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Ugh... The Paywalls!



So, definitely a new player here. Right now I don't have much money and I am finding it really difficult to enjoy this game without paying for things. I know you can get a lot of things in game without paying, but you have to wait 24 hours to rank up, pass or fail, the starter weapons seem really bad compared to the rest of the weapons, and its extremely hard to get the resources I need to even make new ones! Oh, and when I do, finally, I have to wait 12 hours for the thing to process.


Like... was it intentional to make F2P players lives HELL. 


I can't even do solo missions where my frame level is +5 the missions reqs because I just have such crap gear. I am a burden to teams because I can't pull my weight, I am always hiding and regenerating my shields or something, and barely do much damage. 


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@ OP: There are no paywalls (or only for cosmetic items which is okay). There are only massive grindwalls and cooldowns (crafting mostly) for some things and that's perfectly fine for a f2p game and especial for an item based grind game like Warframe. Most other games in the genre are much worse by magnitudes.

Edited by MeduSalem
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I expect a lot more than still being geared in my baby gear. 


I have played Star Trek Online, APB Reloaded, Path of Exile, Guild Wars 2, numerous NUMEROUS other games, both F2P, P2P ans subscription. I have never seen a game move slower than this one in gear. Mods are nice, yes, but they are hard to come by and when you level a new weapon you have to start over. The fresh reset to 0 really kills things for me, and is a semi backwards view on play and rewards systems. 


In 10 hours I could have accumulated a lot more in any of the other games I mentioned than I had in this game. 


The game progress is slow because it lacks content. If you rush it, you'll run out of stuff to do in maybe less then a month. And then you'll feel like complaining about the game being too easy or not having enough endgame content.


Trust me, you don't want progress to be faster in this game. Do things slowly and you'll be able to get everything you need. Spend months if you have to, but do not rush. It will bite you back in the end if you do.

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The only thing you must pay for are warframe and inventory slots. Most cosmetic items also fall into this category, but you can get along perfectly well without them. Everything else can be obtained in the game. You can even hit up your fellow players for platinum if you're really cheap (not easy, but possible). If you like the game, however, there's nothing wrong with supporting it through buying platinum (shades of old skool shareware).


As for everything else, it's just a matter of time. Time in the game and crafting time.


Yes, the game has a steep learning curve. Yes, you'll have to grind at some things if you REALLY want them. We all went through it. Mostly, I enjoyed the experience. It is a game, after all. If it's fun, it's not really work, though it can get a bit repetitive--like most games. If it's really starting to bother you, then it's probably time to go do something else for awhile.


Joining a reasonably active clan helps keep interest up a lot as well, not to mention opens up more possibilities in the game. It'll also offer you a pool of potential mentors to deal with some of the less obvious aspects of the game.

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There aren't a ton of F2P games out there that allow you get almost everything for free - given you put in the time. Even fewer allow players to acquire actual in-game money via the trade market in order to buy items that cost cash, which still boils down to being free. Warframe is pretty lenient when it comes to these things, more so than I expected.

Edited by SinReplica
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 doopy Volt frame


No, seriously, Volt is a great frame. Shock is a wonderfully cheap and effective skill, Speed is great for when you want to melee things or when you're trying to do missions fast, Electric Shield is a great stationary damage buff, and Overload is a great room nuke. Plus, he's got a solid shield bank to work with!

If you're having trouble with a frame, ask around on what the frame can do. There's normally someone out there who loves the frame, and right now there's no frame that I really dislike (Oberon was the last, and the devs seem to have cleared that up and given him the solid Paladin role)

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There is no real paywalls, seeing as platinum can be obtained rather easily from trading (or use on slots, catalysts, asnd so on), otherwise, only a few weapons are not obtainable, and those are unobtainable for everyone. Whileit may seem really difficult now, later in the game you will quickly realize that it is rather easy to obtain

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No, seriously, Volt is a great frame. Shock is a wonderfully cheap and effective skill, Speed is great for when you want to melee things or when you're trying to do missions fast, Electric Shield is a great stationary damage buff, and Overload is a great room nuke. Plus, he's got a solid shield bank to work with!

If you're having trouble with a frame, ask around on what the frame can do. There's normally someone out there who loves the frame, and right now there's no frame that I really dislike (Oberon was the last, and the devs seem to have cleared that up and given him the solid Paladin role)

Ha yeah Shock is probably the skill I miss the most, just pop it near an enemy and it just blows everything away. I wish Valkyr had a good multi hit skill like that. But hysteria is soooo much fun. And also now I don't die as often, if at all. XD


The only thing I need to do now is figure out how to get a good bank of catalysts and reactors. 

Edited by Skullriot
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The only thing I need to do now is figure out how to get a good bank of catalysts and reactors. 


The developers host 1 hour livestreams there every two weeks, and will give away Reactors/Catalysts in the form of 24-hour alerts during each livestream. The next livestream is scheduled for this coming Friday. If you'd like, you can attend the stream to catch up on recent changes, get sneak peeks of upcoming content, and get some questions answered by the developers themselves. You also are entered into a raffle for one of three 1000 Platinum prizes just by simply showing up.


You don't have to show up for your potatoes (since they are in alerts) but it's good practice for staying in the loop regarding the game's content.


Oh, and keep an eye on the Twitter alert feed and the web browser realtime alert feeds for potato alerts when they come up.

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I know the whole ordeal has been closed and is pretty much done for. But I just wanted to chime in and share my own story. Hopefully a developer will see it. ;)


I started out at the suggestion of my younger brother. And I'm grateful that he was around, because otherwise I would have probably quit after 10 minutes. The reason being is that to the untrained eye the game does, indeed, seem like a giant, massive paywall. The game bombards the player with platinium-based offers, from speeding up construction to purchasing new weapons.


As someone who opposes F2P (not on principle, but because the vast majority of F2P games are bad and just... the whole paying thing is done poorly) this made me very weary to actually play the game beyond the initial 10 minutes. Thankfully, my brother was there to show me the ropes. So, yes, the game could make do with a better tutorial. The one introduced with the recent update is better than what I had (i.e. almost nothing), but it's still lacking.


That said, once I got past that initial "eughh" feeling, I realized there's a lot of fun to be had from this game. Since then, I've actually decided to buy some plat for cosmetic items and slots - not because I felt I "had" to, but after a 100 hours in the game I figured the developers did a good job, and deserve some of my money. ;)

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