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Why Only 2 Warframe At A Time


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Playing this game since february 2014, not a single $ spent in this game

I know it is hard to get platinum for a beginners, i was in OP position and gonna leave when i finally get into random people doing void mission in recruit chat and in the end, i get my 1st prime part ( rhino prime helmet blueprint)  and sold it to someone for 58 platinum, which later i use to buy my 1st syandana and orokin reactor


hell, i even buy control module to craft my 1st frame from market just because i have this strict nat problem (i still have the same problem until now)



Now i am sitting here with all frames and all primes in Mastery Rank 15 and almost all cosmetics from market.


All i can say is, just join some void mission in recruit chat to get some prime parts and sell it to other people to earn platinum, its not as hard as u think to earn platinum in this game.


For me. this is the best FREE TO PLAY game i ever play, thanks digital Extreme :)

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FYI I have put money down on this game, what annoys me is how much of a grind wall they put in front of EVERYTHING. Also the pathetic amount of initial slots does not let you experience the game at all before you need to buy more, trading for platinum requires you to grind a fair bit more than that, which if you're actually willing to pay money seems a bit pointless. However the game is set up so that the start is a completely different experience after Jupiter as you go from a fair bit of story and reasons behind the missions to place holders and grind-fests.


That's just misleading people to get money out them and f*** you DE for that!

Oh for the love of mike.


a) You can play with every single warframe and weapon in the game without spending a single red cent. You just can't store them all in your inventory. If you're determined not to spend money on the game, and you don't want to go into the Trade channel to make some plat, then sell one of your frames for credits and start building your next one. That's what I did for a while when I first started out.


b) The game is set up the way it is because IT IS IN DEVELOPMENT. Up until a few months ago, the pre-Jupiter and post-Jupiter play experience was exactly the same: very little story, just jump into missions and start killing. The only reason there's any story to the start of the game now is that a recent update added the Vor quest (actually, it added the quest system, period—there wasn't one, before that). 


And the reason that the Vor quest was added was to ease new players into the game. Nobody's trying to deceive anybody. Eventually, one can hope that the entire game will be filled with lore that you can unearth in various ways. But right now? IT'S STILL IN BETA.

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In fact I'm pretty sure there's a number of laws regarding the last one, but DE get around it by claiming the game is in Beta and throwing in the odd item or interface upgrade now and then so they can keep saying that,

Actually, they stated that they don't treat it as beta or hide behind "BETA".

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Evidently, people don't understand that "consumers" aren't an end-state for a business.

Money is the end-state. Meaning that even if you stop playing right now, you will never have entered DE's business cycle.


You love the game to death, but not enough to shell out $5.00 for it?

How much did you pay for your XBox One?


There's too much failure of mental comprehension in my post for my tastes.

Like failing to comprehend that he is only referring to slots and not anything else, old chap. You don't think he'll pay out the &#! if he got more slots?

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Oh for the love of mike.


a) You can play with every single warframe and weapon in the game without spending a single red cent. You just can't store them all in your inventory. If you're determined not to spend money on the game, and you don't want to go into the Trade channel to make some plat, then sell one of your frames for credits and start building your next one. That's what I did for a while when I first started out.


b) The game is set up the way it is because IT IS IN DEVELOPMENT. Up until a few months ago, the pre-Jupiter and post-Jupiter play experience was exactly the same: very little story, just jump into missions and start killing. The only reason there's any story to the start of the game now is that a recent update added the Vor quest (actually, it added the quest system, period—there wasn't one, before that). 


And the reason that the Vor quest was added was to ease new players into the game. Nobody's trying to deceive anybody. Eventually, one can hope that the entire game will be filled with lore that you can unearth in various ways. But right now? IT'S STILL IN BETA.

Actually I was refering to the amount of grind and the fact that all the stuff you'd want before Jupiter doesn't really need Argon crystals and you don't get a Kubrow until after Jupiter.


The Open Beta label is just their way of excusing making money of an unfinished product that they clearly have no intention of ever finishing because people like you will defend them to the hilt.

