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Probably The Weirdest Question Here: What's The Fov Of Codex Scanner?



yeah... that's right. I need to know what is the field of view when you use the codex scanner. I only need rough estimates at max ingame fov settings and at the lowest settings since it depends on what fov you have set up in the settings.   I know it is probably ~60, but I'd be more useful if I could know how much does it change from min to max fov slider value found in video settings.


The thing is... I have no clue how anybody from player base could find this. But hey, I saw players calculating the curve of saryn's breasts so I am open to surprises. Ideally a dev would come and drop those values for me.


It's also weird explaining the reason for this. I can say it's some weird fanart nonsense related. If you're curious I might try to explain.



Also on the topic in case this gets seen by devs, It'd be great if we could disable green glow that objects have when you view them trough codex scanner. Maybe UI toggle should control this.

Edited by Aure7
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13 answers to this question

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In my experience, it seems like it might be around 60-70. It's very flat. But that's just my best guess. It's also got a surprising amount of zoom on it.


Codex scanner photography is something I find quite fun, that's what I'm basing that guess off of.

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It feels like 90 or even 110, but that's just gut instinct and experience from other games talking.


definitively not. It is very narrow as if you were looking trough some binoculars so it's probably less than 90

In my experience, it seems like it might be around 60-70. It's very flat. But that's just my best guess. It's also got a surprising amount of zoom on it.


Codex scanner photography is something I find quite fun, that's what I'm basing that guess off of.

isn't "zoom" basically a very low fov?


My best guess would be 60.

that's with what fov settings? I tested it and it changes drastically as I move the slider.

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i use basically default FoV, as without ACTUAL NUMBERS to change it, i don't know what the freaking hell i'm doing moving that slider, so i don't touch it.

and off of that... i guess i'd say it's 75 tops, but i'd probably say 70. but i just don't really know, BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT MY FOV IS TO START WITH.


I saw players calculating the curve of saryn's breasts so I am open to surprises.

why did you bring that up ;-;

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DE does not allow debugging tools to run while Warframe is running and has a "no info dumped from the client shall be posted" policy on the forums, so you're on your own, so to speak.

But FOV of the codex scanner is like the furthest thing from anything they don't want. I can't imagine someone would come here and ban a person who posted exact fov in degrees...

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