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Pull Up A Chair, Let's Talk Valkyr


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After playing this game for awhile now, I have come to notice two distinct groups in regards to Valkyr.

1) Those who absolutely love her and run her as their main

2) Those who feel that she is the true frame for noobs/newbs because melee = I win button and her ultimate, hysteria, is literally god mode (she becomes invincible).



Speaking as a noob myself, she's not a noob frame because she's actually quite weak and disappointing to start with, she doesn't really shine until you get some Vitality and Steel Fiber going, plus some good energy management so you can have, not just Hysteria, but Warcry and Paralysis up more often.


But now that I've built up a head of steam with her with mods, she's pretty darned fun, rips through mobs like a knife through butter (even when she's NOT in Hysteria) and is as tough as nails.


Her "limitation", and what keeps her from being OP, is in melee itself, since melee is kind of clunky in this game since it requires chasing things down that move around a lot; ranged is generally much easier in the game on a whole, IMHO.  Volt, my first frame, which I love to bits, is easy mode in comparison to Valkyr, not in terms of numbers, but in terms of the physical playing effort you have to put in.  Volt is pretty uber out of the box (Shock), Valkyr not so much (Rip-Line? pfeh, a fun gimmick but not much more when you first pick her up).

Edited by Omnimorph
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So everyone just talks about how they play Valkyr but don't post any builds?


She's got a high start level for armour. So call me dumb, but is it better to rely on the given armour level or boost it with mods. I get that most playstyles involve sacrificing the shields for more health, but what other alternatives are available?


Min-maxing means pumping more into what you're already good at (until you hit diminishing returns, then you pump stuff to balance out weaknesses).  So yeah, Steel Fiber and as much of it as you can get.

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Outlaw Star is my Favorite anime of all time, but Hysteria still needs nerfed.  Just replace its invincibility with DR, and it is all good.

To me, just get rid of the invulnerability. Hysteria already has life strike built into it; why have invulnerability on top of gaining your health back? I assume life strike is built in to help mitigate the potential damage you take if you come out of hysteria with mobs still around you.

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Valkyr doesn't look much like Aisha.


To those saying replacing Hysteria's invincibility with DR, well, she already can hit 95% DR. So what's that actually going to do for you? Yeah, that's right: practically nothing. Oops. Moreover, the most important aspect of Hysteria isn't the invulnerability but the status protection and recovery effects.


I don't think it needs to be a toggle. That can have some unintended side-effects (Nyx...), but I like the idea of separating it from duration mods. But, again, that might be a problem, but I think it could work.


Overall, I think removing the invulnerability would be a problem. It was there for a reason. We also know Scott doesn't like invulnerability as a "feature of warframes.  However, it might be possible to go this direction:


Make it a toggle. Retain its immunity to CC and status effects (in other words immune to everything but damage). Retain its life drain ability. Increase movement speed by about 25% when activated (makes it easier to catch stuff when under hysteria). Then change its name to Predation.


This would allow for a couple of things. One, she's always at some risk that can only be mitigated by skill of use and build strategy. Two, she retains the ability to shrug off CC and status effects reducing the risk of needing to be in melee range. Three, it removes some of the build issues around duration and warcry--which becomes much more important to her build. Four, boost her damage while under Predation effects by about 50% (less exposure to dangerous enemies up close and it also gives you some reason to use it vice dual ichors and/or D-Nikana). Lastly, it makes getting to and staying in melee range much easier--and would just be way cool.

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To me, just get rid of the invulnerability. Hysteria already has life strike built into it; why have invulnerability on top of gaining your health back? I assume life strike is built in to help mitigate the potential damage you take if you come out of hysteria with mobs still around you.


or because hysteria is assumed to be a panic button that you smash when you get low on health so you can not only survive but also replenish your red bar


I can tell that curently my valkyr is built in terrible (still a little fun imho) way of "perma-hysteria" (mods: hysteria, rip line, flow, streamline, fleeting expertise rejuvenation aura and IRC thats all that "fits" to the mod capacity without potato or forma)


but I'll just have to take a better look to the mods and build of her and probably I'm going to play a little more often with her

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I'm in the 'Hysteria is fine' camp, but I feel Rip Line could use one or two tweaks or buffs.  Specifically, 1. let Rip Line hit friggin drones, it annoys the heck out of me that I can't target floating drones with it when I can target pretty much any other solid object... heck, the things should be extra vulnerable to such a move.  2. I'd like the option to be able to hold down the activation button and keep reeling in(at the cost of energy drain, of course), whether it be myself, an ally, or an enemy.

