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Kubrow Weapons/pack/ideas


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Brawlers in Warframe can equipped Melee weapons like the Venka or the Furax. Why can't we have versions of these kinds of weapons for our Kubrows?

Also why can't our Kubrows carry equipment? I think it would be extremely useful to be able to tell your Kubrow to carry a Datamass, or to be able to put the Datamass in a pack on your Kubrow.


Being able to put a pack on your Kubrow could be extremely useful, for example your could put on an energy pack, and it could restore your energy when you are out and in desperate need. (However it would not be able to restore your energy N times, only once or twice.) You could give your Kubrow an Ammo Pack which you could remove ammo from when your primary or secondary is running low (Help ammo problems with Grakata, Glaxion, Soma, Amprex, Synapse and other High RoF weapons.)

Another idea is that you could put on an aura for your Kubrow that either buffs you and your teammates or other teammate's Kubrows so you can give you Pets a "Pack" Mentality. 


Put this in the weapons category because it is related to weapon ammo, Kubrow weapons and other such things. (There is no Kubrow category in the forums or pet category...)

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Also adding on, why don't Kubrows interact with eachother in missions? I would like to see Kurbows helping eachother and working together similar to players. Moreover why don't Kubrows have any AOE attacks. If a Kubrow is as large as a Warframe (Mine is as big as me) I would like to see it running in to crowded rooms and flinging enemies at eachother, Knocking them down. 


One thing that would be cool but wont ever happen would be being able to channel into your Kubrow and trigger explosions like on the Glaive.

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I wanna strap lasers to my Kubrow's head!

Personally I don't think that Kubrows should have guns, that doesn't harmonize with their current abilities. They should be more.. threatening and animalistic in my opinion, and currently they are just like house pets with bad attitudes instead of war animals, and adding lazers I don't think would solve this problem, it might end up making a them annoying and too outlandish. My suggestion for AOE was simply based off of the idea that they are almost extensions of our frames or from what I understand they should be, and being able to on some level control your Kubrow or deploy abilities through your Kubrow would be nice. After all these collars apparently link us to our Kubrow, but I don't see how other then let us take them on missions.

Edited by Olivionic
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Yes, and that isn't what he was asking for. He wants his giant Kubrow to cause mass destruction and chaos, not make people run away for a couple of seconds. And I agree with him.


Yeah, this could be accomplished by giving our Kubrow some C4 to eat along with a remote detonator.


Personally I don't think that Kubrows should have guns, that doesn't harmonize with their current abilities. They should be more.. threatening and animalistic in my opinion, and currently they are just like house pets with bad attitudes instead of war animals, and adding lazers I don't think would solve this problem, it might end up making a them annoying and too outlandish. My suggestion for AOE was simply based off of the idea that they are almost extensions of our frames or from what I understand they should be, and being able to on some level control your Kubrow or deploy abilities through your Kubrow would be nice. After all these collars apparently link us to our Kubrow, but I don't see how other then let us take them on missions.


You responded to my pre-edit (edited to make it more clear) reference which I fixed a few minutes before your post. :) Kubrow are already annoying, they get stuck in weird places, get downed a lot on some higher level missions, etc. Hmmm, I wouldn't mind if I could equip -power strength MP on my Kubrow and take him to an ODD though. Then I could like take my Vauban or some other frame and let my Kubrow speed the mobs. ;)

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U know U15? i'm sure nearly everyone knows,will there be a pet kubrow or space creature so you can take it to space? Plus if kubrows had  steel armor and iron claw weapons it wouldbecome a more of a threat. and how about a berserk,defense mode, berserk mode willallow the kubrow to  attack  anything in sight, and  defense modewill attack on order, u know how u need toattack in order for ur kubrow  to attack,well berserk mode will cause the  kubrow  to go into auto-attack mode

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I'm all about paw-mounted weapons and puppy gauntlets for Kubrows.  Would be tremendously fun to outfit Kubrows with weapons and equipment. Even just a chest rig; doesn't need to offer crazy stat bonuses, just needs to let them do things like carry packages and restoration items.  And make it so our loyal battle dogs aren't going into combat naked; dogs used by military forces today typically have a kevlar vest just like the soldiers they work with.  Why don't our faithful companions get the same treatment?


Cosmetic armor to match our own armor sets would also be appreciated.  A Kubrow chest rig + shoulder and thigh armor attachments would be absolutely amazing to see.  Maybe even helmets and different collar styles.  I would sell a kidney just to buy plat for these items.

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I'm all about paw-mounted weapons and puppy gauntlets for Kubrows.  Would be tremendously fun to outfit Kubrows with weapons and equipment. Even just a chest rig; doesn't need to offer crazy stat bonuses, just needs to let them do things like carry packages and restoration items.  And make it so our loyal battle dogs aren't going into combat naked; dogs used by military forces today typically have a kevlar vest just like the soldiers they work with.  Why don't our faithful companions get the same treatment?


Cosmetic armor to match our own armor sets would also be appreciated.  A Kubrow chest rig + shoulder and thigh armor attachments would be absolutely amazing to see.  Maybe even helmets and different collar styles.  I would sell a kidney just to buy plat for these items.

You captured what i am asking for pretty much perfectly when it comes to Kubrow equipment. However more control over the Kubrows would be awesome, and even some control over how they use their equipment in battle would be nice. I.E when you channel they channel.

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You captured what i am asking for pretty much perfectly when it comes to Kubrow equipment. However more control over the Kubrows would be awesome, and even some control over how they use their equipment in battle would be nice. I.E when you channel they channel.


I've seen a couple other people talking about Kubrow controls, too.  The problems I think are limiting commands to one or two keys (there's only so many buttons on a keyboard/controllers), and making it lightweight enough that you can use it effectively in the heat of battle.  


For carryable items and consumables, I think a simple "X to interact" prompt on the Kubrow could suffice.  If you're carrying a datamass or excavator power cell, you can walk up to your Kubrow and get the prompt; pressing the interact button would put the item on the Kubrow.  Interacting again would let you take the item off the Kubrow and carry it around.  You could transfer stacks of datamasses or even have your Kubrow carry a second power cell in Excavation missions.  The same command could be used to activate a restoration harness, which could have a set number of uses per mission and a cooldown between uses.  Restores might also be activated through the gear wheel.


smithf made a post about Kubrow behavior using two commands:  heel/"come closer" and recall/"move out", which cycle Kubrows through behavior patterns and can be used to issue specific orders.


https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/288076-kubrow-heel-commands/ (towards the bottom of the thread}


I had made a topic about a simple Companion command key that was meant for Kubrows and Sentinels.



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