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What Is This Stat On Some Of The Mods From The Syndicates? Justice, Truth, Entropy, Sequence, Blight, Purity


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I'm in Red Veil specifically for the Dark Dagger and Mire mods. I can run 15 minutes of Ceres Dark Sector infestation solo without powers or any other weaponry or pets, with the Mire, with my Volt


Saying that all the other weapons are "terribad" is your own personal feeling. Why not suggest what you would like to see, rather than leaving no useful criticism other than negative commentary? It would greatly help to develop the game if you left some feedback.


They are comparatively terribad to stuff like Dakra Prime.


With the grind required for these augments, they should not simply level the playing field but rather be better.

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I'd like to take this opportunity to ask wheter or not these mods will affect the akimbo version of the noted weapons (will enthropy spike affect akbolto too?

I'm also very interested to hear this, I chose new loka for the furis life steal mod, and whether it's compatible with the afuris or dex furis would be pretty useful info to me and I'm sure many others.


That said, I'll be getting it no matter what it works on but I think whether it works on only that weapon or not should be made clear.  If the mod cannot be applied to variants of the same weapon I think it should state that explicitly so players don't risk investment when it won't benefit their preferred playstyle.

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I'll serve as the case example. I love Hek. Hek is my most used weapon even now that I'm R16, even after multiple forma on more aggressive weapons like Latron Prime and Soma. I have wanted Hek to be buffed to "top tier" for awhile, and that is why I picked Steel Meridian. They gave me a path, albeit a very long path, to get my Hek back in first place, and I'll gladly take it.

A weapon mod buff is a little different than a raw-number buff. It makes the people who really really reallyyyy love that weapon the only ones to get the buff. I'm ok being the special snowflake who uses Hek.

I'm not arguing that the mods won't do anything, I'm pointing out that if the situation is...


A - Get this weapon immediately, it's strong.

XYZ - Get this weapon and grind it for weeks, and it'll be about as strong as A.


... then it won't solve the issue of XYZ not being used as much as A.  And that's the intended point according to Rebecca's post, right?  But chances are that the result will be the people who were inclined to use XYZ in the first place will enjoy it more, rather than converting people who didn't enjoy XYZ into using XYZ instead of A.


If you're expecting to get the whole catalog within a week, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

Extrapolation time?  I mentioned multiple weeks to gain one mod.  Have you seen how the system works in terms of what's actually required to get the mods starting from nothing?  It eats all your EXP to go up a level, and the numbers are huge.


You need to rank up four times, starting from 0 EXP each time and working towards a progressively-higher goal.  5,000+22,000+44,000+70,000 to get to the rank where it's possible to get the mods, then spend 25,000 for one of them.  That's 166,000 standing, which, according to the calculations and tests done, needs 450 affinity per standing point to gain, right?  So that needs...


74,700,000 mastery EXP to a Warframe is needed to get a single one of these mods.  That's enough mastery EXP to Forma a Warframe 82 times... just to make XYZ as strong as A is already?


Gaining even a single of these mods is a long, drawn-out process, which is part of the reason it's not going to fix things.  It will make people who already like XYZ happy, but I don't think it will accomplish the intended purpose on any major scale due to the work involved for the relatively-low payoff.



EDIT: I say "weeks", but after doing the calculations it look more like "months" for the average player.

Edited by Rydian
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I'm not far enough along in my Syndicate to get my weapon mod, but I certainly am looking at the following scenario:


Weapon A is not as good as Weapons B-Z.

Weapon A receives unique mod that gives it unique AOE property resulting in a good affect.


If the given AOE affect is 'good', Weapon A now becomes equally desirable to B-Z though this unique system.


I would disagree that "No matter how good the temp bonus is, no one will use the XYZ" is the absolute end of this story for every player. Ideally the end result of these mods is that they are used and enjoyed, and if that doesn't happen then I suspect dev will hear about it :).

There will still be bad because they are very difficult to obtain thus instead of making weeks to obtain a mod that will make a useless weapon semi usefull you can get 90% more weapons that are far easier to obtain and have already more damage potential . Not to mention Spoiled strike already grands that damage to ALL weapons with a slower speed . Regardless those mods and weapons will be and always be useless . Expect if you made some ultra OP mods for them there is  zero usefullens to them so you are wrong . Basically you support something that you helped to create since it is logical for any creator to support its creation but that does mean what it has been created is good .Even i if i made something by myself would support it even if i knew it is bad like you do now .

Edited by Garuger
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I'm not far enough along in my Syndicate to get my weapon mod, but I certainly am looking at the following scenario:


Weapon A is not as good as Weapons B-Z.

Weapon A receives unique mod that gives it unique AOE property resulting in a good affect.


If the given AOE affect is 'good', Weapon A now becomes equally desirable to B-Z though this unique system.


I would disagree that "No matter how good the temp bonus is, no one will use the XYZ" is the absolute end of this story for every player. Ideally the end result of these mods is that they are used and enjoyed, and if that doesn't happen then I suspect dev will hear about it :).

I thought I was - put this mod on: gain more exp from kills with it. Can you make it so too?

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If that is true, that's very sad indeed.

