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Uhhhh Loki?



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Calling Loki weak? Underpowered? Oh boy, how wrong you are.

Loki is centered around utility. He is not meant to deal damage, and the bulk of his damage is through his weapons. In terms of survivability, Loki has Invisibility. The point of using Loki is to not take hits and manipulate them.

His four skills synergize extremely well, and can be used in various combinations which works well from level 1 to level 9999 enemies.

Radial Disarm turns any ranged enemy into jokers holding cattle prods. Stripping a level 9999 Heavy Gunner of its Gorgon goes a long way.

In T4 Defence Wave 45 onwards, Heavy Gunners can easily instagib your Frost's Globe and the pod, and down your Rhino Prime with a few shots. While you all are wasting revives, Loki can simply Disarm them and send them on a wild goosechase, chasing illusionary Decoys with their Cattle Prods while the invisible Trickster laughs behind his helmet.

Radial Disarm with Nyx Chaos = All out brawl between Prodmen.

#Loki Master Race.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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He relies on Utility and Greatly modded weapons in order to succeed. His Kit helps scale for end-game and invisibility causes all melee weapons to guarantee crit and prevent him from being shot. Radial disarm Screws over heavy units at any level. Decoy helps take some fire off of you and draws enemies in that are melee (Or forced to melee by Radial Disarm) Switch teleport can bring you to some sneaky spots and help team-mates up Parkour areas.


Loki is one of my favorite frames to play but there is much more reasons why everyone loves him. Those are just a few.

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loki is also the bane of any and all door heroes as you can forcefully recall them back from the brink of stupidity.

(unless you're in ceres and they're off being typically ignorant of the goals)


other than that, the details already listed in this thread pretty much sum him up.

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Calling Loki weak? Underpowered? Oh boy, how wrong you are.

Loki is centered around utility. He is not meant to deal damage, and the bulk of his damage is through his weapons. In terms of survivability, Loki has Invisibility. The point of using Loki is to not take hits and manipulate them.

His four skills synergize extremely well, and can be used in various combinations which works well from level 1 to level 9999 enemies.

Radial Disarm turns any ranged enemy into jokers holding cattle prods. Stripping a level 9999 Heavy Gunner of its Gorgon goes a long way.

#Loki Master Race.


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He's not an ideal frame for bosses like Void Vor, but vs mobs, if you do right, he's god


assuming you have a decent invisibility timer (i usually don't) and some situational awareness, he can solo vor easily. (i've done it while running solo t4e and t4c)

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assuming you have a decent invisibility timer (i usually don't) and some situational awareness, he can solo vor easily. (i've done it while running solo t4e and t4c)

Solo'ing Vor is easy. Fighting him while teammates insist on throwing up snow globes that force you within range of his aoe attack, is hard. :P

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Loki is pure utility.

The longer you play the more you'll realise how good that makes him.

Furthermore he is amazing in both solo and teamplay.

Solo you can become permanently invisible with the right build, cheap as it is.

And in teamplay disarms, decoys and easy revives (as well as pseudo cc in switch tp) makes Loki a great choice for long runs.

He might be squishy, but up in the higher levels the difference between squishy and tanky is about half a second.

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The issue with players thinking Loki is bad is Loki almost requires good gear to compliment him to show off his true colors, mostly because his skills are utility and don't directly help you kill things, and at lower levels, survivability usually doesn't require Invisibility and enemy bullets are not as damaging as to require Disarm.


Once you hit higher levels and face stronger enemies with your stronger weapons, you'll realize why Loki is great.

Edited by Arabaxus
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i don get why ppl like him so much I use to have him maxed him out and he seemed to weak to even go into void missions or defenses I know radial disarm is a bit of help  but still why?

i think OP is one of those that spam damaging moves like they're going out of style ._. loki is pretty great. with the right mods you can disarm enemies that arent even remotely near you, you get a melee buff while invisible, add to the dragon nikana or dakra prime and you are gonna do alot of damage. loki can use his decoy to distract enemies while he revives people while invisible. radial disarm can not only knock down infested but also deal slight damage. also he can use disarm to ground ospreys or destroy them. (idk which get downed and which get destroyed) plus he is one of the better looking frames :P


on a side note does switch teleport really still affect players? not asking cause i wanna troll but cause it could be used to rescue stuck allys

Edited by Llelouche
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It's simple really. The devs decided to state him as for "advanced" players. So people think they're being pro when using him. Which is far from the truth because EVERY warframe is advanced in the hands of the right player. It's all about knowing how to use them. Ash for example might not have the best crowed control, but slap on mods that enhance shields, health and armor and combine that with the smoke bomb and blade storm which effect the enemy as well as hiding/keeping you out of fire for a few moments to let your shield recharge and all I can say is good luck finding another warframe so versatile and mobile (With that said though, powers like Shuriken and Excaliburs slash and dash and other such powers need a boost for higher level enemies. Because right now such abilities are useless late game).


Honestly, I'm sick and tired of hearing about Loki. Or how other warframes suck compared to others. Either nerf him if he's that over powered compared to the other warframes or get the other warframes in the "advanced" spotlight. Or go into detail about how useful each and every warframe can be and what strengths and weakness they have beyond the standard crowed control (as in in the game codex). EVERY damn warframe is ALWAYS useful when used right.

