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The Legend Of John Prodman


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Everybody here keeps saying that JP here is like a freaking god has now gotten my attention.... I want to really challenge this bas*art to a fight!


My Kogake fists are really BURNING RED for it! This is someone I truly want to fight for one in warframe! JOHN PRODMAN!!! I DEMAND THE RIGHT OF CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIST FIGHT!!!  XD


my excitment to fight JP


Edited by Archangel_Laurent
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Make this guy the assassin for the Sequence.

And watch it rise in popularity. 

No one crosses Prova's with the Prodman. 

No one...


Well guess what.....now he's got someone


And that someone is ME! And my FIST to his FACE!


Sorry I just really want to fight this guy n_n

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He probably could stopped that Fomorian from destroying Strata Today, and then probably would have gone on to One shot the rest of the Fomorians like no tomorrow. If only he had an arch-wing... and worked for Perrin Sequence

He has an Archwing made out of Provas. He wanted to see the Strata Relay get destroyed... for science.

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I ran into him on a defense mission. i shot him 4 times in the HEAD before he wait for it.....ran away. NOT die but RAN AWAY.

That wasn't him.


John Prodman would have walked through your hail of gunfire, beaten you senseless, and then left. John Prodman never runs away.

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