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Actually I was refering to the amount of grind and the fact that all the stuff you'd want before Jupiter doesn't really need Argon crystals and you don't get a Kubrow until after Jupiter.


The Open Beta label is just their way of excusing making money of an unfinished product that they clearly have no intention of ever finishing because people like you will defend them to the hilt.

Share us some of that wisdom please, give us information on how you think DE could improve, if not remove the SUPER GRIND.


the reason why this game is not finished is because players are always giving them Redonkules idears if you asked me, but that is what awesome about warframe, its always open for some crazy stuff

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 You guys failed to even tell him plat is tradable. It's always "Devs gotta eat" or "They gotta make money somehow" or even "The devs work so hard"(even though some players never pay) and it's always for ONE thing which makes no sense. The only reasons you guys posts this irrelevant junk is for post blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I'm dumb. 


Otherwise you can always trade for platinum if you're really that cheap.


I know you're on a crusade, but at least read what I said before using me as your scapegoat. 

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I wonder where all this money goes.


They have their own engine and its their ip so not license.

Every game is hosted on peer 2 peer to they only need login server and database + maybe something to host their page on(if they dont just use database for that) so they cut costs here too.

Looking at amount of content added their team also seems relatively small and if you disagree that amount of content is small then know that this game is in development for at least 2 years and its still not complete or even close to being completed.


So only logical explanations are that they barely make any money or everything goes to fund another project.


So really either it doesnt matter how much players put since it doesnt help developing warframe or ppl decide that stuff in game is not worth their money and de still refuses to look at prices which could potentially earn them few customers.

Even if devs need to eat you shouldnt defend such practices.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I wonder where all this money goes.


They have their own engine and its their ip so not license.

Every game is hosted on peer 2 peer to they only need login server and database + maybe something to host their page on(if they dont just use database for that) so they cut costs here too.

Looking at amount of content added their team also seems relatively small and if you disagree that amount of content is small then know that this game is in development for at least 2 years and its still not complete or even close to being completed.


So only logical explanations are that they barely make any money or everything goes to fund another project.


So really either it doesnt matter how much players put since it doesnt help developing warframe or ppl decide that stuff in game is not worth their money and de still refuses to look at prices which could potentially earn them few customers.

Even if devs need to eat you shouldnt defend such practices.

Development isn't free.

All player information is hosted on servers. That costs money. These forums cost money. They have to pay employees and buy software, and they have to pay rent on their offices. Placing ads costs money, and if they outsource rendering and stuff that costs money too.

The only people who know how much it actually costs, and in turn how much they need, are the devs. Speculation is all well and good, but let's not pretend like we know anything about their finance.

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I can see both sides of this debate, honestly.  


On the one hand, I too am a relatively new player (been playing since April, but dropped off until someone I knew personally decided to start playing, too).  As such, there is a lot about DE's business model that mystifies me. You can grind to unlock everything in the game EXCEPT slots and colors (not sure about the sydanas, but I assume those, too).  So running into something that can't be unlocked without plat feels like a cheat.


On the other hand, I enjoy this game and have put so much time into it already.  I spent $8 on the renown pack on PS4, and now there's another renown pack that I might buy (though I'm not interested in the skins, just the plat, lol).  $16 over the course of 6 months is really nothing to cry over, particularly since I've begun to learn the way of the grind.

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Development isn't free.

All player information is hosted on servers. That costs money. These forums cost money. They have to pay employees and buy software, and they have to pay rent on their offices. Placing ads costs money, and if they outsource rendering and stuff that costs money too.

The only people who know how much it actually costs, and in turn how much they need, are the devs. Speculation is all well and good, but let's not pretend like we know anything about their finance.

Ok, every company needs to do that, but some also have dedicated servers, needs to pay for license for engine or ip, small team means less money goes for salarys every month.

p2p connection is what one time purchase multiplayer games usually do, since it would cost too much to keep dedicated servers running without monthly funding, yet all of these usually have database for player information and can keep it for few years or longer without any problem, so thats where majority of money goes to.


