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Too Much Credits?!


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Actually, the OP is correct in his statement and I can attest to this from my 2 hours of doing credit alerts.  I started off with less than 1k credits because I was modding the last time I played.  Within 1.5 hours, I managed to purchase the Banshee Warframe BP, plus I was able to start building my Banshee Warframe overall, the dark sword, Saryn Systems, Plasma Sword and my Brokk Hammer Skin.  And I started them all within 30 minutes of each other.  Now tell me that we don't earn that much credits!

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I have 2k credits right now. I find the credit reward is too much.


Instead of bringing up you normal "your an egoistic, toxic, pseudo veteran *insert insult here*" bullS#&$ just accept other opinions that are different from your for a change or just simply don't post. You don't have to make every topic a personal conversation with someone because THAT's Toxic.


Good night

Why do you think the credit reward is a bit much?



That's really to much!!!

Before,i got 100k or more on 1 day if i want, now its like 300-500k

It's ok if we get more, but thats really to much


By the way...

To much credits can destroy the game...


The problem here is that many players don't have the time to spend days upon days playing the game just to unlock a cool gun (which then needs you to farm resources just to build. And once you've built it, you have to level it up!) If you make it too hard to get cool stuff, players aren't going to buy the stuff with plat, they're just going to quit.


I mean, I bought in to the founder program so it's not like I'm hurting for plat, but I still can't bring myself to buy the guns or warframes.


Actually, the OP is correct in his statement and I can attest to this from my 2 hours of doing credit alerts.  I started off with less than 1k credits because I was modding the last time I played.  Within 1.5 hours, I managed to purchase the Banshee Warframe BP, plus I was able to start building my Banshee Warframe overall, the dark sword, Saryn Systems, Plasma Sword and my Brokk Hammer Skin.  And I started them all within 30 minutes of each other.  Now tell me that we don't earn that much credits!


I'm calling shenanigans on that. There aren't enough credit alerts in two hours to buy all that.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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I know the recent credit buff is very nice. However, I find that it is too much credits and the game will be burned through much faster in this linear game. I think the credits should be toned down a bit but more than the amount earned before.

As of now the credits earned have been doubled to the point it is faster than the previous Cronus farming.

Somewhere , in DE headquarters DE_Steve is banging his head against a desk repeating "I can't win" over and over.

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I'm calling shenanigans on that. There aren't enough credit alerts in two hours to buy all that.


i dunno, last night i had two alerts back to back that gave me almost 25k.  That was just 10 minutes of play at most, you can easily have a run that gets you that much money. All you need is a few alerts in Pluto and Eris and you got enough money for whatever you want.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I only farm for materials I need; the credits came with it. Also the alerts gave just enough because there were so many alerts pre-7.8 if unlocked all planets and maps. I notice the alerts have slowed down but the credit gains have increased by about ~400% roughly. That is simply too much. I speak for the longevity of this game. Reduce it down to a ~200% increase. That along with the alerts should be sufficient for everyone. And yes I have spent all my credits to max out all my mods already. As of right now I have made 1 million credits. Pre-7.8 I have made 700k,

PS: number posts does not matter much. If you really want I can bring it up by a 1000 if that makes YOU feel better. 

Edited by eXileris
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I like how it is now. I finally feel rewarded for doing missions on ceres, sedna or jupiter which are clearly more difficult then your usual Vor run.


Also, i have no problem with getting rid of the credits. 100k credits are NOTHING if you want to get a mod to his highest level.

Edited by corpseshock
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As the guy who's suggestion resulted in this, I feel I have to say something on this. It's not uncommon in a beta phase of a game for people to shout to everyone "it's a beta, it will get fixed", which becomes almost an excuse. In this case, this is the opposite end of the spectrum, the purpose of a beta is to improve the game prior to release, and that's just what this does.


Does it cut into the "fun" of doing easy Vor runs over and over again? For people who really like farming, perhaps. I think you'll find the majority of players would rather earn more when they do harder things, and earn credits for playing the game as it's meant to be played.


"I have 8 billion credits that I can never spend because I did a million Vor runs before this patch, now I'm getting too many credits for playing the game!"


^It's inevitable that fixing the credit issue would result in everyone getting more credits, and yes, this would be most apparent to people who have already spent it on everything they can. The issue here is not that the credit increase was too much, but that at "endgame" there is no reason to have credits anymore. That's a separate issue, needing credit sinks for late in the game, but the issue of the early and mid point of the game did need to be fixed.

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Credits in warframe aren't like most game currencies. Credits are usually not the only thing you need to get something. Unlike other games, having an infinite amount of credits would not grant you a huge advantage. If you're upgrading a module, you do it with another module and some credits, not just credits. You can get some weapons and equipment for just credits but they aren't very good yet. When you buy a schematic, you also need to use a lot of resources to get the thing you want. Credits on their own are almost worthless.

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The resource is the cockblock when you actually need to craft anything now, the credit buff just make the game feel a ton less of a farming, and 100% more enjoyment atm. Sorry but I do not enjoy going through place like Pluto and see I just gained a massive 1000 credits like before.