It is par with heat sword in damage BUT the ultra op jaw sword has is causing bleeding. No knockbacks nothing just a no damage bleeding that useless it is and Heat sword can take crimson dervish

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The only one even worth considering is the one for the Hek.

And dual cleavers . Dual cleavers is often over passed and under apreciated but in the end it has more damage than zoren with spoiled strike and without the 20% reduction speed it may be able to go par with dual ichor . Thus i aim only for that mod

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Justice for the Steel Meridian Syndicate, is an attribute that is added through one of the three new mods for that Syndicate, for the Sobek, Hek and Cleavers respectively. Many seem to be asking what the hell this means; '+1 Justice'. After experimenting with both Scattered Justice and Justice Blades here is my finding.


When using a Syndicate endorsed and upgraded weapon (Hek with Scattered Justice in this case), in the bottom right hand corner, your UI is slightly skewed, and beside your ammo counter is a 'Steel Meridian' logo. I noticed that every time I got a kill with the fully ranked mod equipped on my Hek, the logo would slowly fill up, making me think that it was an indicator of some kind. After about 10 or so kills, sorry I didn't count, the bar filled, and then an animation played on the screen with the Steel Meridian emblem flashing in the centre of the screen.


At this point a large AOE explosion, about 20m or so fired from my character. Bear in mind that I am using a Hek configured for 7500 radiation damage and 1700 puncture etc...This explosion was capable during my observations of killing most any single enemy on mid to high Grineer maps.


I can't tell if it is 360 or purely frontal in terms of blast type, but all I know is that the enemies that were once near or around me were no more after this triggered. Once the bar empties, it refills again.


For a short while after the blast has triggered, a sort of fiery red aura surrounds my warrior, not sure what the purpose of this is, and it didn't seem to have an effect on the enemies passively when I stood next to them and observed their health bar. Perhaps it is some kind of a damage buff, I do not know and haven't got around to confirming or disproving this.


This is what I found out, hope it answers some questions.

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It will eventually lose out due to the innate damage type of Dual Ichors though.

I never said to surpass it but a rank 2 that is so simple to be build and the amount of damage it produces is just so good . Besides everything becomes innefective at some point . However th biggest issue with cleavears is their speed but when berseker starts taking effect they become machine guns . Melts 50 heavy gunner at void like butter

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So uh........


My question about this whole thing is.....


We have no control over the effect? I can picture this scenario:


I'll mow down a bunch of mobs, and let's say the counter is 100 hits/kills/whatever and I get 98 or so after doing a huge group of hard enemies. Then I'll go into a hallway, and see one lone guy and BOOM!




Uh..... yeah thanks, I needed that for 1 mob in a hallway. That'd be nice, yanno, when I fought that huge pack of mobs just earlier?


ANd Add insult to injury, I bet I'll go into the NEXT room and I'll face another huge pack of mobs and then I won't have my super-duper skill because I just wasted it in the hallway.


We need a button to choose WHEN it fires.

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I'm not far enough along in my Syndicate to get my weapon mod, but I certainly am looking at the following scenario:


Weapon A is not as good as Weapons B-Z.

Weapon A receives unique mod that gives it unique AOE property resulting in a good affect.


If the given AOE affect is 'good', Weapon A now becomes equally desirable to B-Z though this unique system.


I would disagree that "No matter how good the temp bonus is, no one will use the XYZ" is the absolute end of this story for every player. Ideally the end result of these mods is that they are used and enjoyed, and if that doesn't happen then I suspect dev will hear about it :).

There is a big issue with this, as terribad weapons need to have decent AOE proc rate to be useful. Orthos Prime, Dakra Prime, Ichors and every other top melee is constant flow of dps, and i suspect that weapon specific mods will have proc rate of once or two times per mission.



And the biggest flaw is you have to kill enemies with them to even use AOE. Its major design flaw as everyone else will kill everything around you with their ults or 300+ conclave weapons.



I am betting an Ammo Drum that usage of these mods will be low or nonexistent.

Edited by RoboDoge
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There is a big issue with this, as terribad weapons need to have decent AOE proc rate to be useful. Orthos Prime, Dakra Prime, Ichors and every other top melee is constant flow of dps, and i suspect that weapon specific mods will have proc rate of once or two times per mission.



And the biggest flaw is you have to kill enemies with them to even use AOE. Its major design flaw as everyone else will kill everything around you with their ults or 300+ conclave weapons.



I am betting an Ammo Drum that usage of these mods will be low or nonexistent.

I dunno, my first thought when I saw the jaw sword mod is "would that make it compete with my dakra?" Turns out the answer is "nearly", which is good enough for me, since my dakra isn't glowing with truth all the time. Also, exploding bolto looks fun.

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Yeah I do love that the weapon augments are equalizers to help lower tier become higher tier but I agree that the amount of work to get them is way too much. I'd say cut the work needed by half for the weapon mods.


The warframe mods can stay the way they are since theoretically all frames are supposed to be on the same tier.

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16121/99000 in red veil now. i think i can get my hand on one of the mod soon, and test what "blight" does today. do you guys have any suggestion on which mod i should pick?

Going to assume it's probably some poison aoe or debuff. Pick whatever mod you think is the most useful to you and report back with results and possibly screenshots/videos ;]

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