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Warframes, They Are Not Human Right?


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The reason I think there are lots of "normal" (for the era) humans within each faction is that makes for a richer and more logically-robust universe.


If, as some have suggested, the Grineer Empire are entirely clones, or the Corpus are entirely digitized, or the Tenno are entirely cyborgs... then it's almost a caricature, a solar system composed of Planets Of Hats.

Edited by HvcTerr
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The Tenno - and their abilities - prove, above all other races, that they are much, much more than a simple human in a suit. You could easily reason that the hostages are diplomatic prisoners that use a more 'aesthetically neutral' construct to perform diplomatic functions with the other races. There is no reason to think that the Tenno are made up of nothing but space ninja.


You keep saying this as if this is canon, too, SB.


By your logic you could easily reason that the hostages are jantors who put on the wrong suit at their shift start, instead of the pretty clear connection that they are wearing jump suits, with connectors and are 'frame pilots sans their armour. There is no reason not to make that connection, especially since DE staff has said that they are. It's like rather believing that magic makes magnets attracted to each other, than polarized fields.


I know we keep going in circles on this one. Your explanation is just far from satisfactory.

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The Grineer are all clones and the Corpus are all digitized. However there are indications that there are far more than the four main factions hanging around the solar system that we just haven't seen yet. Like minded people being similar within an organization isn't at Planet of Hats level.

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I wonder how Tenno procreate.


Naked Nick already taught us that Tenno have no discernable genetalia.

Real life answer:Placeholder model

In game theoretical answer: Cloning with genetic recombination to avoid degredation. The Grineer want that tech so bad they can taste it.

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You keep saying this as if this is canon, too, SB.


By your logic you could easily reason that the hostages are jantors who put on the wrong suit at their shift start, instead of the pretty clear connection that they are wearing jump suits, with connectors and are 'frame pilots sans their armour. There is no reason not to make that connection, especially since DE staff has said that they are. It's like rather believing that magic makes magnets attracted to each other, than polarized fields.


I know we keep going in circles on this one. Your explanation is just far from satisfactory.


I never state anything as cannon, sir, nor do I ever claim to know anything above other people. I am simply justifying and giving evidence to my hypothesis.


I simply find full-conversion transhumanism easily reasonable and - to me at least - a more plausible explanation. I would also like to note that the developers have stated on several occasions that nothing is set in stone. That includes lore and background. Since there has been no official release to the public about history, biological makeup or racial abilities, only something told to just you, I feel justified in making whatever hypothesis fits my theory.


If you can find a release, patch-note, translation or anything that states plainly that Tenno are vanilla humans in suits, I would love to see it.


I am not saying that your own explanation isn't plausible, I just find more justification in mine and the science seems to match it.

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The Tenno being baseline, unmodded 21st century humans in suits would bug me so much.


IMO they will at least be humans who (like some characters in Deus Ex) have been subtly gene-tweaked to tolerate a more elegant/intimate/subtle level of technological symbiosis than can otherwise be achieved.

Edited by HvcTerr
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IMO they will at least be humans who (like some characters in Deus Ex) have been subtly gene-tweaked to tolerate a more elegant/intimate/subtle level of technological symbiosis than can otherwise be achieved.


I think you would need more than subtle tweaks to pull off the kind of stunts the Tenno do. The flaw in any of these ideas is the human body. Limbs, joints and gristle would just disintegrate in months. The kind of damage pulled off by the physical feats of the Tenno are not possible, even with an exceptionally powerful suit.

Edited by SilverBones
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I think you would need more than subtle tweaks to pull off the kind of stunts the Tenno do. 


I never said that subtle genetic tweaks gave them superpowers directly, I said that subtle tweaks allowed them to be accept the other changes that were needed.


