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So Blight Effect From Red Veil Is An Aoe Viral Damage+Proc


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i f***ing love it. totally worth 25000 standings.

edit: and the damage is 1000 i think, but unlike Justice from steel meridian, it doesnt heal you. it also puts a red glowing buff on you, but i dont know what's the effect. maybe it's a damage buff. it's a bit hard to test on embolist, so for now i treat it as visual only

edit2: http://i.imgur.com/amSNTNV.jpg u can see it's a 1000 point viral damage and proc

          http://i.imgur.com/SkKkH0y.jpg  and something like an aura on my warframe

edit3: also restore 25% max energy

Edited by Eric1738
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And a few days ago people said they are too tough to grind Lol.

Right? i was sitting here like what are people even talking about i barely even grind them and i'm 1 rank and 10,000 standing in and didn't even notice it. I just didn't really want to open my mouth about it on the forums in case i didn't know what i was talking about.

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Right? i was sitting here like what are people even talking about i barely even grind them and i'm 1 rank and 10,000 standing in and didn't even notice it. I just didn't really want to open my mouth about it on the forums in case i didn't know what i was talking about.


And a few days ago people said they are too tough to grind Lol.


People will complain about anything to be fair, syndicates are nothing to really worry about if you have time and patience

Edited by Somedude1000
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What are the effects of Justice? Lifesteal only?

according to this http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2ky2w5/multishot_with_a_side_of_justice_what_justice_does/

this a 1000 point balst damage+25% heal

Warframe looks so much more badass with japanese characters. (if it's not japanese I am truly sorry but you get the idea)

close enough, chinese characters.

Edited by Eric1738
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People will complain about anything to be fair, syndicates are nothing to really worry about if you have time and patience

Time and patience isn't the problem, it's the fact that the addition of Syndicates isn't engaging or interesting, it's just another time sink, especially players who already have nothing fun to do.


On topic, it's nice to learn what some of these randomly named effects actually do, though I may need to change Syndicates now...ugh.

Edited by Ailith
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I find it hilarious that people are saying they don't take time to grind.. I don't know the way you guys have completed it in such a small amount of time, but I too have a booster on, and I am just coming up on the 4x Tower IV keys.. It's no walk in the park for everyone.. That's why the talk about sigils granting a boost to rep gain came about to begin with..

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I find it hilarious that people are saying they don't take time to grind.. I don't know the way you guys have completed it in such a small amount of time, but I too have a booster on, and I am just coming up on the 4x Tower IV keys.. It's no walk in the park for everyone.. That's why the talk about sigils granting a boost to rep gain came about to begin with..

In the latest devstream DE confirmed they are indeed adding Syndicate EXP multipliers to the higher tier Sigils.

Though they did say the multiplier would not be too high.

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In the latest devstream DE confirmed they are indeed adding Syndicate EXP multipliers to the higher tier Sigils.

Though they did say the multiplier would not be too high.



They didn't confirm it, they were just saying they had talks about it. Don't get your hopes up.


People are complaining entirely way too much about this and it's super frustrating. Not everything is supposed to be handed to you. It's end game stuff end game in any game is difficult, grindy, and annoying at first.. but it becomes worth it in the END.


If you're logging in without all your nodes unlocked, without all Warframes tried out, without all weapons leveled, without your MR the maximum it could be. Then you shouldn't be complaining about syndicates to be honest. This is the initial update with some stuff. They talked about adding more mods and rewards to syndicates at higher tiers, they talked about adding more sigils. You have to work for that guys.. and if you don't have the time, then you have to toughen up to be honest because you're not gonna get it instantly, and you shouldn't.

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They didn't confirm it, they were just saying they had talks about it. Don't get your hopes up.


People are complaining entirely way too much about this and it's super frustrating. Not everything is supposed to be handed to you. It's end game stuff end game in any game is difficult, grindy, and annoying at first.. but it becomes worth it in the END.


If you're logging in without all your nodes unlocked, without all Warframes tried out, without all weapons leveled, without your MR the maximum it could be. Then you shouldn't be complaining about syndicates to be honest. This is the initial update with some stuff. They talked about adding more mods and rewards to syndicates at higher tiers, they talked about adding more sigils. You have to work for that guys.. and if you don't have the time, then you have to toughen up to be honest because you're not gonna get it instantly, and you shouldn't.

It was literally confirmed.

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If you're logging in without all your nodes unlocked, without all Warframes tried out, without all weapons leveled, without your MR the maximum it could be. Then you shouldn't be complaining about syndicates to be honest. This is the initial update with some stuff. They talked about adding more mods and rewards to syndicates at higher tiers, they talked about adding more sigils. You have to work for that guys.. and if you don't have the time, then you have to toughen up to be honest because you're not gonna get it instantly, and you shouldn't.


There's always one... At least one..


Because you know, everyone can't play their way and enjoy the game the way they want to without someone saying "Oh, you don't have all the Warframes and weapons yet?? Oh then you have no business even playing with Syndicates!!!!"


If they wanted Syndicates to come after you have "all your nodes unlocked, without all Warframes tried out, without all weapons leveled, without your MR the maximum it could be " Then I'm sure they would have made that a coded requirement.. Till then it is totally feasible for someone who is drawn to the Syndicate idea to think that the rate is too low. DE MAY have earned a few new fans simply because of the Syndicates and what possibilities can be imagined through them..


Tell them to bug off until they have leveled all the warframes and weapons?

Edited by Vyeth
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It was literally confirmed.

i thought they wanted people to wear sigils for cosmetic reasons. If they tie multipliers to them, then people will be forced to wear a sigil whether they like the look of it or not.


If anything, buying multiple sigils from a syndicate should be what increases rep gain multiplier- not the sigil itself.

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i thought they wanted people to wear sigils for cosmetic reasons. If they tie multipliers to them, then people will be forced to wear a sigil whether they like the look of it or not.


If anything, buying multiple sigils from a syndicate should be what increases rep gain multiplier- not the sigil itself.


The problem with this is that they have them cost different amounts even in the same tier.. If the only way for one to have been "superior" to another was to be through player choice why not make them cost the same within the same tier? Why must my choice have to cost me more than the others at that level?


There are two price tiers of cosmetic armor, which are not that far from each other. The armor comeback is moot. If this was armor that had to be earned and there were so many different tiers of pricing, this would still be an issue.


Besides sigils being useless, I think the pricing for each tier should be normalized, UNLESS one would be statistically superior to the other. 


That way it would be TOTALLY up to player choice which sigil to wear "cosmetically"..

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update: it also restores 25% energy when triggered. i didnt pay attention to my energy pool when testing it


Wait, is it 25% of your base energy, or 25% of your total energy after mods?

Because if it's the latter, then this would finally give me a reason to use Flow instead of a typical Energy Efficiency mod.

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Wait, is it 25% of your base energy, or 25% of your total energy after mods?

Because if it's the latter, then this would finally give me a reason to use Flow instead of a typical Energy Efficiency mod.

max energy.

for example my loki prime has flow and everytime blight triggers i gain ~131 energy.

Edited by Eric1738
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