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Reviving Will Fail The Mission


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Same here. Survival Void T1. Finally got a Loki BP, and the game fails me when reviving. I don't care about the heaps of mods I got, but that Loki Chassis. :( Gimme my BP, DE!

Edited by Vyce
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Confirmed, as far as I can tell this is happening in every mission I've done SOLO and is very likely an errant bug that resulted from the devs just being too good at the game to notice this. I think what might be happening is some flag in the code that marks mission fail conditions got switched with the flag for reviving AND/OR deaths. It's universal so it must be different than the code for individual mission fail conditions like survival and defense. At least that's what my very limited background in programming tells me.

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Reviving fails a mission... doesn't even consume the revive token... silly when you do exterminate and you die from a mistake.... ( level 14 nekros in a level 28+ maps ) try to use revive and hooray i failed when there like 10-20 remaining

Edited by HunterOfSoulsQC
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Yup same thing is happening with me. I just forma'd my Ash and was running T1S to lvl him up again. The last 2 times I ran to just before 40mins, died, revived and instantly Mission Failed message appears on screen, losing all loot + XP for that round (note: on the initial mission failed screen the XP bar gains all XP made during the round and the rest of the page is empty, as it should look if the mission was actually failed, although the mission screen once back on ship shows the XP as it appeared before round was started, confirmed when looking In Arsenal). Also you keep the Standing as well. Confirm that the revive token isn't used BUT the T1S key is. 

Edit 1: Just happened to me on a T4D before wave 5 ended, just killed Vor, got random naded, died, revived, failed mission. 

Edited by J4GGs
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Im having the same problem.

Every time I revive I fail the mission. Ive been failing so many archwings missions -_-


Edit: Oh wait it gets better, I lose the mission cause an archwing enemy is stuck in a rock and I cant hurt it , and then I fail the mission because of revive glitch. Great work DE.

Edited by LethalRayne
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Confirmed, got killed on a defense mission by an ancient harpoon pulling me into a mob of volatile runners which had already primed themselves, instant death clicked revive, mission failed, pod had not even a scratch. 

Edited by Hatzeputt
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Well nice to know I'm not the only one suffering this problem, hopefully DE will see this mess and fix it soon. I'm trying to get limbo and could very well solo the excavations but on the off chance I go down I cant keep going. I would like to be able to complete a mission.

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