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Back-To-Back Tile Generation


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Don't know where else to put this...


Recently I've been noticing a disturbing quantity of rooms are located adjacent to copies of themselves.  Normally it's just isolated to two at a time so it's not like I get the big Grineer galleon cannon room... then go into the big Grineer galleon cannon room... then go into ANOTHER big Grineer galleon cannon room, but it can still be fairly annoying to see the exact same room twice in a row.  This happened occasionally but now it's happening very frequently.  The problem isn't isolated to any one tileset either or tile, it just happens.


I'm under the impression map generation might have a minor bug in it that preferably would be looked into at some point.

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I've noticed this too. Wasn't sure if it was intended or not.


Personally I don't mind a small amount of tile repetition like that but it's happening a lot more often now. I think the increase may have even started before U15. Some time in U14 by my reckoning.

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This was an issue mentioned on the forums a few times.


The ideal situation is to have enough "puzzle pieces" for each map to remove repetition to minimum if not at all.


When running through spaceships it is justifiable to some point, corridors connecting major rooms can be reused. Big halls should have a strict restriction of how many pieces must exist between them. Seeing exact rock formations existing a mile from each other feels weird.


Another logical step is to place containers in more random places.

You know that feeling when running into a room and looking at the SAME loot spots EVERY time - it can be a box, i can be a body or nothing but we always search the same places...


To push location diversity a step further, more objects could be added, newly created or already existing. Why not have a room filled with explosive containers? All kinds of cargo can be dropped around also making environments feel less abandoned.


Deja vu feeling can be relatively easy to avoided by adding more variety to existing randomness :)

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