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Brakk Again, Please Deal With This Problem? All Assassin Weapons


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This is about a solution to the Brakk and similar rare assassin weapon drop problem.




For the Brakk: I have 2 BPs, 3 Receivers, been farming for 3 months on and off, no barrel. I have had 5 G3 encounters where I got mods, or nothing useful leaving a total of 10 encounters the last 3 of which required 43 runs on a grineer invasion AFTER being previously marked (didn't even count the first 5 runs to be sure). Included a Nekros for the obvious Desecrate. This weapon requires 3 distinct parts to craft so each piece I get means lower odds of the next piece each encounter for a ton of work. 


I have had 8 drops of the Dread BP. 8!, plus a bunch of nothings, and crap. Have never seen Hate or Despair in over 12 Stalker encounters.


I get they should be hard, but this isn't hard. The bosses are easy. But averaging 20 runs per encounter I think it is not too much to ask that I know I can get something out of it...so I suggest the following:


1.  Allow us to trade the pieces in to an elusive vendor, or the lotus or whomever 2 for 1. So if someone has a few extra pieces, they can trade for the one they need. They put in the work. This will help people like me who have over 100 marked runs under their belt to not feel so damn stupid about not having it.


2. Write a script that allows these super rare drops to be more tailored to what is required by the player. The G3 mark people, there must be code to read that. Add code that notes which pieces everyone has and give them a novel piece if they were to get a drop from that encounter. Kind of like being marked by the pieces you have as well as the G3.


3. Increase the spawn rate. If I am going to have to put up with useless junk like 3 receivers, make it so I can get more encounters in fewer runs. You can also reduce the mark requirements but the spawn rate would make the biggest difference. Also, remove the marks stack crap so that I don't need to wait for a 4 man group to work its crap out. Just have a base 10% spawn chance or whatever in every mission with at least 1 person marked, regardless of number of members marked. This way I would also have a reasonable chance to have an encounter while simply soloing stuff. If they are hunting me, why does it feel like I need to form a group and HUNT THEM? That's a little silly.


4. Make them all like the Dread. Just the BP for every one of them. This is the worst choice since I know a lot of people that cannot seem to get more than 1 BP from the Stalker.


I am not asking to be able to trade them among players or buy them with platinum, I don't want that. I like the idea of having some powerful gear to bust @$$ to get. I just don't want to spend the last 6 hours of my day off trying to get 1 barrel and only getting 3 chances and coming out with nothing. I ask that you consider this, or any other solution that removes the ridiculous toil and trouble required to get this and similar weapons. You make really cool stuff; I, and I know many others, would love to play with some of it.


Please let the community know if you are moving at all to correct for this. It would help us to at least know that you are trying to find a solution.


Thanks for reading all of that crap :) Warframe is fantastic.




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In terms of dev thought, I think they want us to just play the game and not actually farm for these items but just naturally play the game for a long span of time (Like how one of the devs said something about Stance mods should be rare so it takes a while). Yeah, the drop chances are a bit too random but at the same time, if they were high, you'd only want to hit each assassin three times or so.


With that said, I do want a turn in x amount for y kind of deal. I have a bunch of Brakk parts I don't need, three Detron barrels but no receivers, around fifteen Dread bps, two Despairs, and no Hates(which I really want).

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RNGesus has a desire sensor. The trick is to stop wanting what you want, and soon you'll be swimming in it. :D


The first time i fought the Harvester I wasnt even aware he droped Dentron parts and BP, yet in my first 3 encounters i got all the pieces. Had i known about farming the Harvester i would still be searching for some of the parts.


Believe in RNGesus

Edited by John89brensen
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Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.
This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.
However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin
vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain,for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and just keep at it, thats RNGesus for you. (memorised this for a play your welcomed)

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Guest Tehnoobshow

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.

This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.

However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin

vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain,for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and just keep at it, thats RNGesus for you. (memorised this for a play your welcomed)

There's a V for Vendetta play? Edited by Tehnoobshow
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we're basing rarities off of... a sample size of 10?

that's not a varied sample size.




i think they're how they should be. the rest of the game dumps things on you like the dirt is made out of Gold.



all i could agree with is that Despair and Hate just don't stack up for their rarity. Brakk, Detron, and Dread are very unique. they stand out from the rest of the Weapons, staking their name in players' Arsenals.



i don't want these Assassin Weapons to be as trivial a goal as the rest of the game is.

without goals to actually aim for, players won't even feel like they've achieved anything. and then players are bored, because the game doesn't provide them with actual goals.



we shouldn't be removing goals, instead adding more of them.

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The issue I have with Brakk is the massive RNGwalls it is behind. Key word being walls. I'm fine with things like Void Drops since the first wall, acquiring the key has a reasonable chance and the wall for the actual piece is actually generous compared to other MMOs, but the Brakk has basically a triple RNGWall. First, you have to get the G3 to spawn, which is already ridiculously unlikely. Next you have to have a Brakk piece even drop, and then you have to have the correct piece drop. The first two are already ridiculously bad, and then the third wall of having 1/3 of a chance to get the correct piece is just like a kick in the teeth.



we're basing rarities off of... a sample size of 10?

that's not a varied sample size.




i think they're how they should be. the rest of the game dumps things on you like the dirt is made out of Gold.



all i could agree with is that Despair and Hate just don't stack up for their rarity. Brakk, Detron, and Dread are very unique. they stand out from the rest of the Weapons, staking their name in players' Arsenals.



i don't want these Assassin Weapons to be as trivial a goal as the rest of the game is.

without goals to actually aim for, players won't even feel like they've achieved anything. and then players are bored, because the game doesn't provide them with actual goals.



we shouldn't be removing goals, instead adding more of them.