Imo it looks like they cut spening on every aspect possible keeping it to bare minimum.

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Ok, every company needs to do that, but some also have dedicated servers, needs to pay for license for engine or ip, small team means less money goes for salarys every month.

p2p connection is what one time purchase multiplayer games usually do, since it would cost too much to keep dedicated servers running without monthly funding, yet all of these usually have database for player information and can keep it for few years or longer without any problem, so thats where majority of money goes to.


Imo it looks like they cut spening on every aspect possible keeping it to bare minimum.

I'm sure they do cut spending, they probably have to just to be able to afford it.

I mean, based off interviews they've done they use autodesk software for their modeling and stuff. If I had to guess, they probably use Maya. According to the autodesk website, a single copy of Maya costs around $3600, and they probably need quite a few copies. And that's just the one team's software, and it's not even taking into account the expensive computers they probably need, or the big electricity bill they get from running those things all day.

I'm just saying that we don't know how much development costs them, so saying that they're taking too much money or cutting corners to spend less is totally baseless.

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I don't find slots in Warframe nearly as bad as in World of Tanks for example.

I find World of Tanks a really interesting game, but when I was presented with slots when there's tiers and a million tanks, it just made it a whole lot worse. And I didn't stay long enough to actually confirm what I assumed right away, there's probably no trade. I don't remember playing many games that lets you trade the "paid currency" as we can in here, that itself makes the whole slot thing not nearly as bad.


It's only bad at first. It was one of the reasons why I didn't bother with Warframe when I first joined, I didn't have the money or the will to spend money on an online game. Later I decided to start actually playing and noticed, hey, I can trade for plat!

At first it was still a pain to have such limited content, though I got... 50% discount, so I charged the minimum amount through an old card that didn't have enough to spend anywhere, but with the discount it let me charge the minimum amount to get a few slots (and also had the free plat) But it's just a phase.

At first it's a pain, and then you start getting into trading things, after you get some plat and get new things, it's starts getting really good, and you trade some more, get a few more plat and so on.


Until now, I only charged once, and it was the minimum amount (I don't even remember how much), and right now I have pretty much every frame (except Excal Prime and Rhino/Ember/Mag/Frost non primes, but I have their parts BP and 2 of them ready to claim), a ton of weapon slots, every sentinel/weapon, 5 Kubrow slots (extra for breeding) and nearly 700 plat yet to spend (probably on slots). Though the only cosmetics I have is the free ones and 1 of the plat Kubrow cosmetics packs (because I didn't notice the Kubrow colors for credits as well, and I only needed colors to see which patterns I got on my Kubrows by changing colors).

Sure there's grinding/farming, but that's about nearly every online (MMO) game as well, unless you shell out money.

Here they even give you some plat when you start to do whatever. Honestly, newbs should explore the game a little more before going OMG MUST LOOK KAWAII.

(Doesn't EA have that free Fifa game for PC that is pretty much about grinding or shelling out money for the packs?)

Edited by Sorrow0110
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Share us some of that wisdom please, give us information on how you think DE could improve, if not remove the SUPER GRIND.


the reason why this game is not finished is because players are always giving them Redonkules idears if you asked me, but that is what awesome about warframe, its always open for some crazy stuff



I'll trade you some wisdom for that blind faith you've got.


How aout they stop nickel & diming their players for every little thing. As I've already said I have bought some Plat for this game as in the begining it is allot of fun, then you run headfirst into a wall of grind & blatant attempts to leach more money out of players and NOTHING else.


This game is rapidly becoming pay-to-win as the best equipment is becoming locked behind a wall of almost insane levels of grind, unless you are willing to buy platinum.


If they did listen to the community like you claim they are there would already be some end-game content and argon crystals would not degrade. Also they would have scrapped the 3 HOUR kubrow defrost time (try telling me that isn't just a blatant cash grab).