Have you ever played Deus Ex? I highly recommend it, partly because it has wonderful bits of extra writing like this:




From: MedDirectorate//UNATCO.15888.00342

To: JReyes//UNATCO.00973.20892

Subject: Nano-Augmentation Principal/2C Briefing

As a medical specialist, you will be required to repair and modify the systems of our nano-augmented agents. This briefing is intended merely as an introduction to the technology.

The cells of every major tissue in the body of a nano-augmented agent are host to nanite-capsid "hybrids." These hybrids replicate in two stages: the viral stage, in which the host cell produces capsid proteins and packages them into hollowed viral particles, and the nanotech stage, in which the receiver-transmitter and CPU are duplicated and inserted into the protective viral coating. New RNA sequences are transmitted by microwave and translated in to plasmid vectors, resulting in a wholly natural and organic process.

Additional augmentations can be added through the use of microscopic ROM modules—shaped a little like flying saucers—that diffuse through the blood and attach to the long spine of nanite CPUs. These additional augmentations are software "upgrades" in the most literal sense of the word.

We hope this report gets you started; you will find a full technical design document attached. Please read and thoroughly understand this information so that you will be better qualified to administer care to this most exciting new breed of augmented-human agent.


On the materials-science side, yes, the square-cube law comes into play, but clearly the Warframe universe allows some form of unknown force-field-ish manipulation of matter, so frames could conceivably be acting as an exoskeleton and strength-amplifier, despite their lack of bulk. 

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"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.

Come Tenno, you must join the war."


As i admire your work mr SilverBones, i don't agree with your idea as you prefer more complicated things well to compliacate things more. There are many clues in-game indicating that Tennos are humans in suits ( specially Boss taunts,Tenno Description etc.).


The Tenno description above perceives that there's a person inside the warframe who awakened from being cryostasis (which would normally erase memories, indicating that each Tenno are Individually different who had memories once) and confused in a unknown world and will be being guided and prepared by the Lotus (which is clearly the descendant of the orokin who made the warframe as they know how to unlock/activate the warframes power) while discovering what happened around them -through unlocking memories.


The Warframes were specified as a very special kind of a suit which is being considered a threat/precious by both of the Grineer and Corpus. Why would be considered as such if its just a exceptionally powerful suit while all other races are powerful on thier own right.


I simply agree with HvcTerr and CY13ERPUNKs posts :3

Edited by CrystalRibbon
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I never said that subtle genetic tweaks gave them superpowers directly, I said that subtle tweaks allowed them to be accept the other changes that were needed.


Have you ever played Deus Ex? I highly recommend it, partly because it has wonderful bits of extra writing like this:





I love Deus Ex. I love it hard!


I would also like to note that the whole game was based on the concept of humanity outgrowing it's biological limitations and transcending to a better state. That is the fundamental, driving principals of Transhumanism. I am saying the Tenno did this to a much larger degree, using biomechanical components more than mechanical.


To quote the Transhumanist Philosophy on HumanityPlus.org:



Transhumanism is a loosely defined movement that has developed gradually over the past two decades. “Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.” (Max More 1990)


Transhumanism takes a multidisciplinary approach in analyzing the dynamic interplay between humanity and the acceleration of technology. In this sphere, much of our focus and attention is on the present technologies, such as biotechnology and information technology, and anticipated future technologies, such as molecular nanotechnology and artificial general intelligence. Transhumanism seeks the ethical use of these and other speculative technologies. Our theoretical interests focus on posthuman topics of the singularity, extinction risk, and mind uploading (whole brain emulation and substrate-independent minds).


The Tenno could very well be David Sarif's wet dream, in short!


"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.


Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.

Come Tenno, you must join the war."





Agree as you may, the quote leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I am not saying that my theory is the be all and end all of the Tenno, but it has a lot of evidence to it's truth and little against it. Armor is also the term for a driven vehicle; something that must be piloted. (Mobile Armor, Support Armor, Ground Armor, etc.)


