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Petition To Remove Stasis Recovery Period


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I've been hating stasis since the day I got my second dog. Absolutely no reason to ever switch them because I never know what mission i'll do next. I NEVER know if I'll want Howl or Dig. NEVER. Not ONE time have I said, "In three hours, I think I'll do X mission". Never. And I never will. Even if stasis doesn't change, I will NEVER plan my GAME time three hours in advance.


I can appreciate the business model. I understand the need to burn platinum. This is just an insulting way to go about it.

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Secondly, people always wants everything for free, if DE put option «Make it free» (i.e. almost equals «remove it») it would be popular, too.


Thirdly, players don't even think to put themselves in Devs place. They think everything is so easy to change.


Finally, they even don't care that the game is f2p, and DE needs some money to make their game better and polish it for 3(!) platforms. But, to make it better devs should pay for work to their personal.

Also, any company must make a profit to stay in business (remember THQ? And others?), if they change more and more things to free -- no time to craft, breed, etc -- they will lose their profit, and in the end, you know what will happen :(


So, these strange 'things' such as a Stasis Recovery or crafting time is just a way to keep the game afloat. That's why it called f2p.


Again, please, don't get me wrong. I understand that's not comfortable for everyone, but you need to understand it's not easy to change something that makes a profit.

1. True, but I see people asking to remove a pointless and discouraging game mechanic here, not trying to persuade DE to sell weapon slots in the market for credits.

2. It's pretty easy to change. They probably only have to delete a chunk of code, or interchange the 3-hour integer with a zero. Boom. Done. Besides, they were perfectly fine with changing Blessing twice over the course of 2 days.

3. No one spends real money to rush their Kubrow out of stasis. It's a waste of plat, therefore pointless, and it most likely generates 5$ of revenue a month at the most. Weapon rushing is more reasonable because it's only once per weapon and is small enough for some people to spend plat on it. 



I admit that last one is hyperbole. I don't know how much money DE gets out of rushing stasis recovery, but I do know it's pitifully negligible if they're tossing around the idea of a craftable item that shortens the recovery time for free.


The real revenue comes from rushing weapons (sort of), storage slots, cosmetics, color palettes, Prime Access, boosters, catalysts, reactors, and formae. I guess desperate people looking to buy prime parts for plat end up spending money on the game, too.

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I've had two Kubrows so far, and not once have I removed them from stasis. They reach rank 30 and then they live in the freezer. I often only get to play in 1 to 2 hour bursts because I work full time, so 3 hours thaw time doesn't really do it for me. How should I know which Kubrow I'll need on my next play session when I rarely know what I'm doing that day until I see what kinds of alerts or invasions are going on?


...Well, that, and I have a 4-Forma Deth Machine Rifle that makes mincemeat out of most things.

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Easy solution that should satisfy all parties:  Remove the kubrow stasis cooldown, but make all kubrows who have been out of stasis degrade, not just the current active kubrow.


So if you take out dog A, switch to B, then to C and back to A, all 3 degrade that day.

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Easy solution that should satisfy all parties:  Remove the kubrow stasis cooldown, but make all kubrows who have been out of stasis degrade, not just the current active kubrow.


So if you take out dog A, switch to B, then to C and back to A, all 3 degrade that day.


You are a genius. I hope one of the folks at DE sees this post.

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Easy solution that should satisfy all parties:  Remove the kubrow stasis cooldown, but make all kubrows who have been out of stasis degrade, not just the current active kubrow.


So if you take out dog A, switch to B, then to C and back to A, all 3 degrade that day.


That's the idea. That way, the "avoiding exploits" argument is out. Easy and simple.

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If you just read through the thread (not that long), and then back come back to your post, you will see that many of your concerns have been answered by others. You said you have only a certain amount of time to play the game. So do most of us. You said you wanted to play with a certain kubrow so you picked him out of stasis, then went and played another game and/or watched a movie. Don't you see the obvious inconvenience here? What if I only get home at 8pm in the night and have 1-2 hours of WF before I have to go to sleep?


And if you're talking about revenues here, someone else mentioned that 10p isn't that much considering that only a handful of players actually have the plat to spare to bring kubrows out of stasis EVERY time.


You obviously have a very negative view of "greedy" people. However, it's not greed, it's called being human. You show me shiny stuff, of course I'll want it. You can't expect everyone to be Buddhas. Even if you did put a poll saying "Armour for free", PLUS other options such as alerts/credits. I think at this point, not that many would go for "free" because people now have a way to earn plat by trading. They might also prefer alerts/credits because well shoot us for wanting stuff!


Hell even pre-trading era would've revealed pretty much the same result. People understand the concept of goods for money and it was pretty narrow to assume something like that.


Hate to repeat someone else, but your profit argument doesn't quite stand when DE themselves are talking about rushing the stasis recovery with cryotic instead of plats AKA free.

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I want it reduced not removed altogether

Once again you can reduce it to a negligible amount but the question still remains of why it needs to be there at all. From a convenience, or lore, or immersion perspective... whatever you consider, there is just no apparent reason for it to exist at all!

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And the reason its there you're just willfully ignoring them. 

The funny part is there is no real reason the thaw-out timer is there.


And people have already suggested that a Kubrow's integrity should degrade if they're taken out at least once for the whole day, so there is no exploit.

Or that penalties be applied for a Kubrow that is taken on a mission while still trying to wake up.


I'm patient but I'm not masochistic.

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