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Why is it that when I finally wait the 3 days for my new warframe to be built I am unable to add it to my inventory. It pops up with a message saying "Not enough inventory space, You NEED to spend money to access what you have already worked hard to build" I am honestly really upset by this. I love this game to death, but if in the end I will actually have to spend money out of my own pocket to continue to be able to play, I will just walk away. That is utterly ridiculous to only allow us access to 2 warframe's at a time unless we want to spend money. Any additional info would be much appreciated.


You can trade for platinum. Stop being so entitled, learn the game's system before you feel upset.


You were also given 50 plat to start. You can buy 2 warframe slots with that.


Play the game and learn its ways. If you don't want to spend, tough.

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I'll trade you some wisdom for that blind faith you've got.


How aout they stop nickel & diming their players for every little thing. As I've already said I have bought some Plat for this game as in the begining it is allot of fun, then you run headfirst into a wall of grind & blatant attempts to leach more money out of players and NOTHING else.


This game is rapidly becoming pay-to-win as the best equipment is becoming locked behind a wall of almost insane levels of grind, unless you are willing to buy platinum.


If they did listen to the community like you claim they are there would already be some end-game content and argon crystals would not degrade. Also they would have scrapped the 3 HOUR kubrow defrost time (try telling me that isn't just a blatant cash grab).


What is the best equipment?


Soma - You can get it yourself.


Boltor Prime? - Soma beats it


Quanta? - Join a clan, it's free.


Dang, I swear, so much entitlement everywhere. Play the game for once, please...

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Notice you haven't mentioned any of the items that require clan research?


Or the warframe hydroid?


Or anything requiring Argon crystals?


Do you play the game or just mindlessly defend it?


Warframe Hydroid, obtainable free.


Here's a clue, I never put in any effort to get a SINGLE beacon (SHOCK!)


What I did was wait for other people to get beacons and then I tagged on their runs. Was I leeching? No, I made friends. You should try it sometime. I may be a social cripple, but if you talk to people, most are really nice in-game. Amazing what a little patience can do. Worse comes to worse you can make 300 platinum, by trading, it takes 2 weeks at most. And that's if you don't sell a maxed mod. Buy your pre-slotted, reactor'd hydroid.


Argon crystals can be obtained 4 per run. Come to a T1 Defense with me. Run till 40 waves, don't be tempted by the rubbish rewards. You'll get 3 - 4 Argon. 2 at the very least, but I always get 3 - 4.


Want clan research? Join a clan that has everything completed. Mine gets new research within 3 days of an update. We have spots open for people that want to actually play the game instead of crying about every little thing.


Grind walls don't exist to me in warframe. Not because I'm a rich plat trader, not because of anything like that.


It doesn't exist to me, because I play to enjoy the game, not to believe I'm entitled to the new prime 2 days after it comes out. I don't play with the belief that my effort must be recognized and rewarded appropriately so I can keep playing.


I play because I simply enjoy killing things and when you play for the sake of enjoyment. These things don't matter.


The only ones who cry about RNG, about inventory slots, about pay-2-win (when there is NOTHING to win btw, you just get to survive longer in void) are those who want to put in 0 and get 100.

Edited by Semshol
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I'll trade you some wisdom for that blind faith you've got.


How aout they stop nickel & diming their players for every little thing. As I've already said I have bought some Plat for this game as in the begining it is allot of fun, then you run headfirst into a wall of grind & blatant attempts to leach more money out of players and NOTHING else.


This game is rapidly becoming pay-to-win as the best equipment is becoming locked behind a wall of almost insane levels of grind, unless you are willing to buy platinum.


