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Radial Blind Nerf


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It was not "stealth nerfed".


They very specifically talk about it in the patchnotes back around u12.4

It's functioning as intended.


Anything otherwise, since then, was a bug.


Also, Super Jump and slash dash have always been his best skills.

Hahahaha. His best skills.


On a more serious note: Could you show us when they talked about that incoming  nerf?

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Also, Super Jump and slash dash have always been his best skills.

Sorry, but I only use slash dash to run away and........ super jump........ I believe I CAN FLY!! Whooops, not enough impact on land, but at least I was able to fly a few meters away to land in another group of grineer and slash dash my arse away.  Yep, the best skills so far.

Edited by saltygr33n
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It was not "stealth nerfed".


They very specifically talk about it in the patchnotes back around u12.4

It's functioning as intended.


Anything otherwise, since then, was a bug.


Also, Super Jump and slash dash have always been his best skills.


Finally someone who understands!!  Though it might get drowned out in a sea of Blind Rage due to many who have a Narrow Minded view and think DE have Over Extended themselves

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It was not "stealth nerfed".


They very specifically talk about it in the patchnotes back around u12.4

It's functioning as intended.


Anything otherwise, since then, was a bug.


Also, Super Jump and slash dash have always been his best skills.



Finally someone who understands!!  Though it might get drowned out in a sea of Blind Rage due to many who have a Narrow Minded view and think DE have Over Extended themselves

Why can't I hold all this damage control?

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Radial blind was the ONLY skill I used on excalibur. Was extremely viable and his only USEFUL skill. Now its screwed. 

Radial javelin is crap for the most part, slash dash is crap (only good for getting around), super jump is crap. Radial blind was the only skill that put him into late game and gave him a little bit more of a chance to survive in higher tiers. Now I just gotta leave him there to collect dust.

And not to mention the Trinity nerf. Also gotta leave her too :/

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Then perhaps the patch notes should have a line for this bugfix that's been a whopping 2 major updates in the making?


(seriously if it's left alone for that long, it's the accepted standard)


I totally agree, unless it is stated in the patch notes, just their saying that it is "fixed" or "was bugged, according to source" does not really tell us it wasn't intentional in the first place, otherwise it should have been noted and fixed in many bugfixes ago.....
Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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It was not "stealth nerfed".


They very specifically talk about it in the patchnotes back around u12.4

It's functioning as intended.


Anything otherwise, since then, was a bug.


Also, Super Jump and slash dash have always been his best skills.


Just been back through the patch notes as far as U11, can't find any mention of changing RB to only affect line of sight targets.

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I have a great idea, let's make all abilities require line of sight, everyone will be happy.

Or maybe not.


If anything mirage radial blind should be on sight aswell, just saying.


From what i remember, scott said that he usually checks all the warframes abilities and not just 1, that means all the other 3 might be getting changes as well.

Honestly i believe this is intended only to make the other warframes (including nyx prime) more appealing, to make players buy the other warframes instead because excall won't be up to par.


Just like loki was to good to be a starter warframe, now they decided to hit excall not by removing him from the starter list, but by nerfing his endgame ability.


His abilities aren't bad, but i believe there was a lack of common sense when doing this change, especially when there are so many frames in the game to compare to.


If there is small chance excall prime returns, the 1st sign will probably be a general buff on his abilities.

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So Radial Blind requires LoS to use? And enemies behind cover aren't affected?


Wait, how is this a nerf?  I mean i hate to bring the logic point into it but it is a blinding light, how are you hit from behind cover. I would assume Mirage's Ult functions the same way.



Also the fact that nerfing this skill makes Broxalibur useless shows how mediocre he is when only 1 skill is nerfed. Maybe finally he will be buffed.

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So Radial Blind requires LoS to use? And enemies behind cover aren't affected?


Wait, how is this a nerf?  I mean i hate to bring the logic point into it but it is a blinding light, how are you hit from behind cover. I would assume Mirage's Ult functions the same way.



Also the fact that nerfing this skill makes Broxalibur useless shows how mediocre he is when only 1 skill is nerfed. Maybe finally he will be buffed.

Problem is that people dont realize that Excal was in rank of Nekros. On trick pony with rest of powers being mediocre at best. And his one and only good power was one of the best cc abilities in game, if not the best one. You had ~15 seconds completely disabled enemies for 12 energy.



He needs an rework, and needs one badly. Excalibur feels outdated when compared with what this game is becoming. Tho, he might be hard to balance as he is intended to be jack of all trades.

Edited by RoboDoge
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So Radial Blind requires LoS to use? And enemies behind cover aren't affected?


Wait, how is this a nerf?  I mean i hate to bring the logic point into it but it is a blinding light, how are you hit from behind cover. I would assume Mirage's Ult functions the same way.



Also the fact that nerfing this skill makes Broxalibur useless shows how mediocre he is when only 1 skill is nerfed. Maybe finally he will be buffed.

Do you really want to apply logic to Warframe skills? I'm 100% sure that you don't want that.

It has been said many time:Do the rework before the nerf

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Do you really want to apply logic to Warframe skills? I'm 100% sure that you don't want that.

It has been said many time:Do the rework before the nerf


It's much easier to break it down to rubble then pickup the pieces and start over.



That doesn't mean it's the best way.



But sometimes, alittle bit of logic is good when it comes to warframe skills, interms of how they interact with the environment. Skill easily penetrating through covers makes the point of enemies using cover redundant. But that's going off-topic.

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''Let's nerf the only skill they were using with that frame.''


Yup,that's a great idea.

Absolutely right, I think DE got this backwards.  We aren't using Radial Blind because its good.  Why would we when we can take Frames that instakill all???  We are using Radial Blind because we want to be useful in a team, and that's all excal has(had).  The rest of his abilities should have been brought up to snuff for balancing/utility purposes.

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Thing like this still make me feel like quitting. I hate those over blown this is why I am quitting threads. Like every game I gave up on no post just stopped logging in one day. I am not as angry about Excal as I am about not being able to keep even one stable build. DE has this issue where they just nerf skills into the ground or buff them to the point where they need to be nerfed. 


The community has basically said that anything that scales infinitely needs a nerf but that pretty much leaves Rhino and other such frames as the logical options. DE is steadily taking away our options. I love their design and attention to detail but after a point you get tired of logging in and playing frames you simply do not like. When other players say, "just move on", I wonder, "Why should I if it is not fun to play anymore?".

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They've totally lost it at this point. They nerfed a frame that was already so not overpowered that people commonly kicked you out for even bringing it to t4 stuff. 


It's really bad that they're not even telling us about this stuff anymore. No time i suppose, too busy nerfing everything in sight.

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They've totally lost it at this point. They nerfed a frame that was already so not overpowered that people commonly kicked you out for even bringing it to t4 stuff. 


It's really bad that they're not even telling us about this stuff anymore. No time i suppose, too busy nerfing everything in sight.



Now it's this kind of mentality is why we can't get nice things.


They'r nerfing everything in sight? Really?

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