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Lets Talk About Afkers Really Quick.


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Ive been chatting up the subreddit 

http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2hcd8n/vote_to_kick/ link

for reference.  Im tired of afkers getting a free ride in this game. Instead of giving players the power to kick people within a moments notice, how about a system is put in place that will identify when a player is afk, not moving, moving in only one direction for a period of time, or just shooting a wall for a period of time. Then and only then the computer will give the players in the squad a vote to choose if this player gets kicked or not. With this the players cant just kick a player that is either to good, to fast, or just because. Having no option to deal with this is an issue, and if you have any other suggestions that would be great. 

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when i run into an afker, i screenshot them and the end mission screen that shows how little they did in the mission, then send it to support.


the only problem is im not sure how much information they need for these kinds of reports, so i tell them what mission and what time it happened


i hope someday we figure out some kind of template form so its quicker to report a player for being a ball and chain.

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Just as a default.

A player who has 0 of every stat should not receive rewards at end mission. (though I know this will probably be impossible and silly because of how often the stat page messes up)

problem with that are people who are joining a mission and join a wave 5 defense or round 1 interception right before it ends and not having a chance to do anything.

Edited by xcynderx
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been saying this forever


cells should be composed of FIVE tenno


then DE can do one of two things : either give us a vote-kick option now that a simple majority is possible, or give host-kick privileges (its only fair that the host of a match has control over the match and no one else)

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when i run into an afker, i screenshot them and the end mission screen that shows how little they did in the mission, then send it to support.


the only problem is im not sure how much information they need for these kinds of reports, so i tell them what mission and what time it happened


i hope someday we figure out some kind of template form so its quicker to report a player for being a ball and chain.

Player Name:








Mission Type:


Approximate length of time:


Evidence: (pic of start of round with the afk in spawn)

                 (end screen pic of stats)

                 (Maybe a pic of them still afk in base after mission is done)






Was that so hard?

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See, DE thought about this. They honestly did. But what their response was is that if you're inactive for a certain amount of time, your sentinal turns off, so that it won't defend you anymore, and you can potentially get killed, rather than acting as a turret.


GG DE. You definitely hit the issue where it hurts.

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Just as a default.

A player who has 0 of every stat should not receive rewards at end mission. (though I know this will probably be impossible and silly because of how often the stat page messes up)


I often rush through invasion missions, exterminating everything before my teammates can get a chance to shoot anything.   There are a lot of times when their stats are all zeros even though they were struggling just behind me the whole the mission.


I suppose if I took a screenshot at mission start before they started moving then at the end showing their zero stats, support might be convinced to ban them for afk exploiting.  But I wouldn't do that, that would be evil.

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I often rush through invasion missions, exterminating everything before my teammates can get a chance to shoot anything.   There are a lot of times when their stats are all zeros even though they were struggling just behind me the whole the mission.


I suppose if I took a screenshot at mission start before they started moving then at the end showing their zero stats, support might be convinced to ban them for afk exploiting.  But I wouldn't do that, that would be evil.

Good point. Even more of a reason to shy away from that besides the reason I stated.

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afk timer, and script or something that blocks macro software ( ive seen other games do it so dont tell me cant be done thats BS)


5 min afk ingame? hi login screen :D that worked for tons of other games , even tho i heard arguments like


- Macro ( to move each  4min if 5 min afktimer for example)
   Block Macros.(seen it done on other games)


- They will move each 3 min to prevent
   So you agree they are not fully able to afk? and have to move on their own each few min? thats the idea. AFKer isnt afking comfortable anymore.



DE put a afk timer in the game :) and get sum scripts ( w/e) to block people from using macro


this is THE solution ( if done right:) ) 


how to do it right:




if overall applied this wont work and will only be annoying. ( private match 2 people in match afk a sec because a friend is still comming and they wait for him ingame, not starting the surv/def mission yet, this is a case where u do NOT want the afk timer to kick in.)



Ive been chatting up the subreddit 

http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2hcd8n/vote_to_kick/ link

for reference.  Im tired of afkers getting a free ride in this game. Instead of giving players the power to kick people within a moments notice, how about a system is put in place that will identify when a player is afk, not moving, moving in only one direction for a period of time, or just shooting a wall for a period of time. Then and only then the computer will give the players in the squad a vote to choose if this player gets kicked or not. With this the players cant just kick a player that is either to good, to fast, or just because. Having no option to deal with this is an issue, and if you have any other suggestions that would be great. 


this game just should not get a kick option, think of all the noobs who will be left out just because Mr.BoltorPrime doesnt like what their loadout is, rlly


if you notice a afker, simply leave squad , Esc - friends - Recent players and invite the people who was active back in. works for me


edit: ah sorry i actually read it this time and i see your point, not a bad idea tho i think the afk timer is better.