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Pluto gives about 4000+ credits on mission. Gorgon costs 50k, Hek bp costs 25k and crafting it costs another 25k. It would take you 10-11 runs of a Pluto mission to get enough credits to get any of these high level weapons. How long would it really take to run 10 high level missions?


If you speed run the objectives, you are repeatedly running a specific mission over and over again. Credit/gold farmers do this. I'd like to think the majority of players do not want to. Plus, mods and weapon/warframe levels exist in this game. So the only players that can farm Pluto with little detriment to their gaming experience are high level players who do not need mods and do not need to level their stuff. Everyone else is playing the game from start where missions give 1000 - 2000. They need to buy weapons and rank mods.


So the only thing I can think of that supports the claim of too much credits is the limited endgame and irrelevance of credits to this endgame.


note: A Tolstoj speedrun takes 1-1.5 mins? How long would Pluto missions take?

Edited by Stygi
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Mak_Gohae here is apparently agreeing that credit gain needs to be nerfed, since 'spending all the credits' is the problem. I'm saying that his attitude is basically "f**k you, I got mine", which is as repulsive in a videogame as it is in real life. Doubly so because in real life if you've made that much money you probably have provided some benefit to a ton of people, however self-servingly.



And where did you come up with this idea?


Now now, boys.. no in-fighting in the veteran's club. We're all aware of the millions of credits we burned during 7.0 doing fusions when their costs were through the roof. Nobody got those credits refunded, so we basically entered into OB with empty wallets (Mak_Gohae included, btw, just ask him). So chill.

Edited by Renan.Ruivo
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Yes because its totally fair to have 1000 profit in pluto missions..... *facepalm*


You probably forgot you have to construct almost everything you wanna use, i wanna create a afuris, i have to buy the afuris bp, 2 afuris anoter 15kx2, and more 20k for the construction, and i also wanna make the akbloto, so i have to buy 2 bolto bps 15k each + create them proably more 20k each then buy the akbolto bp another 15k and creat it another 20k.... yeah right.... too many credits... better revert to 1000 per game and wait a year or so till i get my akbolto...


ik where this is going, devs are gona look at this and nerf the credit earning... youl see... war thunder all over again.

Edited by Snipazz
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The problem isn't the credits but rather the spending of them. They have an inventory with ammo boxes, ciphers etc, but I doubt most even use those, so none buys.


If mass credits become an issue they could always just add elite type maps, where you pay an admission fee, and in return you get higher percentage mod drops and chance for uncommon, rares or even resources for blue prints. So you basically pay an additional 20k credits or more with a chance to gain more. These maps would also be harder than normally, so if you fail you lose everything.

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I don't thinkw we're getting too many credits right now. It may be faster than farming Vor, but not by very much. It's definitely nowhere near as ridiculous as it was with the old mod system.


Also keep in mind that when U8 hits the clan base will probably eat up a lot of credits on top of the crafting materials.


I do support the idea of an infinite credit sink, though.

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Yes because its totally fair to have 1000 profit in pluto missions..... *facepalm*


You probably forgot you have to construct almost everything you wanna use, i wanna create a afuris, i have to buy the afuris bp, 2 afuris anoter 15kx2, and more 20k for the construction, and i also wanna make the akbloto, so i have to buy 2 bolto bps 15k each + create them proably more 20k each then buy the akbolto bp another 15k and creat it another 20k.... yeah right.... too many credits... better revert to 1000 per game and wait a year or so till i get my akbolto...


ik where this is going, devs are gona look at this and nerf the credit earning... youl see... war thunder all over again.


It's totally fair that the drops from those missions can raise a whole lot of cash.


I find it strange that people are all worried about what you get at the end of the mission and COMPLETELY ignoring all the stuff you get in mission which can result in a buttload of cash.

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I like where the credits are now for the most part there are some sets of circumstances that seem to be a bit of a drastic change in game play.  While Im ok with I would have like something more gradual.  Since patch Ive been rewarded 30k credits for 1 mission>< this seems to high compared to never breaking 5k before 7.8.  The bigger deal is alloy drop rate is way too low now.  I spent 4 hrs farming ceres and got 44 alloy plate.  Thats not an exaggeration.  Its exact I spent the extra 20 once I got that little bit for my ethers to put it at 4hrs.  Thats a ridiculously low drop rate for the most common weapon component.  at that rate it would take 45+ hrs to get 500 for new weapons/frame etc.

Edited by HorizonEdge
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Do people not understand that this game is still in BETA? The developers are still finding balance, some things that look good on paper don't always work out as expected in practice. As with everything at this stage, all values & numbers are changeable, and I would be very surprised if anything stays at its initial starting value, weather it is weapon stats, or the value of credits from a mission. Taking out an exploit like the Cronus farming & giving people better reward for later missions equalizes cash flow for people who no not want to use an exploit, and want to actually play the game as it was intended. As people have already stated, increasing the level of mods gets expensive at higher levels, and when you have 120+ mods to work with, and more being added all the time, I personally am glad of the credit increase.

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