If they did listen to the community like you claim they are there would already be some end-game content and argon crystals would not degrade. Also they would have scrapped the 3 HOUR kubrow defrost time (try telling me that isn't just a blatant cash grab).

i had asked for suggestions, not more whinning, i don't know what kind of epic/ crazy games you played in the past, but if you think this is a super big grind wall, then you should see the other games as example.


lets say this, Nyx prime comes out, hardcore Void farming, most players would have prepared before hand, spamming any missions that gives keys such as Interception, lets not forget EVERYONE in the team gets the keys as the final reward, so if you have any friends or clan mates to lean off, you pretty much get 4x the keys. boom!!, already 4x easyer to get an item


As much as i dislike Argon crystals being Degradable, they are not so bad, since there are not alot of items that need more then 2 argon crystals (none that i can think of), and really. running one void mission would most likly give one out if you are on a keen eye for one.


as for the kubrows 3 hour waiting time, this is really just a personal thing, but who cares? once 3 hours has past, you can start having fun with the Kubrow, if you don't like the 3 hours wait to begin with, then just buy those DNA stabilzers, 75,000 Credits is not really alot to begin with, and it dose last a player for about one month (If you can't make more then 75,000 credits within a month, then you should think twice about getting a Kubrow)

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grind walls do exist and you're clearly full of it if you claim they don't.


Have you seen how much fieldron is needed for most of the energy research items? (that's what I was reffering to)


It's great you know people with plenty of beacons, because most of us don't and have to grind our way through an frankly insane amount of missions on Ceres just for enough beacons to make 1 triangulator.


Also: I've played a dozen void missions and not got a single argon crystal. I'm not the only one, there are numerous thread complaining about this resource.


Most people are annoyed because this game is rapidly becoming like a Korean MMO (pay-to-play a fun game or go f*** yourself in the land of grind) and people like you are just going to speed that by calling genuine criticisms whinning.

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grind walls do exist and you're clearly full of it if you claim they don't.


Have you seen how much fieldron is needed for most of the energy research items? (that's what I was reffering to)


It's great you know people with plenty of beacons, because most of us don't and have to grind our way through an frankly insane amount of missions on Ceres just for enough beacons to make 1 triangulator.


Also: I've played a dozen void missions and not got a single argon crystal. I'm not the only one, there are numerous thread complaining about this resource.


Most people are annoyed because this game is rapidly becoming like a Korean MMO (pay-to-play a fun game or go f*** yourself in the land of grind) and people like you are just going to speed that by calling genuine criticisms whinning.


Fieldron is dropped 3 at a time from invasions. Support the corpus over 2 - 4 weeks. You'll have enough Fieldron for everything. If you don't have enough, infested invasions give them too y'know.


You can also ask in recruiting for Vay Hek, most people do keyshares. Building 1 beacon is not hard to get into a key share.


The void missions you did were probably not defense or survival which are designed to grind for rare resources. If you did 12 exterminates, you're not going to get anything. Do a defense to wave 40, if you can't, you're not good enough to need argon. Get other end-game equipment first. 


This is, in no way, pay to win at all. There is nothing to pay for. You can earn and trade, that's how we all did it. That's how future players will do it. You're just causing yourself stress and failing to enjoy a game which you're already investing time in, by complaining about drops and feeling sad.


Play something else if it's so much better elsewhere, but you'll just end up complaining all the same.

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i had asked for suggestions, not more whinning, i don't know what kind of epic/ crazy games you played in the past, but if you think this is a super big grind wall, then you should see the other games as example.

I did make suggestions, get rid of the blatant cash grabs, just because your happy mooing and being milked for cash doesn't mean the rest of us are.


The grind in this game is pretty bad compared to other mmo's as in this it's entirely down to a deliberatly sabotaged RNG table and artificial resource bottlenecks.


Also stop crying about how everyone's so entitled and how because you're willing to put up with this crap everyone else should.

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I choose to buy platinum is because of i believe the Warframe develop group is doing their hard work to keep the game nice. 

After one year, i have all the value items that can return me double or triple of the cash i spent.


This guy gets it. OMG you get it, finally I am happy to meet someone who knows the deal.


Trading is where its at.


But you don't actually have to spend plat the first time round. Got a friend who makes tons of plat without spending any on the game. He's a real trading OG, I only got into the trading game later =P

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