurrent with the update and discussion shows, which yield things like Orokin Catalysts, Reactors, and Formae.  Those alert missions tend to run for 24 hours and are definitely times to log in.


It's also a good idea to keep track of the Alerts Twitter feeds for whatever platform you're playing on, WFAlertsPS4 for PlayStation4 players, WarframeAlerts for PC players, and I'm not sure what the Twitter feed is for the new XBox One folks, but there'll be one.


Finally, Invasions and Infestations occasionally offer higher-end components for battle pay.  If you notice an Invasion or Infestation is going on, check the battle pay offerings.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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for ressources: DONT buy them off the market, the price-to-amount ratio is ridiculously bad, just farm a few missions on a planet that drops them (for those you need one or two of farm a boss on that planet)


as for build-time... you need some incentive for people to buy plat, it's just a shortcut for those too impatient to wait the time, common practice in Free2Ps


and if you want an upgrade from the starter-weaps, there are some in the market for credits, you get them right away

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The timewalls are minor, it's better to just wait. Slots are the most important plat-only item, and should be what you spend your first 50p on. Resources are difficult when you're starting out, you'll need to find someplace good to farm and stick to it.


Starter weapons are pretty good, you just need the mods to make them better. Also something you'll need to farm for.


Simply put: play more. If anything, at least you'll also be levelling the starter weapons for mastery while you're farming for materials and mods.


Also: Don't blame your 'crap' gear. Look at how you're modding them, first.

The Mk-1 weapons are my favorite things to play with.

Edited by Shion963
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How often/long do you play?  Have you upgraded your mods?  Which Warframe/weapons are you using?


When I started, I spent about a week playing a couple hrs a day-ish just gathering resources and parts, I would then set them to build before going to bed, that way they'd be done by the time I got home from work and I could start on something else the next day.  The next week I was doing pretty well on solo and managed to hold my own in teams.


If you want help with weapon and Warframe builds, you can hit up the Warframe wiki for advice or the Players Helping Players sub-forum ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/38-players-helping-players/


Feel free to hit me up in game, I'd be be more than happy to help you out.

Edited by Noamuth
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*slow clap*


Thanks for reading. 

I don't need to read it to know that you are just low leveled and can't do things.

That does not mean the game has a paywall. You start off like S#&$ in every game that there is.


Plus, go in a team. Find a group of friends.

Like I'd gladly help you out till you can get on your feet.

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there is no pay wall i assure you, the grakata is an easy weapon to get and its better than the starter stuff, you can get any weapon available in game without money yes you have to wait but its just another way to make players invest time into the game, because thats how they make money from people who cant afford to pay to rush things, there are many things out there that are easy to obtain, the better and "best" weapons are harder but thats normal, you dont start a game with lvl 99 gear lol


look up mogamu on YouTube he makes alot of great videos on the weapons in this game and pick a direction and buildup to it

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Buying weapons is for suckers. I say this as someone with huge amounts of plat :P


There is NO way to avoid the 24 hour wait for mastery tests. Not even platinum can get around that.


Play squads and don't feel bad about being carried as long as you're trying to do your part-stick with the group, make sure to learn and use your abilities, and revive people if the situation allows you too. We were all new once.


Platinum can be gained by farming prime parts and selling them to other players.



If you still need help, PM me either here or in game-obviously here I can only help with specific questions rather than actual item acquisition.

Edited by SolarDwagon
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I just get upset when it's this steep a slope compared to paying. This game really leans on the players to pay for content. 


My big thing is, I am generally a patient fellow. I am really confused as to how they think these tactics really keep players in the game? Sure, they need income, for sure, but this is a bit much. 


I'm just venting here really, If anyone has advice for easier time finding reliable teams to run with, I'm all ears. On top of that, I am trying to do the kubrow line right now, but that freaking survival mission is crazy. I feel like I'm doing ok and then in an instant I am down. It just blows my mind. 

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I just get upset when it's this steep a slope compared to paying. This game really leans on the players to pay for content. 


