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Mystral - Tenno Fan Weapon


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This is a concept made by me of a new kind of melee weapon. I think zephyr needs a new good weapon stuff xD this weapon is basically focused on slash damage using fast and strong attacks closing and opening the fan, showing all the blades inside it to the grineers :3 Hope You will like my idea! :)  




Edited by Humbros
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very original, i'm curious how they would animate the combat with this weapon, nice job


I suppose that would depend on whether or not this adopts a current weapon category or a new one. 


@Humbros what is the scaling of this weapon? Is is a dagger sized knife or an enormous, shortsword type modification? Might be able to come up with some ideas of animating this thing based on existing stances.

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I suppose that would depend on whether or not this adopts a current weapon category or a new one. 


@Humbros what is the scaling of this weapon? Is is a dagger sized knife or an enormous, shortsword type modification? Might be able to come up with some ideas of animating this thing based on existing stances.

well... I don't know yet XD I think it can be a sword like size. It's strange because in my mind I have the moveset really clear, but is difficult to describe it with english words and technically XD anyway Is a different stance than the existing ones.

Edited by Humbros
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Well, assuming it's a dagger (it's WAYY to kule to be any dagger IMO), I can kinda imagine how to add opening/closing animations for Homing Fang combo.


But hold up, I have another idea:

Make this thing fang prime size and composed fulla oxium. 

Basically, throwable boomerang war fans, similar to Yumi Ishiyama's from Code Lyoko (Jesus that is ONE HELLUVA OLD ANIME!)

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I imagine it big like Temari's fan (Naruto). It will use air combos, spinning crazy on greener & corpus body and erase them!

I can also imagine 2 little versions of the fan to be used, it will be really fun to do combos with them!!!

mmmm yes this^^ this would be amazingly fun 

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  • 4 months later...

Wow. This is one of the more original melee weapon concepts I've seen, for sure. I like that it looks like a simple blade when closed, but is anything but simple when opened. The hidden Lotus emblem is a very nice touch, as well.


I could very much see it in a number of roles, too--you could spawn a whole new weapon tree/category with this. Small ones could be dual-wielded... you could have a throwable one comparable to the glaive and kestral, but with more emphasis on melee combat and a shorter throwing range. A ginormous one would be totally epic, too.

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