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Vote For Your Favourite Syndicate! (Closed)


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Hey here's a quick poll to see who is currently the most popular Syndicate as of now. I understand that it's early days and that we may not have the entire picture. But there does seem to be an explosion of passion and propaganda on the forums since their reveal. So how about we settle the score with a poll?




You CAN vote for multiple Syndicates, though do keep in mind that for each extra vote it will dilute your effectiveness

You CANNOT vote mulitple times


There is also an extra part that you can vote on how passionate you are with your choices and what you wish to gain from aligning yourself with said Syndicates.


Good luck, keep it clean down in those comments sections (I've seen the Veil hate threads, it's ok to be passionate but don't go all personal on each other ok?)


RESULTS > https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-NR9MGZFL/


EDIT: The lines are now CLOSED. Survey maxes out at 100 participants, apologies but I'm not buying gold version to keep going. Take a look at the results though, quite interesting to see what we have so far.

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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Good news! You can view the results in the link down the bottom now! GRAB YOUR BRETHREN AND VOTE!

Red Veil is strangely unpopular so far. I expected the exact opposite. I'll reserve my judgement for later, but this is good news if people spread evenly rather than bandwagon hardcore.

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Just need a quick heads up, has anyone voted for Red Veil yet? There has been a report of votes not going through, and I need to know if thats just a delay on the refresh or a genuine bug (I'm not a Veil hater i swear! -.- )


False alarm :) all is well and good

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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Red Veil is strangely unpopular so far. I expected the exact opposite. I'll reserve my judgement for later, but this is good news if people spread evenly rather than bandwagon hardcore.


I think that's probably because of the whole "We're the grineer only less lumpy" feel that they have with that bit about the violent purge.


I am glad to see that (as of the time of this post) Cephalon Suda is on top followed by the two other reasonable sounding ones (and the arbiters who I have absolutely no knowledge of).

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I'm already only home when I'm in the Void (I probably have as many Void-missions played as I have all the other types combined), and as the Orokin-descendants Tenno belong there anyways, so I figure Cephalon Suda is gonna suit me just fine.

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do this poll again with a single response. the mult response killed your data, which is why it's so even.


I really was considering this, but opted out after complaints of not being able to choose multiple factions.

Alright, I'll give it another go on release of U15 so that people can finalise their faction more effectively

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