My big thing is, I am generally a patient fellow. I am really confused as to how they think these tactics really keep players in the game? Sure, they need income, for sure, but this is a bit much. 


I'm just venting here really, If anyone has advice for easier time finding reliable teams to run with, I'm all ears. On top of that, I am trying to do the kubrow line right now, but that freaking survival mission is crazy. I feel like I'm doing ok and then in an instant I am down. It just blows my mind. 

What frame/weapons are you using?

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How often/long do you play?  Have you upgraded your mods?  Which Warframe/weapons are you using?

I am unemployed at the moment, spent all saturday playing, will probably be spending good chunks of time throughout the days. 


I upgraded my Shock and shield mods so far, not much else to do. 


I am using the

Volt [16]

mk1-braton[17] (feels so underpowered)

Lato [14]

mk1-bo [15]


And I don't have access to anything else. :/

I've spent 10 hours in game so far. I feel like I have hit a wall that is actually punishing me for playing consecutive hours over a shorter span. 


I like my frame, it's the weapons that I am having a hard time with, and late nights mean hardly anyone to team with. 

Edited by Skullriot
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I just get upset when it's this steep a slope compared to paying. This game really leans on the players to pay for content. 


Nah, it's seriously better when you play for all the weapons/frames. I only bought slots, and the starter 'frames since they were (IMHO) the only things that are worth paying plat for. Excal IS NOT worth farming Ambulas to me.


My big thing is, I am generally a patient fellow. I am really confused as to how they think these tactics really keep players in the game? Sure, they need income, for sure, but this is a bit much.


Which part? It seems to me that you already have negative views about the whole thing anyways.



I'm just venting here really, If anyone has advice for easier time finding reliable teams to run with, I'm all ears. On top of that, I am trying to do the kubrow line right now, but that freaking survival mission is crazy. I feel like I'm doing ok and then in an instant I am down. It just blows my mind. 


Put up a thread in the recruitment thread or players-helping-players if you got any questions. Find some people you can do runs with.


DO NOT DO the Kubrow quest for now, the dogs are massive credit/resource sinks. For now it's better if you saved up and made a Sentinel instead. Carrier or Dethcube should be helpful for farming.

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I am unemployed at the moment, spent all saturday playing, will probably be spending good chunks of time throughout the days. 


I upgraded my Shock and shield mods so far, not much else to do. 


I am using the

Volt [16]

mk1-braton[17] (feels so underpowered)

Lato [14]

mk1-bo [15]


I've spent 10 hours in game so far. I feel like I have hit a wall that is actually punishing me for playing consecutive hours over a shorter span. 


I like my frame, it's the weapons that I am having a hard time with, and late nights mean hardly anyone to team with. 

Ah yeah, I've had a hard time keeping my Volt alive.  The MK1-Braton isn't too bad, once you get some decent mods into it, same with the Lato.  I enjoy the Bo just because it's a knock down fiend.  


Have you put any points into your other ability mods yet?  


As for the Kubrow mission, I'd recommend using your Electric Shield ability and setting up a little fort for you and your monster to hide behind.   But I would suggest holding off on Kubrow's for right now, they're major credit sinks for a new player.  I'm R15 and it's a hassle sometimes.

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What I did in the beginning was buy a Braton. Rank up my Excal, get Dual Kamas and I really can't remember the secondary. Played with some friends who pretty much pestered the crap out of me for almost a year until I basically broke down and installed Warframe. (And some others I knew who were playing.) Sometimes would play with some random people I befriended online. With those people, I went through and ran marathon sessions to basically unlock my solar map. A few places (like boss nodes) I'd run multiple times.


By that time, I had plenty of resources and credits collected and had joined a clan with their research done, so I bought up all the market blueprints and clantech blueprints and then built a ton of stuff all at the same time. Although it meant breaking down and buying plat for slots, since I didn't have much to trade at that point...it was like Christmas having tons of stuff poppin' out of the Foundry all at once. The curve was steep at first, but then it plateaued really fast.

Edited by CedarDpg
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