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I Keep Dying



I'm new to the game in general, clocked less than 10 hours. I've unlocked three planets so far, and I have completely upgraded my Liset, only missing the Kubrow segment.

My biggest problem is this: I keep dying.

I used my starter revives within 2 days of joining Warframe. The only time i can complete missions is when i'm playing in a squad, and even then i sometimes die because teammates can't get to me in time.

I'm new to shooter games in general, so i don't know any combat terminology or tactics.

Can any veteran Tenno help me?



I curently use:

Mag 8/9?

Skana 9

Mk1 Kunai 8

Braton 6


A Noob Tenno

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22 answers to this question

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Upgrade your weapons and frames (get them to rank 30 for mod slots).


Then start levelling your mods (try not to fuse mods of different kinds). The higher the mod's fusion level, the more of an effect it will have on your gear.


When you're starting out (until you get the hang of things and get high powered gear) you should focus on boosting your frame's health and shields (redirection & vitality). Once you start collecting rarer frame mods (i.e. streamline, focus, power-affecting mods etc) you should start branching out into specialized builds.

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Dying is just part of the early Warframe experience. Best thing to do (if it really bothers you) is to join a clan or search the forums for a veteran to join you and help you through the early stages of the game. I'm sure that sounds like asking someone to babysit you but I know many Tenno in my clan who would gladly do so without hesitation. The Warframe community is pretty helpful for the most part.


Since you are a Mag user, go ahead and fight as many Corpus enemies as you can. Mag's Shield Polarize power absolutely wrecks them.

Edited by (PS4)KestralSylver
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Dying is just part of the early Warframe experience. Best thing to do (if it really bothers you) is to join a clan or search the forums for a veteran to join you and help you through the early stages of the game. I'm sure that sounds like asking someone to babysit you but I know many Tenno in my clan who would gladly do so without hesitation. The Warframe community is pretty helpful for the most part.


Since you are a Mag user, go ahead and fight as many Corpus enemies as you can. Mag's Shield Polarize power absolutely wrecks them.

I am already in a clan, but i don't have access to a dojo. I also didn't get much help since only one guy was online.

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One main thing is cover. This is especially true since you have Mag, who has high shields but low health. Try to keep an eye on them in combat if possible. If you see your shield is almost gone, take cover and let it recharge. Health won't recharge, but breaking containers and opening lockers can give health orbs that restore 25 each.


Other than that, don't be afraid to use your abilities. Mag's first ability, Pull, hits enemies in a cone in front of you. Upgrading it through fusion (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion) will increase its range and damage. This abilities is particularly nice early on since it has a very large range when at max rank, is a fast cast, does decent damage, and pulls surviving enemies out of the fight.


Equipment-wise, Braton is a pretty solid gun. Aim for the head (smaller but deals more damage) or the body (to consistently land shots), and use cover as needed. Skana can do a number on the enemies, but running towards them and focusing on melee can be very dangerous.


You'll find new mods along the way that will upgrade your equipment, so pick and choose what looks like it will help more. One thing worth mentioning is that, while fusion can be expensive, it's worth putting one upgraded mod over 2 un-upgraded mods. Do not worry about upgrading one mod a lot, though. The more you upgrade it, the harder it gets to upgrade. Again, check that link I posted. It should detail that process a bit more.


Hopefully some of that will help. Also, don't worry, everyone dies a lot early on. It took me a while to get the hang of the game, and I was pretty terribad until then :p

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you get new revives each day :)


proceed carefully until you have more mods to help you. Mag is stronger against corpus than grineer, might want to grow stronger against them before you plunge yourself into the battle against grineer

I know i get revives every day, but i keep using them up. Most of my friends who play warframe on average use 0.

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Don't feel bad. Today I died 3 times. And I have been playing since game came out from close beta.


Don't forget to make your frames/weapons stronger, by using mods. Mods are those things that looks like cards.

You can fuse mods to make them better. Also, don't forget to use your frames powers. They are there for a reason.


Sometimes you will get swarmed, so use your powers. Stay behind cover when shield is getting low, so it has time to recharge.

Later on you will get pets, sentinels etc etc, that will help you out in various ways. Also, in due time, you will get new weapons/frames and better mods.

That will make you even stronger. Some frames are more fragile than others, but what they may lack in one area, they will make up for in another.

