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The Legend Of John Prodman


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I saw JP... He jumped into a Brood Mother, killed everything inside, waited for it to make more, and did it again, while running full speed through tar, and the "wasps," Shoving his Prova down the screaming throats of Ancients, and made those little "suicide Bombers" run away instead of exploding. It was epic.

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In battle, John would probably just end up dodging and parrying everything we throw at him. Shrugging off ults like they were a light drizzle.

After a while he would do a taunt, something along the lines of "you're hardly worth my time", and then speed-parkour run off into the sunset.

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In battle, John would probably just end up dodging and parrying everything we throw at him. Shrugging off ults like they were a light drizzle.

After a while he would do a taunt, something along the lines of "you're hardly worth my time", and then speed-parkour run off into the sunset.

He's Terrifying....

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I met John in Viver the other day, I watched as he managed to run through spammed Shield Polarizes and Radial Javelins to take a swing at me. Fortunately he died to something midswing and I lived.

I think you are mistaken. I highly doubt he died just to that. 


if he was able to kill phorid in a few hits then either this was one of his trainee's or he was going easy on you. either way you better hope you have not made him mad.... really really hope....

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I wonder if he is any relation with Derf Anyo... or perhaps they are a part of a secret corpus league of Awesome... a sort of... Corpus group of elite fighters...

Derf anyo is his under-teaching companion... though it is rumored that John decided that he`s just like his father, helpless and destructible by all scales so he left him behind to the Tenno and continued the hunt for the stalker...

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