Edited by NickBoay
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afk timer, and script or something that blocks macro software ( ive seen other games do it so dont tell me cant be done thats BS)


5 min afk ingame? hi login screen :D that worked for tons of other games , even tho i heard arguments like


- Macro ( to move each  4min if 5 min afktimer for example)

   Block Macros.(seen it done on other games)


- They will move each 3 min to prevent

   So you agree they are not fully able to afk? and have to move on their own each few min? thats the idea. AFKer isnt afking comfortable anymore.



DE put a afk timer in the game :) and get sum scripts ( w/e) to block people from using macro


this is THE solution ( if done right:) ) 


how to do it right:




if overall applied this wont work and will only be annoying. ( private match 2 people in match afk a sec because a friend is still comming and they wait for him ingame, not starting the surv/def mission yet, this is a case where u do NOT want the afk timer to kick in.)



this game just should not get a kick option, think of all the noobs who will be left out just because Mr.BoltorPrime doesnt like what their loadout is, rlly


if you notice a afker, simply leave squad , Esc - friends - Recent players and invite the people who was active back in. works for me


edit: ah sorry i actually read it this time and i see your point, not a bad idea tho i think the afk timer is better.

I love this so much thank you for your comment. Something has to be done about these...these...

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how is this a problem?


it's literally the easiest thing in the game to detect and combat.


doing nothing? kicked or no rewards.  doing the same thing, ala a macro? kicked or no rewards.


no player input required.


the only real issue is that it's p2p, so there's no way to prevent some jerk host from abusing it to kick who he wants.

Edited by Macdermott
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it's literally the easiest thing in the game to detect and combat.


doing nothing? kicked or no rewards.  doing the same thing, ala a macro? kicked or no rewards.


Aside from banning use of autohotkey, it is no way easy to detect and combat. 


Autohotkey (and other hotkey scripting programs) have RANDOM functions. 

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nope there is a easy way i suggested in a other thread.


if you have a afker like you get all hour the massage that you played so long it should happen.


if someone afk longer then 3min the system asked player about a kick they can accpet or denied so if 2 of 4 ppl say yes hes out if no one votes he stays.



that way ppl cant start a vote kick and auto kick can be a fail to cause of some frames like nekros who stand still and spam descarate.


but if you mix those 2 systems you get a easy to handle one ;)

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What about that reputation system which was in the works? I like that idea a lot more, if it's very simple to use.


Allow people to upvote people's reputation at the end of a match. Also allow players to "flag" a player as an AFKer.


The former makes it so you're more likely to play with people whose reputations you've upvoted. The latter is a negative point system; the more AFK flags you accrue, the more likely you are to be matched with people with AFK flags. The equation is +Reputation – [AFK Flags] = Reputation. If Reputation >= 0, you will be matched normally. If Reputation < 0, you will be matched with people who have a –Reputation ~ [Your Reputation].


It's not perfect, because people can still AFK Flag players they just don't like, even if they weren't AFK, but I think it's better than a kick system. Would take longer to start taking effect though.

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Well I like the idea of an AFK timer, which then prompts the players on whether or not to kick since this would be the first in-game consequence to mark afking as a discouraged behavior.  If players use autohotkey to get around, then you can report them to support who can then enforce more severe punishments for exploiting the system.

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Why not make it so that everyone (individually) has to make it to the extraction point before they receive the rewards?  That way, if someone goes afk and everyone else finishes the mission, said person will have to get through it by themselves or receive nothing.  Make it so that once players get to the extraction point, they have to hit some trigger to extract immediately (or maybe start a timer).


Leave people in group once they've extracted, but bar them from picking another mission until either the entire group has extracted or they leave the group.


Make the enemies in Exterminate missions respawn slowly and continuously as they do in Capture missions, giving players a quota of kills to reach as a team.  While the afk'er might reach that quota, they will be forced to fight their way to the end of the mission by themselves, which ultimately will take more time and effort than if they'd just done it legitimately in the first place with the other players.


Obviously this will screw-up groups, as people won't want to wait for the others to extract when they're already sitting in their ships--but it's not as if that isn't happening already:  PUGs barely speak to each other usually, breaking group with nary a word spoken after the mission is run.  The people that want to extract before everyone else in Survival missions will just hang out at the extraction point.  Groups that were formed with a purpose, however, tend to stick together.


I'd much rather extract when finished than be forced to wait for people blundering through Themisto trying to find every locker.


Admittedly this will eliminate some of that tension you get when the whole teams' hopes are pinned on one lone Tenno running to extraction with zero oxygen left...but I believe the benefits outweigh the loss.  Besides, I'm sure that there's a way to retain that somehow--perhaps make it so that players can opt to pick up another player's "token" after they've died and carry it to extraction, so that the demised player can receive the rewards as well--that way the players will decide whether or not someone carried enough weight to be carried out to the reward.


These are just a few ideas...

Edited by fadeinlight
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