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Brakk Vs Marelock



I have a few maxed out secondary weapons... Brakk, Despair, and Acrid. 


Apparently, I have a thing for maxing out secondary weapons that suck in long range combat.


So I sort of looked into Marelok. It's hit scan, single shot, and apparently it does good damage.

So I built it and I'm currently leveling it. 


I haven't forma'd it or potato'd it yet. But I wanted to ask you marelok users opinions before I do.


How is the weapon at end-game?


How well does it stack up against Brakk in terms of DPS?


The recoil is absolutely atrocious. It's almost motion sickness inducing. Does it get any better?


Share your thoughts!



Edited by Grandarex
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I'm not quite sure what classifies as "Endgame", but my Marelok holds up well in everything I try to do, without Forma, and a Hornet Strike that has 4 (Or 5 not sure) of the 10 levels on it. With enough event mods it can go ABOVE a 100% status chance, making it a great status weapon. I modded mine for Blast procs because the knockdown is excellent crowd control. Mine is stuck around 80% status chance because I actually missed 2 events, however. I'll post a screenshot in a bit.

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Its base damage is actually higher than the Brakk and you can snipe huge distances with it.  Its stronger than most primary weapons.  Also it has a high base status chance and you can get just about 100% status on it.  For end/late game its great as long as you can aim well, and even if you can't its good for landing status. 


For me personally I hardly notice the recoil, its a non-issue.   Currently I carry it when I have something that can't snipe well as my primary, and use the Brakk when I'm using something like the Latron Prime as my primary.  They are both worth forma'ing and potato'ing, as having both will allow you to compliment whatever primary weapon you are using.  I prefer the Marelock because it is useful at any range though, but that's just my personal preference.  Both weapons are grineer so their damage is separated between the physical damage types in the similar way, though the brakk does have some more damage % into puncture.


The marelock can be done with 3 forma, and is a great candidate for using 3-4 of the dual stat element mods.  I use only 3 on it because that already puts it over 90% status chance, and I don't feel the 4th is needed so I go for a bit more damage.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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My potated 4-forma Marelok is the bane of every enemy in the game up to about level 150, and it still continues to tear chunks out of enemy health that are higher level.

Brakk and Marelok more or less do the same damage per shot. Marelok just has the better range and Brakk has the better fire rate (and thus, DPS).

I personally prefer Marelok over Brakk because no damage falloff, and tighter spread makes it easier (safer) to use.

Oh, and the recoil is nothing, after using my Marelok-o-doom so much I've grown accustomed to it.

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My forma'd catalized Marelok with r10 hornet strike, multishot, status chance etc etc, it's a beast, it's as strong as my Brakk (which is also forma'd, several times) except i use them for different missions, Brakk is more for survival, you don't need to aim carefully and one shot stuff, Marelok is useful for other situations for example killing Sargas Ruk, you have time to aim and you need to hit him as hard as possible, if you have too many short range secondaries and you want a long range, Marelok is definitely the way to go, and trust, me don't settle for mid rank mods, work slowly to that r10 hornet strike max all the mods you want to put in it, use forma to get enough points to put them in there, and your Marelok will be a beast too.

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To answer your questions...


1. Marelok is one of the best end-game secondaries. It is the sniper version of Brakk.


2. It's at least as good effective DPS as Brakk, but long to mid-range rather than close range. I recommend putting punch-through on it, because that will give you AoE capability.


3. The recoil doesn't get any better per say, BUT, you should not be rapid-firing with this baby. Once you have it maxed, with a potato in it, and possibly a forma or three, it will one-shot practically anything but heavies even at higher levels. So, use it like a sniper weapon. Fire one shot, then line up the next shot. That way the recoil isn't a problem.


Controlling your shots is why you want punch-through on it. Rapid-firing it will make your accuracy go down and isn't as effective as Brakk anyhow at killing large mobs of enemies. However, with punch-through, one shot will kill the first guy, then the second guy, then the third guy, then the fifth guy.


Also, Marelok, like Brakk, can be a status beast. Putting Blast on it makes it a CC king, and putting Radiation, Viral or Corrosive on it makes it deadly at higher levels. Put a few of the status hybrid mods on it, get your status to at least 80% or so, slap on Seeker, and you're good to go.

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The Brakk is a death sentence to anything within maybe 8 meters, but beyond that is where you see its damage fall off.

The Marelok is slightly weaker in raw numbers, but since it doesn't have damage fall off and isn't a shotty, it's much more powerful into later game where you want distance between you and the enemies. Also, the Marelok's high status chance makes its elemental builds far more viable. With 2 dual stat elements, you can get it to 100% proc chance and still crank out a few thousand damage with each bullet (keep in mind you shoot 3 bullets most of the time with the core mods). It is a bit slower on fire rate and reload with a bit more recoil, but it just takes getting used to.




+Fire rate

+Reload Speed

-Damage falloff

-Pellet Spread

      *loses most effectiveness beyond 10m*

-Smaller clip (by 1, but worth mentioning)



+No falloff

+Minor spread

+High proc chance

+Larger clip (again, by 1; 6 vs 5)

-Lower damage

-Slower fire rate

-More recoil

-Slightly longer reload

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+No falloff

+Minor spread

+High proc chance

+Larger clip (again, by 1; 6 vs 5)

-Lower damage

-Slower fire rate

-More recoil

-Slightly longer reload

Marelock actually has higher base damage.

 Brakk: 150

 Marelock: 159(according to the wiki), 160(in game stat screen)

Almost the same but the Marelock does win here.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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1) The Marelok is definitely an end game weapon


2) In terms of DPS, the Brakk wins.


3) The recoil is somewhat awkward, I guess. But it's fine, imo. 


Personal Thoughts: I prefer the Brakk over the Marelok. It may be better for you to use a longer range weapon in end game, since bullets will start to hit like a truck at lv.50+. Though, the Brakk is the best for pure dmg. If you build it for crit and aim for heads, you can get a lot more dmg. A normal headshot provides a additional 2x dmg multiplier, but a crit headshot provides a additional 4x dmg multiplier, and it's pretty easy to aim for heads when you're within 10m of the enemy.

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i personally cant live with marelok's recoil and accuracy so i stick to my Brakk,

anyway it hits as strong as the brakk... i just love to go close and unload a full brakk clip right in the face of whatever i encounter. 

no weapon comes close to that kind of satisfaction to me

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