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What Is This Stat On Some Of The Mods From The Syndicates? Justice, Truth, Entropy, Sequence, Blight, Purity


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Long term goal

I showed the math back on page 2, joining a syndicate and getting a single weapon mod requires enough grinding to Forma a frame 82 times ('cause standing is tied directly to frame affinity gain).  So definitely long-term, in the major sense.



Gas procs.

Requires hitting the enemy instead of the floor, and aren't used as often as stuff like Viral, Corrosive, Heat, etc.


Though spray-'n-pray could work for status depending on the chance if it's high enough I guess as at least a few shots will hit something.

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I'm not far enough along in my Syndicate to get my weapon mod, but I certainly am looking at the following scenario:


Weapon A is not as good as Weapons B-Z.

Weapon A receives unique mod that gives it unique AOE property resulting in a good affect.


If the given AOE affect is 'good', Weapon A now becomes equally desirable to B-Z though this unique system.


I would disagree that "No matter how good the temp bonus is, no one will use the XYZ" is the absolute end of this story for every player. Ideally the end result of these mods is that they are used and enjoyed, and if that doesn't happen then I suspect dev will hear about it :).

that may be true for for most of the weapon choices.


but not the skana..it's litterally the 1st/ 2nd sword you get , by the time you grind your way through to get the syndicate mod skana related , you've sold it or are barely using it anyway

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I showed the math back on page 2, joining a syndicate and getting a single weapon mod requires enough grinding to Forma a frame 82 times ('cause standing is tied directly to frame affinity gain).  So definitely long-term, in the major sense.


Does this math include the daily missions for each faction?After unlocking the first tier they are giving between 200 and 500 ish, and you have three of them per faction per day. I'm assuming the values and probably the number of missions go up by tier. If you are leveling two allied factions, and doing both of their missions daily, it is a pretty significant boost.



As a point of interest, some people have gained access to these mods already, so it is well within the realm of possibility.


that may be true for for most of the weapon choices.


but not the skana..it's litterally the 1st/ 2nd sword you get , by the time you grind your way through to get the syndicate mod skana related , you've sold it or are barely using it anyway


Seems like a good reason to dust it off. The only complaint I have about that is that it is likely that the mod cannot be used on the Skana Prime.

Edited by xRufus7x
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Does this math include the daily missions for each faction?After unlocking the first tier they are giving between 200 and 500 ish, and you have three of them per faction per day. I'm assuming the values and probably the number of missions go up by tier. If you are leveling two allied factions, and doing both of their missions daily, it is a pretty significant boost.

It does not 'cause those haven't been figured out to concrete numbers yet (potential chances for which missions and such), but...


If we assume it's 900 standing per day for a month, that's -27,000 needed through normal grinding, so 139,000 standing left.  So you'd still need 62,550,000 affinity, which is 68 forma worth in addition to a month of those missions.


As a point of interest, some people have gained access to these mods already, so it is well within the realm of possibility.

Yeah, but just because it can be done doesn't mean the numbers are good or that it'll be a common thing.

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It does not 'cause those haven't been figured out to concrete numbers yet (potential chances for which missions and such), but...


If we assume it's 900 standing per day for a month, that's -27,000 needed through normal grinding, so 139,000 standing left.  So you'd still need 62,550,000 affinity, which is 68 forma worth in addition to a month of those missions.

Your 900 is low. That much I can tell you for sure. It is probably closer to 1000 for just the missions you are doing for that faction, Assuming that is close to the actual figure, you can add another 500 to it for doing the allies. And, like I said this is only for the first tier. You are missing a big factor in your equation.


Is it a grind? Yes. Is it as bad as you are making it out to be? No.


Syndicate Alerts are special Alert missions unlocked by attaining Rank 1 in a particular syndicate. Like normal alerts these missions temporarily replace the mission for a particular node, however Syndicate missions have a regular schedule and duration, being 24-hour alerts that are given daily from 8:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. The primary reward for performing these alert missions is a large set amount of bonus Standing for the Syndicate that posted them, making them ideal for earning further Standing with that group. Also, the higher a player's rank within a particular syndicate, the larger the Standing rewards become. Finally, like normal Standing gain half of the bonus Standing rewards is also shared towards an allied syndicate, though negative Standing with opposing syndicates is increased as well. Syndicate alerts can be identified by their mission icons being represented by the Syndicate's emblem.

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I showed the math back on page 2, joining a syndicate and getting a single weapon mod requires enough grinding to Forma a frame 82 times ('cause standing is tied directly to frame affinity gain).  So definitely long-term, in the major sense.



Requires hitting the enemy instead of the floor, and aren't used as often as stuff like Viral, Corrosive, Heat, etc.


Though spray-'n-pray could work for status depending on the chance if it's high enough I guess as at least a few shots will hit something.


Wait, what? So standing is tied to the actual FRAME affinity? Meaning, killing with warframe skills instead of weapons would be the optimal way of gaining? Meaning, Loki is probably a poor choice to gain with?

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Wait, what? So standing is tied to the actual FRAME affinity? Meaning, killing with warframe skills instead of weapons would be the optimal way of gaining? Meaning, Loki is probably a poor choice to gain with?