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I just feel that her being completely invulnerable during Hysteria is a little bit of a farce.


Having good lifesteal is good, and maybe if her ult gave her the old Quick Thinking.


But 60 second godmode whilst being stuck in melee just doesn't appeal to me.

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I've used QT Valkyr builds. They ranged from worse than useless to, at best, redundant.


You don't need QT on Valkyr at all. Also, you don't have to build for max duration. I run at a 24sec hysteria and that's long enough to deal with whatever situation forces me into hysteria to begin with--and I can stay there if I really have to.

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I must admit I don't even see the point in QT or even Rage very much, seems like overkill and over-specialization.  Streamline, Stretch, Intensity and Continuity min-max over the actual 4 Warframe abilities she has. 


In particular, I think Stretch is overlooked - it helps both Warcry as a team buff, and Paralysis as CC, giving them more area of effect, helping make it unnecessary to aim for perma-Hysteria - just play her "normally" using Warcry and Paralysis, and use Hysteria when there's enough juice, as that coincides with when the proverbial hits the fan. 


I also don't understand why there isn't more love for Paralysis - it gives a Stealth attack prompt, so you get lots of juicy finishers with 4x damage.


I think all the 3 "main" powers are actually very nicely balanced and work well alternating in a flowing pattern with a rhythm climaxing in Hysteria, hopefully coinciding with the despatch of the most dangerous bunch of mobs, then settling down to a build up to it again, with the very useful and enjoyable abilities Warcry and Paralysis.


I think Ripline has the potential to be a lot of fun, but it requires good control to use it to its max potential (e.g. wall attacks), and I'm not quite a slick enough player yet.  It's the one thing with Valkyr that I think will require practice and exploration.

Edited by Omnimorph
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I must admit I don't even see the point in QT or even Rage very much, seems like overkill and over-specialization.  Streamline, Stretch, Intensity and Continuity min-max over the actual 4 Warframe abilities she has. 


In particular, I think Stretch is overlooked - it helps both Warcry as a team buff, and Paralysis as CC, giving them more area of effect, helping make it unnecessary to aim for perma-Hysteria - just play her "normally" using Warcry and Paralysis, and use Hysteria when there's enough juice, as that coincides with when the proverbial hits the fan. 


I also don't understand why there isn't more love for Paralysis - it gives a Stealth attack prompt, so you get lots of juicy finishers with 4x damage.


I think all the 3 "main" powers are actually very nicely balanced and work well alternating in a flowing pattern with a rhythm climaxing in Hysteria, hopefully coinciding with the despatch of the most dangerous bunch of mobs, then settling down to a build up to it again, with the very useful and enjoyable abilities Warcry and Paralysis.

The problem with paralysis is the actual stealth kill prompt. For the time it takes to do a stealth kill, I could have killed more enemies just hack and slashing with beserker.

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The problem with paralysis is the actual stealth kill prompt. For the time it takes to do a stealth kill, I could have killed more enemies just hack and slashing with beserker.


But surely the stealth kill is reserved for the biggest bad in a group, not just for random mobs in that group?

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Valkyr is a blender

Probably the best blender in the game

Al though out side of pvp and parrying and combos with pauses(when you are using a high attack speed weapon tho on slower weapons like the fragor combos with pauses are easy)

Melee is mega easy

A lot like some weapons in dark souls

RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB everything that moves

also pre level 30 or orokin reactor i don't feel like paralyis and warcry are worth taking

you need the points for vitilaty and redirection


her shields are LOw and you can get killed PRETTY fast if your using melee


But when you do hit level 30 and paralyis is DEFINATLY worth taking for insta killing eximus or really tanky enemys and if more then 2 people in your squad are using melee warcy is a big help espaicly on infestation where a lot of guns are rendered useless also i definatly agree with the people saying they need to remove the immortality on hysteria

maybe replace it with a massive life steal buff?

