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De : Elemental Ability Augment Mods Why Are They All The Same?


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I mean hitting an ally and giving him X elemental damage seems kinda underwhelming.


I was expecting stuff like the Tesla augment ; which seems super awesome by the way. that's a realy ability augment.


For fireballs could be something like a trail of fire that spreads from enemy to enemy , or coudl actually deal exploisve damage in a wide radius , hold 1 for bigger fireball ....


Freeze....Creates a protective ice aura around an ally , ( kinda like a castable iron skin on allies but only protects 25% of iron skin equivalent)



Venom : could just increase attack speed  and stamina recharge rate if cast on allies, ( like some kind of drug that would make someone hyperactive)

10 seconds


Shock  : like A castable retribution mod aura on allies  but with a bigger radius , 2-3 meters  and 100% stun chance.


Lasts  10 seconds on allies to avoid infinty spam.


That's all I got for now . any other ideas guys



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I feel that Volt is the most underwhelming since he already got electric shield for the shock dmg effect. Venom could make ally take reduce dmg from Toxic or become like Torid doing Toxic dmg to mob that are close.  However, these augment could stay the way they are if you can cast on yourself.

Edited by Hueminator
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freeze could make you have the moveable snow globe like the eximus


They likely have that reserved for an augment that actually works for Snow Globe. They did mention (I think in the livestream, or the AMA) that they'll be introducing more Warframe augments that modify all the Warframe abilities.

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Honestly I was expecting much more out of augments as well. It doesn't help that each frame only has one augment available, some of which make their frames much more interesting, while others are, well, boring. Granting element to a player is interesting, but ultimately doesn't provide any considerable bonus. It's reasonable to assume that players are ALREADY bringing in whatever element the current faction you're facing is weak to.


Also, this seems like another example of what was discussed in another thread; how DE's "new shiny content and fixes" are often lazy coding by copy-pasting one effect to somewhere else in the game. Ash's invisibility copied to Excalibur's Super Jump as a "buff" for example, or how Mirage's Sleight of Hand causes most destructible objects to release Excal's Radial Blind.
In this case, Saryn's Contagion became a targetable ability bumped to her Venom, as well as copied onto every other elemental frame's 1. Instead of Saryn becoming more diverse, or having some kind of interesting alternate effect, she just got a copy of something she already sort of did. Why not simply make Contagion have an area effect, so that anyone near her when she cast it is also granted toxic damage? It's basically the same thing.

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Meh, they're fine. I think they're just establishing these damage boosting Augments. More Augments will appear in the future.


Augments I'd like:


Volt - Electric Shield stuns enemies who try to step through it.

Oberon - Hallowed Ground slows enemies who step on it.

Ember - Fireblast starts with a half radius and expands quickly into a wide radius, proccing Blast and Fire on all enemies hit. (ala Fire Eximus aura)

Sayrn - Molt heals Saryn by % of damage it receives.

Frost - Ice Wave or Freeze leaves a lingering patch of ice on the ground that ragdolls enemies who step on it.

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I mean hitting an ally and giving him X elemental damage seems kinda underwhelming.


I was expecting stuff like the Tesla augment ; which seems super awesome by the way. that's a realy ability augment.


For fireballs could be something like a trail of fire that spreads from enemy to enemy , or coudl actually deal exploisve damage in a wide radius , hold 1 for bigger fireball ....


Freeze....Creates a protective ice aura around an ally , ( kinda like a castable iron skin on allies but only protects 25% of iron skin equivalent)



Venom : could just increase attack speed  and stamina recharge rate if cast on allies, ( like some kind of drug that would make someone hyperactive)

10 seconds


Shock  : like A castable retribution mod aura on allies  but with a bigger radius , 2-3 meters  and 100% stun chance.


Lasts  10 seconds on allies to avoid infinty spam.


That's all I got for now . any other ideas guys



Honestly I was expecting much more out of augments as well. It doesn't help that each frame only has one augment available, some of which make their frames much more interesting, while others are, well, boring. Granting element to a player is interesting, but ultimately doesn't provide any considerable bonus. It's reasonable to assume that players are ALREADY bringing in whatever element the current faction you're facing is weak to.


Also, this seems like another example of what was discussed in another thread; how DE's "new shiny content and fixes" are often lazy coding by copy-pasting one effect to somewhere else in the game. Ash's invisibility copied to Excalibur's Super Jump as a "buff" for example, or how Mirage's Sleight of Hand causes most destructible objects to release Excal's Radial Blind.

In this case, Saryn's Contagion became a targetable ability bumped to her Venom, as well as copied onto every other elemental frame's 1. Instead of Saryn becoming more diverse, or having some kind of interesting alternate effect, she just got a copy of something she already sort of did. Why not simply make Contagion have an area effect, so that anyone near her when she cast it is also granted toxic damage? It's basically the same thing.



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Given that the current elemental augments are basically a free mod for whoever it's used on, I think a lot of people are seriously underestimating their strength.


Especially Oberon's, given that it would take you two mods to get radiation.

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Given that the current elemental augments are basically a free mod for whoever it's used on, I think a lot of people are seriously underestimating their strength.


Especially Oberon's, given that it would take you two mods to get radiation.

If the bonus damage is good, Oberon has another feather in his Grineer-killer hat.

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I wished that augments actually changed your skills instead of being straight buffs.



1)Snow globes got less radius and doesnt slow but follows caster.

2)FIre blast covers nearby enemies in accelerant.

3)wormhole instantly teleports caster instead of creating hole but cost is reduced by 25

4)link links allies insted of enemies giving them dmg reduction and absorbing dmg done to them.

5)tornado creates 1 bigger tornado which follows zephyr, dealing increasing dmg while slowing instead of making enemies fly.

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I wished that augments actually changed your skills instead of being straight buffs.



1)Snow globes got less radius and doesnt slow but follows caster.

2)FIre blast covers nearby enemies in accelerant.

3)wormhole instantly teleports caster instead of creating hole but cost is reduced by 25

4)link links allies insted of enemies giving them dmg reduction and absorbing dmg done to them.

5)tornado creates 1 bigger tornado which follows zephyr, dealing increasing dmg while slowing instead of making enemies fly.

2) seems actually really cool!

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i think those mod augments are less interesting than the one vauban and loki get. of course they can be pretty good in the battle, but i am less desired to get those mods.

well, at least fireball frenzy synergize with accelerant, so i think it has potential, but fire damage is overall less desired.

Edited by Eric1738
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