Edited by Taramafor
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It's simple really. The devs decided to state him as for "advanced" players. So people think they're being pro when using him. Which is far from the truth because EVERY warframe is advanced in the hands of the right player. It's all about knowing how to use them. Ash for example might not have the best crowed control, but slap on mods that enhance shields, health and armor and combine that with the smoke bomb and blade storm which effect the enemy as well as hiding/keeping you out of fire for a few moments to let your shield recharge and all I can say is good luck finding another warframe so versatile and mobile (With that said though, powers like Shuriken and Excaliburs slash and dash and other such powers need a boost for higher level enemies. Because right now such abilities are useless late game).


Honestly, I'm sick and tired of hearing about Loki. Either nerf him if he's that over powered compared to the other warframes or get the other warframes in the "advanced" spotlight. Or go into detail about how useful each and every warframe can be and what strengths and weakness they have beyond the standard crowed control.

in reality he is classified advanced cause not everyone can use him where as rhino is used by everyone because he is easy to use for beginners/veterans alike. loki doesnt really have anything that can be nerfed. no skills do damage like absorb, radial javelin, etc. to nerf the duration of skills or range would be to nerf the mods.

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Loki, my MAIN FRAME, is an overpowered frame when used right


Invisability: instant get away and massive damage


Decoy: great distraction and can be used in co-operation with Switch Teleport for getting into secret rooms that you cant get into, ODD rooms,


Switch Teleport: allows you to take a high value target out of an entire group, and allows to Radial Disarm once in, and allows you to switch tele players to get them into range of an enemy or to help you take out a crowd, also can be used with Decoy by switch teleing witht he Decoy


Radial Disarm: greatest ability ever, takes away any and ALL weapons form units and replaces them with caddle-prods, allowgin your team to dispatch them quickly and take away any and ALL fire power


all around he is the GREATEST frame to exist, hence why he is my main frame



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Loki, my MAIN FRAME, is an overpowered frame when used right


Invisability: instant get away and massive damage


Decoy: great distraction and can be used in co-operation with Switch Teleport for getting into secret rooms that you cant get into, ODD rooms,


Switch Teleport: allows you to take a high value target out of an entire group, and allows to Radial Disarm once in, and allows you to switch tele players to get them into range of an enemy or to help you take out a crowd, also can be used with Decoy by switch teleing witht he Decoy


Radial Disarm: greatest ability ever, takes away any and ALL weapons form units and replaces them with caddle-prods, allowgin your team to dispatch them quickly and take away any and ALL fire power


all around he is the GREATEST frame to exist, hence why he is my main frame



#LokiMasterRace kinda sad i couldnt get the loki prime profile pic @.@ 

Edited by Llelouche
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Yeah, Loki isn't overpowered in the way most people think of when they think, "overpowered."

Loki is one of those frames that keels over once the energy runs out, but is awesome for as long as the energy lasts.

Get some duration and efficiency mods on him, and you can pretty much stay invisible for a very long time.

I used Loki for the Tactical Alert with the Hyenas. (Cause I needed to do it over 400 times to carry my friends.)

I just turned invisible, busted the Hyenas, and just did that...over and over, with my trusty dragon nikana.


He's no replacement for rhino though, as you can get caught in the crossfire pretty easily if you're not careful, and Loki is super squishy.

But used well, Loki is a nice reminder that you don't need to be tanky if the enemy can't hit you...

(Used well...that's the kicker.)

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Yeah, Loki isn't overpowered in the way most people think of when they think, "overpowered."

Loki is one of those frames that keels over once the energy runs out, but is awesome for as long as the energy lasts.

Get some duration and efficiency mods on him, and you can pretty much stay invisible for a very long time.

I used Loki for the Tactical Alert with the Hyenas. (Cause I needed to do it over 400 times to carry my friends.)

I just turned invisible, busted the Hyenas, and just did that...over and over, with my trusty dragon nikana.


He's no replacement for rhino though, as you can get caught in the crossfire pretty easily if you're not careful, and Loki is super squishy.

But used well, Loki is a nice reminder that you don't need to be tanky if the enemy can't hit you...

(Used well...that's the kicker.)

hence why he isn't meant for everyone. every frame is suited to a certain type of player. 

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loki doesn't suffer from scaling problems like... well.... everybody else.

All of his abilities work regardless of mob levels.


If your group is even half-conscious you can manage incredible feats of combination.

Frost & Vauban augment his radial disarm in an absolutely absurd fashion.


He's not overpowered, he's just doesn't become underpowered... ever.

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loki doesn't suffer from scaling problems like... well.... everybody else.

All of his abilities work regardless of mob levels.


If your group is even half-conscious you can manage incredible feats of combination.

Frost & Vauban augment his radial disarm in an absolutely absurd fashion.


He's not overpowered, he's just doesn't become underpowered... ever.



Yeah this. Disarm Loki on a room + Vortex Vauban = defense ignoring finishers all day. 

Edited by angelsplight
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