Earning Standing with a syndicate is largely a matter of wearing that syndicate's Sigils, a cosmetic item received from Syndicates. When wearing a syndicate's sigil, a portion of any affinity earned will be converted to Standing with that syndicate. Additional Standing can also earned by performing special syndicate-exclusive missions.


Wiki indicates that it is all affinity, not just frame affinity.

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Your 900 is low. That much I can tell you for sure. It is probably closer to 1000 for just the missions you are doing for that faction, Assuming that is close to the actual figure, you can add another 500 to it for doing the allies. And, like I said this is only for the first tier.

How about I assume 1500 affinity per day averaged out over a month due to the following factors.


1 - Lower potential daily gain at lower ranks meaning the lower ranks stick around a little bit longer than the main standing threshold ratio.


2 - Higher ranks take longer to rank up, meaning the median gain has a bigger influence than the above.


3 - It doesn't look like you can do ally missions until they rank up to 2 as well, and their ranking up is slower and contributes less towards your main syndicate so while they are a bonus, they come in later and contribute less than might be thought.


1,500 * 30 = 45,000 standing from bonus missions.

166,000 - 45,000 = 121,000 standing still needed to be gained via affinity

121,000 * 450 = 54,450,000 affinity needed to gain that standing.

54,450,000 / 900,000 = 60.5 rank 30s, discounting one rank for the initial level 30 needed as usual...


At 1500 bonus standing per day for a month, you'd still need 59 formas worth of normal frame affinity added to that value.




What about 2000 affinity per day from bonus missions?


2,000 * 30 = 60,000 standing from bonus missions.

166,000 - 60,000 = 106,000 standing still needed to be gained via affinity.

106,000 * 450 = 47,700,000 affinity needed to gain that standing.

47,700,000 / 900,000 = 53 rank 30s, discounting one rank for the initial level 30 needed as usual...


At 2000 bonus standing per day for a month, you'd still need 52 formas worth of normal frame affinity added to that value.



You are missing a big factor in your equation.


Is it a grind? Yes. Is it as bad as you are making it out to be? No.

M'kay then, show us some good figures? :P


How much is available daily at what rank, how much time will be spent in bonus missions to get to the next rank, how many days will that take, what will the average affiliated syndicate ranking be so we can predict when those will come into play for the purpose of mapping out timeframes, how will the affiliate bonus missions progress compared to the main one, what's the standing percentage given from affiliates averaged out over the time they're available?


Come on, you do some of the math this time since you like discounting what I'm tossing out~




Wait, what? So standing is tied to the actual FRAME affinity? Meaning, killing with warframe skills instead of weapons would be the optimal way of gaining? Meaning, Loki is probably a poor choice to gain with?

I can't tell you the optimal way myself, because I haven't read into if the ally kill affinity split matters or not after the 15.0.6 change.



Wiki indicates that it is all affinity, not just frame affinity.

Note that wiki articles on recently-released content often don't have all the math and stuff involved since most people figure things out via testing instead of data-mining.  Compare new features like Archwing and other U15 stuff to articles like Armor.


Anyways... update 15.0.6 says...

Fixed an issue with Syndicate Standing/Reputation varying if you had fewer weapons in your loadout at end of mission.


And that problem caused some confusion due to people getting different equations depending on solo/multi status and weapon carry amount not being calculated properly.


Most initial tests and threads on standing were done before that change, but the 450 number seems to stay.


I don't have any non-rank frames at the moment to test myself, though.  Fully-ranked things eat EXP, but don't display the numbers.  Do you have any non-max frames to test the numbers with after the 15.0.6 change?

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I cant find the post on reddit but someone actually got the Hek mod. It was something like 200% multi shot and the special effect was after gaining some experience with the weapon, you get an aura or something and start leeching hp from the mobs that you shoot. If im right its around 25%.


So basically It deals 1k flat damage and leeches 25% hp from your shots. Do the math.

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I'm not really convinced about these new effects... So we'll be like those Eximus mobs having a large aoe coming out of nowhere?


Besides, imho these new mods should have a specific "upgrade slot".

One cannot simply upgrade a weak weapon by sacrifying one of the existing mod slots.


Either that or change the whole idea by making us Prime/Vandalize/Dex/Whatever the weapons by ourselves for X standing points. For example: Hek + X standing points = Hek Wraith. Same thing for the frame mods. I'm somewhat sick of doing the same void instances 5-50x to get 1 prime part/bp and also sick of missing event items but that's not the subject...

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confirmed ones:

justice: blast aod+heal

truth: gas aoe+heal

entropy: magnetic aoe+energy restoration

blight: viral aoe+energy

there are two still unknown, but i think it's obvious:

sequence: radiation aoe+energy

purity:corrosive aoe+heal

Edited by Eric1738
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that may be true for for most of the weapon choices.


but not the skana..it's litterally the 1st/ 2nd sword you get , by the time you grind your way through to get the syndicate mod skana related , you've sold it or are barely using it anyway


My Skana still sees lots of use killing Ambulas though >_>

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confirmed ones:

justice: blast aod+heal

truth: gas aoe+heal

entropy: magnetic aoe+energy restoration

blight: viral aoe+energy

there are two still unknown, but i think it's obvious:

sequence: radiation aoe+energy

purity:corrosive aoe+heal




Blight one makes me want be Red Veil.


