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Melee 2.5, Bring Back Charge Attacks!


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Most people here remembers how fun charge attacks could be, running up to a heavy gunner while charging a big-@$$ hammer and sent her flying?

Not many weapons really feel heavy anymore after melee 2.0.

There must be an easy way of implementing the basic charge attack mechanic into melee 2.0. 


By just pressing down the melee button you will do the normal quick attack, but if you hold down the melee button you could do the old charge attack. This would not interfere with the combo system in any way unless the combo involves holding down the melee button. This could be countered by not being able to charge if you have started a melee combo.



Edited by StickyBaseline
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I think Heavy attacks would be better, not as strong as previous charge but has enough dmg and stamina consumation to be viable and not be overused.Also with this we would have better combos.

Edited by Altey
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I'm all for the return of charge attacks, but if we were going to do a melee 2.5, we might as well kick it to melee 3.0, and include special charges.

Part of why charge attacks were lame [not all of them, just some] was because while it made sense and felt good to charge a powerful swing on a hammer or claymore, it felt silly on lighter weapons like daggers. There's not really any way to strongly wield light weaponry.


So, my proposal.

Change charge attacks to be some kind of alternate feature. The Glaive's charge allows it to be thrown; what if other weapons were given a niche feature? As some examples:
-Daggers, when charged, give a gigantic multiplier to stealth kill damage. This would make it ideal for stealth runs and assassinations, and would not make them overpowered in the hands of the invisible Loki and Ash, since on top of the already limited range, they would need to continuously time their charges to hit a single enemy, which is never ideal in a crowded fight.

-Whips are given a powerful extended range, single-direction crack, similar to how Burning Wasp's Guided Claw works. Perhaps it could replace that stance combo.

-the Silva&Aegis could give a large buff to the user's armor rating during the duration of the charge, culminating in a shield bash

and so on. This would bring some functionality back to different types of weapons that are normally overlooked simply because they don't deal as much damage, or aren't as fast as the kingpin weapons like the Dual Ichors. Aside from adding an incomparable to various weapons and making cast-aside weaponry fun again, it would create a plethora of strategies that the community could explore and share.


Help make melee the truly outstanding feature it was hyped up to be!

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and it would bring back the old issue of people using only charge attacks if it was very powerful or it would be to weak to be useful and not be worth implementing

But now DE has a good chance to balance everything out, and hopefully not implement charge specific mods since that would cause that old problem.

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I'm all for the return of charge attacks, but if we were going to do a melee 2.5, we might as well kick it to melee 3.0, and include special charges.

Part of why charge attacks were lame [not all of them, just some] was because while it made sense and felt good to charge a powerful swing on a hammer or claymore, it felt silly on lighter weapons like daggers. There's not really any way to strongly wield light weaponry.


So, my proposal.

Change charge attacks to be some kind of alternate feature. The Glaive's charge allows it to be thrown; what if other weapons were given a niche feature? As some examples:

-Daggers, when charged, give a gigantic multiplier to stealth kill damage. This would make it ideal for stealth runs and assassinations, and would not make them overpowered in the hands of the invisible Loki and Ash, since on top of the already limited range, they would need to continuously time their charges to hit a single enemy, which is never ideal in a crowded fight.

-Whips are given a powerful extended range, single-direction crack, similar to how Burning Wasp's Guided Claw works. Perhaps it could replace that stance combo.

-the Silva&Aegis could give a large buff to the user's armor rating during the duration of the charge, culminating in a shield bash

and so on. This would bring some functionality back to different types of weapons that are normally overlooked simply because they don't deal as much damage, or aren't as fast as the kingpin weapons like the Dual Ichors. Aside from adding an incomparable to various weapons and making cast-aside weaponry fun again, it would create a plethora of strategies that the community could explore and share.


Help make melee the truly outstanding feature it was hyped up to be!

Fantastic ideas, It bugs me that DE won't even acknowledge these ideas though :( as with 99.9% out of all ideas that would fix warframe.

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Of course, the slide attack spam it's not an issue and it's not OP.



lol thinkin about that each time i see weapons stats XD




Charge Atk damage should have been in synergie with Combo counter



theirefor spamming charge would have been useless

Edited by Tsoe
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No, having a charge mechanic that gives a wep a certain bonus will end up being the only used thing when it comes to melee just like it was before. I juggest DE fix melee auto targeting into becoming more usefull and less of a hindrace and I also suggest all players to use combos since they not only add some damage to the wep attack but can produce nice bonuses like knockdowns and elemental procs + other weapon procs.