Also, there are a lot of boss quotes that hint at the strange nature of the Tenno. Again, no signs that the Tenno are Vanilla Humans any more then the Grineer. As DESteve said in the dev diaries, the story is yours to make. I would not be so presumptuous to say I know the truth, or have irrefutable evidence that they are biomechanical constructs, I just have a theory and some evidence to back up portions of the claim, just like others have theories and evidence to the contrary.


I would also like to point out that nowhere in that quote, does the Lotus call the Tenno 'human.' Just food for thought.


Let's keep this going! I love it!

Edited by SilverBones
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I think you would need more than subtle tweaks to pull off the kind of stunts the Tenno do. The flaw in any of these ideas is the human body. Limbs, joints and gristle would just disintegrate in months. The kind of damage pulled off by the physical feats of the Tenno are not possible, even with an exceptionally powerful suit.

Maybe those parts of the body do degenerate in months, with a Tenno's downtime being spent in some kind of fancy regeneration machine that fixes him up?

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I honestly think it's story carried the lackluster level design and simplified combat. While it didn't blow my mind at any point like the first one did, I felt it carried the themes and feel of the series. I had tons of fun playing it (twice) and have no regrets. 


I hate Jensen, the techno-babble was weak, I saw every plot twist coming a mile off and the ending blew. I will give the game props for making me care that the pilot died, but that's about all I remember. Oh, and the melee takedown system was borked. And I spent that whole Jensen-stands-around-while-evil-lady-is-blatantly-evil cutscene shouting "kill her, kill her now you moron! Are you &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;?" And then she sicked the guards on me and I let Jensen die a bunch of times as punishment. I know a lot of people like it but I'm not sure why. Just one of those things I guess.

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I am simply justifying and giving evidence to my hypothesis.

[...] that states plainly that Tenno are vanilla humans in suits, [...]


[...] I just find more justification in mine and the science seems to match it.


I do have a minuscule problem with these lines.


"It seems clear..." is not evidence, it is interpretation/assumption. Neither you nor I, for that matter, have (admissable) evidence of anything. We have assumptions and detached observations, but no proof of either theory. That is why I am pointing, just as you were rightfully pointing at me before. If you present one theory without another in contrast and speak of evidence, you are insinuating proven truth. This is, with all due respect, misleading to those reading your posts.


I also never stated them to be vanilla humans, but I don't want to be too nitpicky. Just what irks me is the dismissal and underlying ridicule. It does not befit a man of your capacity to disagree in such choice of words and displayed ... ignorance of the opposing party's opinion. I am trying to look at your theory and entertain the thought, and I am asking the devil's advocate's questions, but I would not say: "Your theory is laughable." - I do have reason to believe that it is wrong, based on inadmissable evidence, i.e. DE telling me to my face that the hostages are unsuited Tenno.


"The science seems to match it." is another rather bold statement, falling in line with previous critique. Science is not about believing, but about proving or disproving things. Currently, the closest we can get with the public sources is "We have reason to believe...", but not "We have proven, that...". That is where we need to be to make statements, and we are simply not. My problem is that I do have information surpassing the publicly available ones, but I have no proof of their validity. While I would sign in blood to mean the truth, I will admit that no one has any reason to believe me and also, I could run afoul of misunderstanding, or who told me could have misunderstood the internal source, that is what I know.


We are running in circles, and while I understand and appreciate the effort towards transhumanism, superior influences and the application of realworld physics and medicinal knowledge, I still need to point out that for all terms and purposes, the Warframe universe strikes me as nothing but "low fantasy", as roleplayer would say. The peak of "magic" are the frame abilities. But even those are (haphazardly and hard-to-see) explained with more mundane means. Ember's abilities are about superheated air. Frost is cooling humidity. Mag uses magnetic fields. Loki applies optical effects.


Any technology, when sophisticated enough, will seem to be magic.


Does this mean Tenno are transhumans? I do not see it. I am looking at the suits. That is where the magic happens.

Edited by Ced23Ric
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