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"space Ninja"


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Why do people keep citing this when they whine about Limbo's appearance? What does that mean?

The Warframes are highly advanced vessels of smash everything and burn it too. I thought Space Ninja was just a cute moniker.


Exactly. We left Space Ninja's behind with Rhino, Loki and more. Space Ninja's was just a cool name. Not the theme.

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This is what "Limbo" should of looked like in some sense and I'm fairly certain a reasonable amount of players thought the same. Well at least most of the Design Council did, considering the thread that was in those forums -which has been deleted; of course. *roll eyes*





Basing expectations on fan art is a bloody ridiculous thing to do.

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While the word ninja is just a buzzord, warframes STILL had some sort of ninja asassin-ish looks to them before monsters such as Hydros or bird-frame came out.


You can't compare the subtle and well integrates themes such as Loki's jester theme or Ash's bug theme to in your face poop like Vauban's or Hidro's respective themes.

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This is what "Limbo" should of looked like in some sense and I'm fairly certain a reasonable amount of players thought the same. Well at least most of the Design Council did, considering the thread that was in those forums -which has been deleted; of course. *roll eyes*







Meh. The design doesn't really look like a void manipulating frame to me at all. Looks more like a samurai warrior to me.

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How does anyone know what a real ninja looked like anyway?


You are all too focused on the idea that an assassin would lurk in the shadows to remain unseen when a real pro would instead blend in with a crowd and look inconspicuous. Perhaps top hats were in fashion in Orakin society which would make it not flamboyant but rather appropriate attire. In the right setting not wearing one could get you noticed.

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Basing expectations on fan art is a bloody ridiculous thing to do.

It was not full on expectation, but something more inspired I suppose.


But, not expecting something to show up in-game, based off of fan suggestions, imo, is a tad ridiculous considering todays gaming market.


AFK awhile, gonna go browse the Steam Workshop... Yeah I know, sounds bloody ridic right?

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It was not full on expectation, but something more inspired I suppose.


But, not expecting something to show up in-game, based off of fan suggestions, imo, is a tad ridiculous considering todays gaming market.


AFK awhile, gonna go browse the Steam Workshop... Yeah I know, sounds bloody ridic right?

A fan-concept warframe is a very big request.

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So basically not liking something translates to it not belonging or fitting into the game..

despite the developer's who crafted everything within the game.. apparently disagreeing. Okay.

Anyone that has a well functioning pair of eyes can see how the new warframes don't look anything like they belong in the same video game as the old ones.


But oh well there are people on these forums that will agree with the developers if they tell them that a wall that's actually white is neon green. To a point that its almost useless to debate things on these forums at ALL nowadays.

Edited by Cabadath5
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Anyone that has a well functioning pair of eyes can see how the new warframes don't look anything like they belong in the same video game as the old ones.


But oh well there are people on these forums that will agree with the developers if they tell them that a wall that's actually white is neon green.


Nice fallacy there. Just because people disagree with YOU and agree with the devs on this one issue does not mean they agree with the devs on everything. 

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A fan-concept warframe is a very big request.


Yup it is. And I happen to like the new frame, looks jazzy-quality work indeed, just does not feel right. Its going to be the 'Like A Sir' meme frame of the year no doubt. But the overall direction does not imply any kind of "ninja" theme, or even a "combative"/"war"/"space" theme. He'd make a better Protocol Droid in SWTOR or villain NPC in The Secret World =P


But I'll say again, something along those 'Cabal' design lines(not a direct 1:1 copy) would of fit better or at least been back on track to fitting in since theres one thing everyone can agree on, is that Warframe is no longer about Warframes.

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Anyone that has a well functioning pair of eyes can see how the new warframes don't look anything like they belong in the same video game as the old ones.


But oh well there are people on these forums that will agree with the developers if they tell them that a wall that's actually white is neon green. To a point that its almost useless to debate things on these forums at ALL nowadays.

I can see where people are coming from, i'm not following at the heels of DE so please take your rude presumptions and get gone if you can't have a rational conversation about this. I think the unique design/concept is good. I like how he looks, a space-age magician who bends dimensions. That's why i disagree with people saying it's silly or "unfitting" when there's no set standard for what a warframe should be or look like, not that i've heard of from DE. They did after all, create the tenno, and are the source of all of the game lore. If they set a standard for warframe appearance before please link me to that.

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All the previous posts talk about something that is really different indeed : Warframe lost his old aura a little.


7 updates ago, it was much darker  & mysterious. Don't believe me? Look at the tilesets : they're very bright & we barely use our flashlights.


Some may even say that it's less violent(however, charge attacks & melee 1.0 made 80% of that feeling,because we had no automatic death & could cut people in half/send them flying whenever we wanted to. Now to reach the old gore you need maxed slash mods & weapons/ easy ragdoll stuff.)


I'm sure 90% of people complaining about the eternal "ninja" debate won't reply anymore if D.E. implements other options than the rambo/run&gun/clear every room playstyle. Something more subtle...(see my previous comment here)


Moreover (as I always say) : "Have you ever seen a ninja in space, to begin with? "

Edited by unknow99
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I think that's the nostalgia talking...



Interms of tileset, a tad. The Infested tileset got very bright that it killed a tad of the menacing presence lurking in the ship. Ofcourse some would say it's too bright.


When people say " we're no longer ninja"

Have you ever seen a space ninja anyway.

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Why do people keep citing this when they whine about Limbo's appearance? What does that mean?

The Warframes are highly advanced vessels of smash everything and burn it too. I thought Space Ninja was just a cute moniker.

A ninja (忍者?) or shinobi (忍び?) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain situations. - Wikipedia


Ninjas are always shown in movies and T.V. shows as silent stealthy killers. In reality most ninjas never even looked like what youd expect, many were farmers and workers and woiuld often work in the areas they ninja'd in. In other words you dont need to look like a ninja to be a ninja.

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I forever maintain that Warframes and Tenno are not the real-world Ninjitsu Stealthy Ninja, but the Westernized Unstopable Killing Machine Ninja (along say, the lines of Ninja Gaidan or Strider) seen in popular culture. Do they share elements of the former? Absolutely, but it is not the primary "ninja" source to be considered.

Edited by Morec0
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Why do apologists for Vaudeville frame keep trying to present the tired argument about what "real" ninja were? As if thet even defends Limbo. It does not matter what real ninja did in real life, people are talking about a style of LOOK.

When people are thinking of space ninja they are thinking more in line with Predator, Gatchamam, Guyver, Zero from Borderlands or ZERO from Anarchy Reigns, the look that the frames for the most part, seemed more inspired by(along with the Darkness comic), because I want to maintain coalescing theme here of which also looks sleek and dignified.

People dont care about actually dressing in an all black gi and mask like the mythical ninja stereotype of old, nor do they expect to be running around in damn kimonos and gis with feudal armor like authentic ninja such as Jubei or Hanzo. So yeah, quit pushing this willfully ignorant argument about "realism".

Edited by UrielColtan
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