I do appreciate what Wurdyburd came up with but all I see are things that will be the only viable means to use melee weps.

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No, having a charge mechanic that gives a wep a certain bonus will end up being the only used thing when it comes to melee just like it was before. I juggest DE fix melee auto targeting into becoming more usefull and less of a hindrace and I also suggest all players to use combos since they not only add some damage to the wep attack but can produce nice bonuses like knockdowns and elemental procs + other weapon procs.


I do appreciate what Wurdyburd came up with but all I see are things that will be the only viable means to use melee weps.

Everyone who is sceptical says it'll be overpowered, It doesn't have to, sometimes you just want to give a certain enemy/enemies a big blammo in the face, an easy way to balance the damage out is giving charge attacks less dps then regular melee spam.

Edited by StickyBaseline
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As someone who uses melee extensively, I'm down with this.

Same, I miss the charge attacks, that was the one thing I liked with melees. I still think they can do both Charge and combo. I also think they need to change the combos so they can be more then just E hold E and E E E.

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I'm all for the return of charge attacks, but if we were going to do a melee 2.5, we might as well kick it to melee 3.0, and include special charges.

Part of why charge attacks were lame [not all of them, just some] was because while it made sense and felt good to charge a powerful swing on a hammer or claymore, it felt silly on lighter weapons like daggers. There's not really any way to strongly wield light weaponry.


So, my proposal.

Change charge attacks to be some kind of alternate feature. The Glaive's charge allows it to be thrown; what if other weapons were given a niche feature? As some examples:

-Daggers, when charged, give a gigantic multiplier to stealth kill damage. This would make it ideal for stealth runs and assassinations, and would not make them overpowered in the hands of the invisible Loki and Ash, since on top of the already limited range, they would need to continuously time their charges to hit a single enemy, which is never ideal in a crowded fight.

-Whips are given a powerful extended range, single-direction crack, similar to how Burning Wasp's Guided Claw works. Perhaps it could replace that stance combo.

-the Silva&Aegis could give a large buff to the user's armor rating during the duration of the charge, culminating in a shield bash

and so on. This would bring some functionality back to different types of weapons that are normally overlooked simply because they don't deal as much damage, or aren't as fast as the kingpin weapons like the Dual Ichors. Aside from adding an incomparable to various weapons and making cast-aside weaponry fun again, it would create a plethora of strategies that the community could explore and share.


Help make melee the truly outstanding feature it was hyped up to be!

Utterly Brilliant and I completely agree. The other thing they could do is make another key for charge attacks completely. For example press down the third mouse button for a charge attack, or hit G or T. Or just don't give it a bind but make it a player option.

Implementing charge attacks like this would allow you to interrupt your melee combos for a charge attack if the ending of said melee combo is not suitable for your current situation.

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The system needs to be re-done so... when you do not have melee equipped normal quick attacks and a held charge attack are available. and the stance/combo system activates when melee is equipped with no held charge ability


this will make it very easy for them to implement this change as they will not have to re-work any stance/combos and it will make everyone who likes the current system happy as the change will have no impact the combo system. 


kinda the same way the Glaive works. * tap to quick attack, hold to charge/throw & equip to use combos * simple!

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Don't tell me you don't want this awesome thing back :





Aaaah... :3


Anyway, it can return without people spamming it anytime! It just needs a short limitation to avoid this, as simple as that. We might send people in the air & slice them in half on demand but for a little cost, that's all...

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Most people here remembers how fun charge attacks could be, running up to a heavy gunner while charging a big-@$$ hammer and sent her flying?

Not many weapons really feel heavy anymore after melee 2.0.

There must be an easy way of implementing the basic charge attack mechanic into melee 2.0. 


By just pressing down the melee button you will do the normal quick attack, but if you hold down the melee button you could do the old charge attack. This would not interfere with the combo system in any way unless the combo involves holding down the melee button. This could be countered by not being able to charge if you have started a melee combo.



everythings feels fast and like cuts things up but somehow there isnt any gore...

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