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Kick Ability To Remove Leechers, Key-Botters, And Afkers.


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Still there are too many people joining games to leech or afk to claim rewards (including key-farm bots <yes those exist)..."The Leecher: Players doing nothing, but afk-ing or not participating on purpose, but claiming mods, and full rewards. All week long...all month long...all year long...no (current) way to stop them", everytime i play approximately 33% of the populace, seem to do is join games and stand still, NOT participating but claiming free loot and FULL rewards off of everyone elses work.


It's an epidemic at this point, one i cant stand anymore. I am forced to leave games, because of other people doing this and effecting my ability to play a long, serious game of anything.


Cure:  Let the host kick.

I say this everyday> If its MY friggin bandwidth and MY friggin host session, I should have friggin control over it.


Normal public response: But itll be abused! (True intention: "Then i wont get to leech! I have to flame this topic away quick!")


Response: It's already proven in other Online Co-Op games for over 10 years that it will not be abused. Many of these games also being loot based.


Hard evidence: Payday 2, Dead Island, Borderlands 1+2, Hammerwatch, Dungeon Defenders, Serious Sam (all of them), Killing Floor, Left4Dead 1+2, Destiny!, Defiance, Champions Online...the list goes on and on especially if you want me to go into MMO's...yet Warframe is STILL the odd child without parents on this gamebusting problem, refusing to look at the issue when the solution is in front of their eyes and the impact of that solution has already proved positive amonst EVERY..OTHER...GAME doing it.


Response to people claiming kick is abused in PayDay 2:  A severe minority of people abuse the kick feature, like they do in EVERY game, but its a TINY MINORITY, the kick feature is proven to be A CURE to problems that people actually have. Your attempt to over exaggerate this abuse is a testament to your desperation to stop the kick feature going in, because you are A: a minority abuser, or B: One of the leechers, afkers and botters apart of the problem.


With no kick feature at all, the problem is free to spread like ebola, only faster. More and more people will realise "hey i can just setup a macro to keep joining defense games and claim to auto-farm Keys!" and with no kick feature, im free to say currently that you support that kind of behaviour. Macro's...are very easy to perform.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Go play Payday2 for a while and see how much you like Host kick ability there.


Made a small mistake? kick. You have not the perfect layout in your equipment? kick. Your name sounds funny? kick. The heist is nearly over after an hour, but a friend of the host comes online? kick.


yeah, not going to happen. Thank you.


edit: Lol, I just saw that you quoted Payday2 as an example of host kicking not being abused. You are so far offtopic it´s not even funny. Payday2 is the PRIME EXAMPLE of why host kicking is so not a good idea.


And regarding MMO´s: Why don´t you skim the World of Warcraft forums for the threads that describe how in public groups you should not continue to play if there are three guys from the same server in your group. Because if something drops they want and you COULD roll for the loot... KICK! Hilarious.

Edited by Vanguard4
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Go play Payday2 for a while and see how much you like Host kick ability there.


Made a small mistake? kick. You have not the perfect layout in your equipment? kick. Your name sounds funny? kick. The heist is nearly over after an hour, but a friend of the host comes online? kick.


yeah, not going to happen. Thank you.


i got kicked for having 100 hours clocked and being infamous 2 :(

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Go play Payday2 for a while and see how much you like Host kick ability there.


Made a small mistake? kick. You have not the perfect layout in your equipment? kick. Your name sounds funny? kick. The heist is nearly over after an hour, but a friend of the host comes online? kick.


yeah, not going to happen. Thank you.

^This already tired of S#&amp;&#036; system.

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that sounds great...but that would cause major problems.....say something wrong or kill a enemy or dont stay by the pod because the host doesnt see fit he may kick u.....so this would be a major issue....Im sure DE will look further into it...but until then nothing we can really do about it.....I have had this happen many times but hell I just ignore the idiots and get my game on. So man dont trip over it....just handle your business....

Edited by (PS4)slapahorecords
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Luv when everyone gets their clans in to flame it as fast as they can, yet, have no alternative.


How else will you continue to leech and not play afterall.


So fast and organised on the 'Like' button of a post. Its evidence enough.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Luv when everyone gets their clans in to flame it as fast as they can, yet, have no alternative.


In Payday2 when you bring up the downsides of host kick do you know what the commnuity´s answer is? GO HOST YOUR OWN GAME.


So there you have it. You dont like potential leechers in your game, HOST YOUR OWN GODDAMN GAME.


End of story.


You really **** me off by even bringing up the "perceived" fact that there is no alternative. DUDE WE ALREADY have an alternative RUNNING THE GAME. NO KICK AT ALL.


edit for serious spelling issues.

Edited by Vanguard4
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Oh god... Imagine the people with RhinoP/BoltorP... They will kick everyone who doesn't have mlg loadouts



I'm certain you wouldn't want to play with these kinds of people anyway. They'd go straight to my ignore list even before the kick.


Like i said, just be able to kick from the lobby, not within the mission

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Really, the only way to not get a PD2-like-kick-cry-wave is to develope an afk-detector.

Player X is not moving from the spawn room? Kick! Player X is not moving somewhere else? Kick!

Played this game just for about a week and I realized leeching is a big problem and needs a fix.


Other problem, me and 2 mates go on a mission with a random, the random cant be kicked AFTER the mission,

the random starts a mission vote, we decline, he starts the vote again, we all have to leave again and make a new group.

This is something that makes me rage hard, why cant I as a host kick a random AFTER the mission?

I dont want him to start new mission votes untill we all have to leave the group, I just want to play with my mates.

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In Payday2 when you bring up the downsides of host kick do you knwo waht the commnuity´s answer is? GO HOST OYUR OWN GAME.