Too bad i am too far with Hexis and Suda.

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I'm not far enough along in my Syndicate to get my weapon mod, but I certainly am looking at the following scenario:


Weapon A is not as good as Weapons B-Z.

Weapon A receives unique mod that gives it unique AOE property resulting in a good affect.


If the given AOE affect is 'good', Weapon A now becomes equally desirable to B-Z though this unique system.


I would disagree that "No matter how good the temp bonus is, no one will use the XYZ" is the absolute end of this story for every player. Ideally the end result of these mods is that they are used and enjoyed, and if that doesn't happen then I suspect dev will hear about it :).


Unfortunately, it won't work that way since Weapon A gains that extra effect at the cost of a mod slot(and thus raw stats) that Weapons B-Z can use without issues.


The overall raw power of a weapon is actually decreased while having an effect that requires a condition to be fulfilled to actually trigger.


Cutting away raw power for a gimmick from weapons that are already perceived as underpowered will not make them comparable to other, realistically stronger weapons.

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I cant find the post on reddit but someone actually got the Hek mod. It was something like 200% multi shot and the special effect was after gaining some experience with the weapon, you get an aura or something and start leeching hp from the mobs that you shoot. If im right its around 25%.


So basically It deals 1k flat damage and leeches 25% hp from your shots. Do the math.

Yeah they did it during the first few days, when if you equipped Ash and a Lato you could get 8000 standing in one mission, by minimizing conclave.  They exploited that until DE patched it - no matter you weapon loadout, you top out around 400-1000 (1000 if affinity booster is active, and you do an hour long defense or interception)


He is right that it's a ridiculously long grind.  It's clearly meant for people STARTING OUT at MR1, to reward them for MR17.  Those already there... well... enjoy grinding for a few hundred more hours for one mod.

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If the effect of the mods are to give +25% life or energy or whatever, and could be used as periodic refill, then people will use the mods.  

The grind will still take people who DID NOT EXPLOIT THE STANDING BUG, like the one Steel Meridian guy did, a few hundred more hours.  For their first mutator mod.

Edited by Slamtastic
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So these mods are "equalizers" of sorts, yes?


Then why do they cost a bleeding arm and leg to get? If their purpose is simply to buff crappy weapons they should be some of the first rewards available!



Also agree on the core of Slamtastics statements above. Starting from Mastery level 1 the grind for the new mods is just part of the overall grind. From Mastery 17 the grind is going to be a chore. Some kind of Rep multiplier based on Mastery would be nice. (But won't happen).

Edited by 2old4gamez
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They are comparatively terribad to stuff like Dakra Prime.


With the grind required for these augments, they should not simply level the playing field but rather be better.


Sigh, the same old response of comparing a weapon that is not on the same level, to another that starts out on a level intended to be much higher.


Are you really trying to say that a Mastery Rank 0 Mire is intended to compete with the Mastery Rank 6 Dakra Prime?


Having them level the playing field would be amazing considering they weren't intended to compete in the first place.

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Look, I enjoy a good experiment as much as anybody else, but...this experiment is extremely expensive FOR THE PLAYER. I've already wasted plat on the archwing "experiment", if DE thinks that people enjoy putting up with this crap, they really need to rethink their business plan. Gambling hundreds of hours on something that might be terrible and will never be fixed (and by that I mean actually useful, not adjusted slightly after a year of waiting and it still being terrible) is not a feature that is useful, to anybody, ever. I know that given six different factions, at least one of them is going to be screwed over and it's a race (well, long distance marathon) to see who's left holding the short straw.

Edited by weirdee
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confirmed ones:

justice: blast aod+heal

truth: gas aoe+heal

entropy: magnetic aoe+energy restoration

blight: viral aoe+energy

there are two still unknown, but i think it's obvious:

sequence: radiation aoe+energy

purity:corrosive aoe+heal

Sequence is Radiation + Shield.


Those other ones are actually confirmed by someone in-game correct? It seems strange that Entropy would give energy restoration when the sell a shield restore BP. On the other hand, it's also strange that Sequence gives shield when they sell an energy restore BP.

Edited by CitizenV
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Sequence is Radiation + Shield.


Those other ones are actually confirmed by someone in-game correct? It seems strange that Entropy would give energy restoration when the sell a shield restore BP. On the other hand, it's also strange that Sequence gives shield when they sell an energy restore BP.

yes they are confirmed in game of course. interesting sequence is actually a bit different, but shield restoration is a bit undershelming imo.

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Unfortunately, it won't work that way since Weapon A gains that extra effect at the cost of a mod slot(and thus raw stats) that Weapons B-Z can use without issues.


The overall raw power of a weapon is actually decreased while having an effect that requires a condition to be fulfilled to actually trigger.


Cutting away raw power for a gimmick from weapons that are already perceived as underpowered will not make them comparable to other, realistically stronger weapons.


^ this + anyway some bonuses are crap... like +5% status on Supra... rofl

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