So as long as she is hitting something she won't die(like most berserkers in mmos that rely on some sort of life steal to stay alive)

and her shields are cut in half/removed

Edited by (XB1)Jailwhale
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also pre level 30 or orokin reactor i don't feel like paralyis and warcry are worth taking

you need the points for vitilaty and redirection


her shields are LOw and you can get killed PRETTY fast if your using melee


also i definatly agree with the people saying they need to remove the immortality on hysteria

maybe replace it with a massive life steal buff?

So as long as she is hitting something she won't die(like most berserkers in mmos that rely on some sort of life steal to stay alive)

and her shields are cut in half/removed


Haha what? Redirection on valkyr?

No give her armour and health, use vigor for a bit of extra shields.


Replacing hysteria with a "life steal buff" is dumb, just use life strike on a weapon, it doesn't even need to be ranked a single level.

I never use hysteria anymore, max armour/health/rage/lifestrike/warcry just never lets her die.

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The thing is that she is far too underrated. People prefer nukes, people prefer to rush around, guns blazing, iron skin on, etc etc. They fail to realise that whenever you run out of ammunition, or you are surrounded by enemies, melee is your best friend. Melee is an art. Do not forget that.

I find much more satisfaction going in, ripping enemies apart with my Sword, killing them in so many different fashions, different styles. In melee, every kill is an art. That is something that guns fail to achieve.

would you stop liking Valkyr if I told you she is one of the most popular frames in the game, and is far from being underrated?
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Valkyr to me reminds me of Lineage2's Blade Dancer in C5 patch and most definedly the times I had hero status on her.


When you get to melee range and stay there and have friend or two to help out on CC/buff's you are really a real deal killing machine and I do like Valkyr alot on that aspect. She has alot tools and potential on melee range, but lacks sort of long range ablities that would do damage...I can live with that.


Hysteria is personally thinking "oh sh1t" button to revive a team mate or "time to run away" kinda button and totally not worth to upgrade any longer than it is.


I like her alot and play her alot too, but as current game develops I do like to like my frames that do things from far away too.


EDIT: damn typos

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I personally have loved playing as Valkyrie and have maimed her since u11 . I like her (not only for invincibilty) but because she was so trashed on but then peoples comments got her buffed so hard she's now considered op. Although she was pretty poop when she was first released I stuck with her and am glad I have. As of right now since a few days ago I just put my fourth forma on her so I can try to beat my clan leader with her :3 so in the end she is the best IMO and I like her also because she has such a cool background story and when those animations came out I was like 'AGH DELICIOUS ' dem somersault be awesome. ._./

Btw I'm going for a build which doesn't require any of her abilities and can still kick some. Well I might leave on hysteria because I love dem animations ;p

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Until recently my main was Nyx, now it's Valkyr. I played KittyFrame a lot before, but always came back to Nyx. Now Nyx is like her little brother Excalibur, a one trick poney... But I digress! (obviously biased opinion, ignore^^)


I avoid Hysteria like the Great Plague, not because it's a "Godmode" (I'm not a hypocrite like so many Hysteria detractors, I like being invulnerable and I'm not ashamed of it!), but because I already do better with her melee build, both in terms of damage and mobility. And Warcry just turns Valkyr into a meat grinder.^^


The invulnerability is actually the only thing that makes Hysteria worth anything at all IMHO (ironic, isn't it?^^'). I only use it to revive teammates that go down in the middle of enemies or in an environmental hazard (eg : traps, lingering enemy attacks like napalm), or as an "OH SH!T" button, which is surprisingly rare, I usually can do without it even when I royally f*ck up.^^

I love the animations while in Hysteria though, they really make me feel like I'm an angry, feral beast (or a certain blue hedgehog, hum hum).^^

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Ok first off


Valkyr can easily outdamage near any frame with near any gun while taking the enemy head on




Hysteria sucks . Warcry does it better. Dont believe it?



This is without blind rage or berserker that i have added since to increase her killing power




Valkyr is in no way shape or form underpowered


You can literally face tank enemies through lvl 30 with just life strike


Lvl 40 - 50 enemies start heating you up a little more


Around 60 things get tough except when you add QT


With QT youll be face tanking 30-40 without touching life strike


you dont even need melee


Itll take you to lvl 60 enemies before you start having to watch what youre doing and thats for an inexperienced Valkyr melee


As you can see in the video Valkyr beats down even lvl 100 enemies and yes Valkyr had the most damage VS 3 Boltor primes


Anyone saying shes bad or weak in any way is wrong


Shes a snowflake frame in a very good way

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