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Use your powers more, Mag has some really sweet powers that let her deal with large crowds. Her first ability, Pull, is a good panic button that knocks everyone on their butts so you can either shoot some of them or retreat to safety.


And yes focus on upgrading your mods so they become more efficient. That goes for your weapon mods and warframe mods.


Try to work towards a second frame (Rhino for instance) so even if your Mag runs out of revives, you can still play with your 2nd frame.


Feel free to add me in-game, my username is Bassem, and I love teaming up with new players.

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definitely look into mods. I agree with the people saying defense is key at lower levels, my experience says the same. Stick to cover when your shields go down or you're reloading (unless you're valkyr, in which case Leroy Jenkins it). Learning to take advantage of the parkour moves can also help set up shot while keeping you out of harm's way slightly more than normal, but that takes a while to get used to. 

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3 planets, look like Earth you already done, so install Orokin reaktor to your Mag, equip only Skana with Orokin catalyst and go to Dark Sector Coba on Earth ( when is no conflict there), again and again untill you reach rank 30, also use auto install between missions, imo quickest way how to reach rank 30

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You *must* rank up the shield mod to play mag.  MUST.   Redirection is the name of it, and by rank 4 or so you will have enough shields to take some hits from the enemy -- you should, with that, be able to solo  the easy missions (try exterminate or sabotage on mercury -- exterminate is easier as sabotage spawns more enemy at times).


Your weapons are fine.  Even unranked they would kill the early content.


Mag is a high shield, low health and low armor frame.  You MUST eventually rank up health (vitality mod) as later on things will bypass shields and kill you without it, but shields first.    Also you want to rank, and use, the PULL skill.   This is a cheap (25 power) aoe (It is not a ring around you, it is a frontal cone and a TINY ring around you so aim it forward at the groups) that can outright kill enemy up to a medium level in one use once you have 3 ranks in it.   It also disrupts the enemy and can get them out from cover.  It kills thru walls and cover.  


Start a mission.  Break the nearby crates (most missions have some at the entry area).  Get power.   Go kill stuff, use pull if more than 3 or 4 are shooting at you.  


Warframe is a game of %s.    Your mods add a % usually,  so look at a weapon.  If your gun does 10 puncture damage and 250 impact damage, adding a mod for impact +10% gives you another 25 damage.    Adding a mod for puncture damage gives you +1 damage.   Or look at your frame: mag has a big shield and a lower health, so adding 300% shields takes you from 200 to 600 while adding 300% health takes you from 100 to 300.  See?  Also, shields come back if you get behind cover for a moment, health takes red orbs or skills you don't have (mag isnt a healer) but it won't regenerate on its own.


Combat strategy, there are many.  SOLO tactics are very different from GROUP tactics as well.  But some  basic solo tactics that will help you level your items and such:


- make noise.   shoot someone, or just shoot in the room.  The enemy will hear it and become angry and head your way, you stay there behind cover and kill them as you spot them.   Running into a room and getting caught in the middle of 30 guys is bad.  Sitting at the door and making them come to you is much easier.   Let them set off the alarm.   Sneaking is problematic --- you tend to miss enemy and when, not if but when, they spot you, you are surrounded!  Much better to just rambo it.


- watch for the melee guys.  They hit hard once they get to you.  The worst are the ones with riot shields  --- shoot their legs or heads which are exposed or PULL them to death.


- Every time lotus tells you the enemy is coming, that really means a tougher "bosslet" enemy is coming (has a red glow).  Beware of these, they do different things.   The shield bubble one can be bum-rushed and melee killed or shot from inside the bubble.   The others just shoot them.  PULL works great on these guys.  Run into the bubble and PULL if a bunch of guys are inside the bubble. 


-  Slowly learn to keep moving while shooting.  It keeps the # of hits on you much lower.  Also learn to run around cover, which blocks enemy shots.  Basically, practice not being hit while shooting, which is hard, but once you can do it...


- Consider the keybinds.  I find them very poor by default, and remapped most of my controls which makes fighting much easier.  Just think about what seems natural to you and make it so-- for example my weapon swap is mousewheel, and my fire button is a keyboard button while my mouse button opens/interacts and the other mouse button is RUN.  This works for me -- but I am left handed and usually what works for me is odd for others, still, with optimal contols action games become MUCH better. 


