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Fun Non Prime Primary Weapons?



I already have the dread , soma, Gorgon/wraith , latron/wraith/prime, Penta, paris/prime, Cernos ,  Braton/prime, sybaris , Drakgoon , Vectis , Attica , Boltor, Karak and burston .
I need a non prime fun primary weapon to use ( oh yeah except ogris  seems too op don't want it yet) 

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16 answers to this question

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quanta is really fun, but if the ogris is too OP for you, don't even think about it (the cubes can 1hit most of the game's content)


phage is also fun and useful, but some of the shotgun mods are really hard to get (took me an incredible amount of time to finally get blaze, and then there is shotgun spazz too)

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