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New Corrupt Mod - Transient Fortitude


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That is entirely the point as you can already achieve +129% power strength and DE has not nerfed it yet.  Also, I forgot to add in the original 100% so it is really only a 24% gain.  I'm sorry but no skill will suddenly become broken or overpowered from such a miniscule gain.  Besides, the abilities that really matter for end-game scale infinitely and power strength is only so effective before it provides diminishing returns.  As a result, there is really no reason to restrict the use of all three power strength mods as no ability will suddenly become broken, overpowered (compared to what it was previously), or game breaking.

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Yes thats True :)

an other translation of Rage is "Zorn" it means the same

Hey thank for replying and the info! Danke. :)

Edit: I also want to say I agree with you. Transient fortitude should stack with blind rage. The drawbacks of having both increase energy cost and reduced duration should be enough balance for using the combo.

Edited by sushidubya
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If you cant put this on with other mods why would you even include this.


Because it gives you the option to between sacrificing power duration or power efficiency for power strength?


Granted, Transient Fortitude doesn't give that good of a bonus for a rank 10 mod.

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If its intended then it makes perfect sense you cannot use them together. Why would you ever need too for starters?

And no, to make dmg powers effective at 60+ min survivals isn't an answer.


I always just saw TF as an alternative for BR because some players and powers have more to gain from losing duration (sayrn is a good example) then power strength. Corrupted mods are pretty messed up already as their downsides mean almost nothing to certain frames and powers, we don't need to start stacking them. 


If the issue is dmg powers being lackluster then a buff and some tweaking would be the way to go.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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I said -Duration. MINUS. I'm talking about Fleeting Expertise.

Meaning there's no other +(stat) corrupted mod.

It makes sense to not allow stacking of corrupted mods that benefit the same stat, while at the same time allowing the stacking of negative stats.

Does it suck for the people who want max strength? Yes. However it is what DE has decided on. You can petition to get this changed, but people in here should not be calling it a bug, because it is not.

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DE limited us to 8 mod slots.  Why force us to choose between Transient Fortitude and Blind Rage?  As noted, there is no evidence that it would cause any issue in terms of being overpowered and if a player wants to sacrifice 3 mods slots, leaving them with only 5, that should be entirely the player's choice.


Also, you know the answer to your question already and Blind Rage + Intensify is already OP for non-infinite content.  Besides, as it costs 16 points and is a rank 10 mod, for such a heavy investment, why shouldn't it be allowed?  The combo costs 43 mod points across 3 mods.  That alone makes it balanced.

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This mod is a godsend to all warframes with spamable nukes, or abilties that function better on shorter cooldowns. I usually take Fleeting Expertise on any frame who's kit isn't hindered by lower duration (ie Excalibur, Zephyr and Rhino's dash moves respectively getting embarrassingly short...)


that said, I thrive off of short power durations on moves like "Smoke Screen" and "Chaos" where the duration only effects how long you have to wait before recasting a powerful CC move. With shorter duration I can essentially use Smoke Screen and Chaos as an immediate CC move that I can spam, and this would also work wonders on Hydroid if you wanted him to do more damage and less CC, etc.


There is a lot of cool combos I want to try out. It's perhaps a good thing you can't combine it with Blind Rage, the scaling would be insane.

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As per what SanticuS stated, the scaling is actually not that great and overall it is only providing a 24% damage bonus (0.55/(1+0.3+0.99)).  Let us know where it would provide an insane damage bonus.  24% for 16 mod points when at rank 10 seems somewhat lackluster, especially when the entire combo requires 3 mod and 43 mod points to use.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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DE limited us to 8 mod slots.  Why force us to choose between Transient Fortitude and Blind Rage?  As noted, there is no evidence that it would cause any issue in terms of being overpowered and if a player wants to sacrifice 3 mods slots, leaving them with only 5, that should be entirely the player's choice.


Also, you know the answer to your question already and Blind Rage + Intensify is already OP for non-infinite content.  Besides, as it costs 16 points and is a rank 10 mod, for such a heavy investment, why shouldn't it be allowed?  The combo costs 43 mod points across 3 mods.  That alone makes it balanced.

I concur ...

Edited by Frenrihr89
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As noted there are situations where it could replace a low-ranked Blind Rage to provide additional power strength while maintaining max efficiency.  That being said, it does seem pointless to restrict corrupt mods in such a manner, especially since they have a significant disadvantage.  It's odd that Narrow Minded, Continuity, and Constitution are allowed and have fewer drawbacks, yet Blind Rage, Transient Fortitude, and Intensify are not.  U15 seems like DE is trying to force builds onto players instead of giving them the freedoms they enjoyed previously.

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Saryn's Miasma, Rhino Stomp, Excalibur's Radial Javelin, Mag's Shield Polarize:


All of these are much more efficient with Transient Fortitude than with Blind Rage. In fact, with a maxed Streamline and Fleeting expertise, Transient Fortitude makes your abilities cost half as much while still doing 80% as much damage as with Blind Rage.


Moreover, there is a place for this mod in endgame content thanks to Mag's Shield Polarize: It's one of the methods that allows teams to go endlessly in void Survival since the damage scales wonderfully; crews can go 2+ hours.


Now your example:

Rhino, prime example of a top tier frame, that uses power stre. BR gives more damage to all skills, gives higher armor value for Iron skin, and Roar lasts longer, because there is no duration penalty. Lets look at roar with the two:

Roar base damage increase 50% - duration 15 sec - 75 energy.

BR Build: 100% damage - 15 sec duration - 120 energy

TF Build: 77,5% damage - 11 sec duration - 75 energy.

Yeah, pretty much a no brainer to me.


Those are not "builds"; a build has more than one mod on and this is why your example doesn't reflect reality even remotely in most situations. The picture changes entirely if you have Intensify, Constitution, Continuity, Fleeting Expertise and Streamline on: 


Roar with Max Intensify, Continuity and Constitution with:

10/10 Blind Rage, 5/5 Streamline:                                                      214% base damage, 94 energy, 23.7 seconds

10/10 Blind Rage, 5/5 Fleeting Expertise, 5/5 Streamline:                 214% base damage, 49 energy, 15 seconds

10/10 Blind Rage, 3/5 Fleeting Expertise, 5/5 Streamline:                 214% base damage, 64 energy, 18 seconds

10/10 Transient Fortitude, 3/5 Fleeting Expertise, 5/5 Streamline:    195% base damage, 22.5 energy, 14 seconds

This time, the BR build does 10% more damage and lasts 4 seconds (28%) longer, but it costs THREE TIMES as much energy.


Blind Rage in fact has a HUGE indirect duration penalty in that it uses up all your energy. You can certainly make up for this with a Trinity, or you can be self sufficient and use your extra slot for another useful warframe. I should say that everything changes a bit more if you decide to put Narrowminded or Overextended on. 

Edited by DrJia
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