-- learn to shoot.   If you miss 90% of the time all you are doing is taking hits while accomplishing nothing.  


--Oh, and forget about kubrows for a bit. They cost about 3k credits per day + a large up front cost.  Pick up the pieces but don't hatch it until later.  Instead, make a dethcube for now.  Each pet helps your mastery rank a lot (its as good as leveling a warframe!) and while the robots cost a bit up front, they have no maintence and don't have any issues from dying a lot.

Edited by jonnin
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Don't waste a catalyst on a Skana (assuming you even have a catalyst). And I wouldn't rush into using a reactor either, especially if you're so new that you couldn't even supply mods to use up the energy.


Focus on leveling up your vitality and redirection mods.

Edited by MM209
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Use your powers more, Mag has some really sweet powers that let her deal with large crowds. Her first ability, Pull, is a good panic button that knocks everyone on their butts so you can either shoot some of them or retreat to safety.


And yes focus on upgrading your mods so they become more efficient. That goes for your weapon mods and warframe mods.


Try to work towards a second frame (Rhino for instance) so even if your Mag runs out of revives, you can still play with your 2nd frame.


Feel free to add me in-game, my username is Bassem, and I love teaming up with new players.

Thanks! I'll be sure to add you!
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Don't feel bad. Today I died 3 times. And I have been playing since game came out from close beta.


Don't forget to make your frames/weapons stronger, by using mods. <Snip>


Sometimes you will get swarmed, so use your powers. Stay behind cover when shield is getting low, so it has time to recharge.



With regard to these things:

I died last night twice because I got swarmed doing a survival mission against Infested.  I was playing with three other guys and they just couldn't get to me in time without dying themselves.  It's a tough call to make, but sometimes it must be done when you're the one standing and you can't get to another player bleeding out.  When you die, don't feel bad, but also don't get mad.  It's not your fault you died, you miscalculated in your (newfound) tactics.  It's not your allies' fault you died, they just couldn't get to you.  It's not the game's fault you died, that's just how it happens sometimes.


Whenever I get a new weapon or frame, I chronically forget to put mods on it as it gets stronger.  I'm used to other shooters/RPGs where stuff gets stronger as it levels without any input from me.  Warframe isn't like that, and as soon as you understand it, you'll be modding your stuff and one-shotting foes with your guns and melee.


Using your powers is definitely something to not be shy about.  I also have Mag as my starter frame and just recently maxed her out.  Learn how to fuse mods and use fusion cores to power up Pull and your other abilities.  One of the times I died last night, it was because I didn't use pull before trying to activate a life support module.  it was my own dumb fault, and I got pounded for it.  These things just happen :)


Use your powers more, Mag has some really sweet powers that let her deal with large crowds. Her first ability, Pull, is a good panic button that knocks everyone on their butts so you can either shoot some of them or retreat to safety.


And yes focus on upgrading your mods so they become more efficient. That goes for your weapon mods and warframe mods.


Try to work towards a second frame (Rhino for instance) so even if your Mag runs out of revives, you can still play with your 2nd frame.


Feel free to add me in-game, my username is Bassem, and I love teaming up with new players.

Pull is particularly good in combination with the Strun.  I have found that if I use pull, most enemies are pulled behind me, and then I can turn around and shoot each of them once.  Since the Strun is a shotgun, aim for the body.


I have learned the most effective strategy for most boss fights is to never stop moving.  Hit-and-run tactics are your friend against bosses like Vor and Alad V (when you get to him).  


Dying in pretty much any game is frustrating, but remember that you're new, and you're going to get better following all of this advice :)

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You *must* rank up the shield mod to play mag.  MUST.   Redirection is the name of it, and by rank 4 or so you will have enough shields to take some hits from the enemy -- you should, with that, be able to solo  the easy missions (try exterminate or sabotage on mercury -- exterminate is easier as sabotage spawns more enemy at times).<snip>ot (its as good as leveling a warframe!) and while the robots cost a bit up front, they have no maintence and don't have any issues from dying a lot.

THIS.  All of what you said, but ESPECIALLY THIS for Mag players.  She goes from wimp to goddess with a high enough redirection.  Hell, by level 2 or 3 her shields are pretty ridiculous.

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