So there oyu have it. You dobnt like potetnial leechers in your game, HOST YOUR OWN GODDAMN GAME.


End of story.


You really **** me off by even bringing up the "perceived" fact that there is no alternative. DUDE WE ALREADY have an alternative RUNNING THE GAME. NO KICK AT ALL.


Thats the entire point, if you read my post. If i AM THE HOST, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO SOLVE MY PROBLEM THROUGH KICKING.




And that is absolute bull####

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Thats the entire point, if you read my post. If i AM THE HOST, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO SOLVE MY PROBLEM THROUGH KICKING.




And that is absolute bull####


I fully understand your point and I think it´s #*(&#036;%%@ up. And you didn´t understand my point:


Make your own game and invite people who you know are not AFK leechers. Tadaa, problem solved.

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Seriously, people come in and simply say "No, it will be abused. Here are examples of how it is abused in other games." Yes. It's abused. People are douches, but unless you got a better idea than "auto afk kick" which can be fixed by just moving your mouse every couple of seconds, which can be macroed or botted, then this system is the best we got.


This a perfect system? No. Nothing every managed by humans will ever be perfect. There are always bad apples. But allowing the host of the session to kick people is the best option at the moment. So unless you have a better idea than this, don't say "No, here is why." Never just say "No, here is why." Say "No, Here is why, HERE IS HOW YOU FIX THAT." Please.


Tired of all this "No, no, I don't like that, I don't like that, I don't want that, that can't happen in MY game, I'll get kicked by people because of X, Y, Z, reason!" Then you don't play with those people, make some friggin' friends in this game, or keep hopping around until you find some decent people. Seriously, if all the people you run into in the game are douches, why do you still play with randoms? Why not make some friends?

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I fully understand your point and I think it´s #*($%%@ up. And you didn´t understand my point:


Make your own game and invite people who you know are not AFK leechers. Tadaa, problem solved.



Then let's just remove the recruiting chat in that case.


There are some people who simply don't like being in clans or adding people as friends in a game, anti-social, even online.

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When you enter the PUG pool you never know what your going to be paired up with but I'm not telling you something you already don't know.


If the kick ability was to happen It should be a vote system in my opinion.  There are to many "it's my ball and I call the rules" types that would kick you for some of the reasons already expressed above.


I know I would be kicked when real life intervened and I had to AFK to take care of it.  (If I know a situation is going to take a while I will just apologize to the team and abort rather than leech)  There are some that would have a finger on the kick button the entire mission just begging for an excuse to use it.



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Cozzi: Hu? The recruiting chat is exactly what i was referring to. Grab people from the recruit chat. Anybody looking there will not be an AFK leecher since they will klick join mission and look for an auto team matching.


Seriously - leeching is not a rampart problem in warframe. It´s not even noteiceable, since you will have at least one totally overpowered frame in the mission being able to carry all. And I have never seen someone AFKing in a TIV defense without a good explanation.

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I know I would be kicked when real life intervened and I had to AFK to take care of it.  (If I know a situation is going to take a while I will just apologize to the team and abort rather than leech)  There are some that would have a finger on the kick button the entire mission just begging for an excuse to use it.


Full Ack. And most of the time, people just hit "yes" for a votekick anyway. i saw that often enough in WoW. People just assume that there COLULD be a reason validifying this kick, so just go yes. Less hassle to just klick yes than to deal with the issue at hand.

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Seriously, people come in and simply say "No, it will be abused. Here are examples of how it is abused in other games." Yes. It's abused. People are douches, but unless you got a better idea than "auto afk kick" which can be fixed by just moving your mouse every couple of seconds, which can be macroed or botted, then this system is the best we got.


This a perfect system? No. Nothing every managed by humans will ever be perfect. There are always bad apples. But allowing the host of the session to kick people is the best option at the moment. So unless you have a better idea than this, don't say "No, here is why." Never just say "No, here is why." Say "No, Here is why, HERE IS HOW YOU FIX THAT." Please.


Tired of all this "No, no, I don't like that, I don't like that, I don't want that, that can't happen in MY game, I'll get kicked by people because of X, Y, Z, reason!" Then you don't play with those people, make some friggin' friends in this game, or keep hopping around until you find some decent people. Seriously, if all the people you run into in the game are douches, why do you still play with randoms? Why not make some friends?


Pretty much perfectly spoke.


Auto-Kick features just dont work anymore. Especially with all these new mouses and keyboards coming with Macro software built in.

A human decision wether to kick or not will, and always will be better than a machine.


With no kick feature at all, the problem is free to spread like ebola, only faster. More and more people will realise "hey i can just setup a macro to keep joining defense games and claim to auto-farm Keys!" and with no kick feature, im free to say currently that you support that kind of behaviour.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Cozzi: Hu? The recruiting chat is exactly what i was referring to. Grab people from the recruit chat. Anybody looking there will not be an AFK leecher since they will klick join mission and look for an auto team matching.


Seriously - leeching is not a rampart problem in warframe. It´s not even noteiceable, since you will have at least one totally overpowered frame in the mission being able to carry all. And I have never seen someone AFKing in a TIV defense without a good explanation.



I can assure my fellow forumite, i have hosted parties and had leechers in recruiting chat, they are barely distinguishable from normal players but you can see they're not participating in combat, and as shown on the end of mission stats screen that they have the least kills (melee or even range), least damage done or even abilities used (example desecrating nekros would have little damage done/taken but a MASSIVE abilities used).


Regardkess if carrying, all players should be pulling thier weight. It's acceptable if you're a freshly new/formaed fame and you're playing carefully, but it isn't an excuse to leech.

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