I agree with this other than the fact Brakk and Detron aren't actual goals as much as simply multiple stacked RNGWalls.
Edited by Arabaxus
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The issue I have with Brakk is the massive RNGwalls it is behind. Key word being walls. I'm fine with things like Void Drops since the first wall, acquiring the key has a reasonable chance and the wall for the actual piece is actually generous compared to other MMOs, but the Brakk has basically a triple RNGWall. First, you have to get the G3 to spawn, which is already ridiculously unlikely. Next you have to have a Brakk piece even drop, and then you have to have the correct piece drop. The first two are already ridiculously bad, and then the third wall of having 1/3 of a chance to get the correct piece is just like a kick in the teeth.


I agree with this other than the fact Brakk and Detron aren't actual goals as much as simply multiple stacked RNGWalls.


For an even worse kick in the teeth its actually an 1/6 of a chance to get it. Don't forget they also drop nuerodes and other mods that have higher drop chances so worse than 1/6 of a chance.


And, OP kill shik tal first.

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" and then players are bored, because the game doesn't provide them with actual goals.



we shouldn't be removing goals, instead adding more of them."

With all due respect, and no offense intended (for realz :)


You are kidding right? That's when players would get "bored"? Because it only took 3 months to get the Brakk instead of 6 +? I don't know but I feel pretty damn "bored" after 40 bloody marked runs in a row and getting the wrong piece whenever they do pop up. The assassin groups are a punishment for getting in the way of a faction, or destabilizing the system by killing bosses. At the least they should be MORE likely to pop if I piss them off more. Basic, very simple logic.


Bored? You wrote that guy :) What is more boring then constant grind for one of the last things you haven't ranked yet. I have, according to Steam anyway, just shy of 800 hours in the game as yet, that's enough time to justify boredom farming for a rare weapon that yes, some people get lucky on.  


As for just play, and it'll get there...I did that, so far for almost 800 hours lol. No hate, no despair, no Brakk Barrel, 5 of the same Detron reciever and nothing else, many, many parts that are useless. That's grinding...not fun. Goals are great, this is stupid. I would not complain if they had a quest for every weapon in the game, as long as I was successful 1/10th of the time, even 1/50th. But I am well past that and I know a lot of other people are too. 


But heaven forbid some lucky guy gets bored...the rest of us? that's fine. 

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im not shure if its possible that the script or game-engine know which parts you have


but even if this would be possible, it would be too cheap to get everything at the first run


even life doesnt function that way :-)))

First, not on the first run, the suggestion that included that would make it the third run. And the odds are that's 40-60 marked runs for a full party in my limited experience. That's not nothing, and it's not one. Added to which, the odds they'll drop a part are not high to begin with. So really not one run.


As for life not functioning that way? I feel bad for you then, 'cause when I bust my &#!, I get paid more. When I try real hard, I get better at things. When I exercise, I get stronger... All of these things get better, on average, proportionally to your effort. There are hiccups sure, but if I do not gain from a ton of grinding away in life, I stop grinding away. Pretty sure that's counter to DE's so far fantastic retention strategy.


Maybe I wrote the above post poorly, did not make my suggestions clear, but nowhere in there did I ask for easy: just logical, or reasonable.

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You are kidding right? That's when players would get "bored"? Because it only took 3 months to get the Brakk instead of 6 +?

the kind of things you suggested:


trading - this means that rarity on these Weapons disappears within 24 hours. just like any other Weapon then.


specific drops for parts you don't have instead of random - guaranteed to have the Weapon within the first 2 Encounters? heh :/


making Assassins spawn more often - aside from some people finding themselves fighting them on purpose, if an Assassin appears too often... the novelty of them wears off and becomes just a hassle. Stalker is already kind've in this boat. he appears often enough for every group of players to usually just go "meh go away Stalker we don't care".


just a Blueprint - guaranteed to have the Weapon on the first Encounter. heh.





the closest thing to a good idea i've seen for assassins is for Alerts of all types to slightly increase the Spawn Chance. it's not ideal, and it doesn't have an obvious Lore reason - but it does make random Alerts more meaningful to more veteran players and periodically makes it a bit easier to lure them out.

you'd also have an incentive to not Rush alerts, so overall it's a fairly decent idea.

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31 runs, 1 G3 pop. All 3 of the G3 dropped 1 neurode each, bull S#&$. 


So for 31 runs today alone I got 3 neurodes. Getting more frustrating every 30 - 40 runs :) That's patience. Did get another Dread bow though, making that 9, still no Hate or Despair seen.





Just finished my 40th marked run for today. Figure I'll keep updating this every block of 20-40 runs with what came out of it.

So far, 40 runs.........3 Neurodes.


Either I am the most unlucky person alive, or this is idiotic :)  Probably both.


please consider, if you are also hunting for this, writing down your own results. Give DE a bit of rough data to work with.

Edited by mostlyerror
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Keep it untradable and just make them drop a brakk part you still need. Everyone gets a different brakk part depending on his inventory so after 3 G3 invasions you have the brakk complete. I can't really imagine a different fair solution to this problem other than that.

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