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A Serious Rebalance Of All Resource Drops Is Long Overdue


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C'mon. Orokin Cells and Neural Sensors are nowhere to be found, while Alloy Plates and Control Modules cannot be kept away. People resort to grinding bosses for these resources, which ruins the uniqueness of a boss encounter by repeating it so much. These are just the prime examples of bad resource drop balance. And don't even get me started on Oxium.


Here are a few suggestions that I think  would help resource balance:


  • Make Neural Sensors available on other planets, and then buff the droprate of them on Jupiter by at least double or maybe even triple the droprate that it is on other planets. This means that Jupiter is still the place to go if you need Neural Sensors, but it's also feasible to get them while completing other parts of the Star Chart.



  • Make the Void drop all resources. Let's face it, we spend a lot of time in the Void, and what do we get for it? 300,000 Alloy Plates (and counting) and 1,000 Control Modules, neither of which we can realistically use up, ever. To prevent any one resource from piling up, just make the Void drop everything. If everything drops, you can't every really get too much of any one thing (unless you pour an ungodly amount of time into the void). However, you'd still want to go to other places for specific resources, such as going to Jupiter for Neural Sensors, because it drops more of them there, and also the resource drop tables aren't as diluted there (because it drops 4 resources there as opposed to the Void, which would have 14 in the pool in this scenario).



  • Make Orokin Cells just a little more common. Seriously, grinding Sargas Ruk is getting old, we should get at least one per 5 waves of Ceres Dark Sector Defense, or ODD, or something.



  • Buff Oxium droprates. 'Nuff said.



  • Give us a dang sink for Alloy Plates and Control Modules already.



  • Reduce clantech resource drop rates. At the current rate they are dropping, it is really ruining the unique and special nature of the resources required for clantech. What's more, once you have the clantech weapons, you have no use for them, so most players wind up with a huge stockpile of them and have no use for them.





What are your guys' thoughts?

Edited by InvaderMEEN
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So you want Neural Sensors to be just as "rare" as a control module? Nope.

How about you refer to all the resources? I mean sure, you might add Neural Sensors and Orokin cells but you maybe referring to Rubedo, Plastids, nano spores, Detonite ampule.

I can't exactly say oxium drop rate can be increased since it can only be gained from Oxium ospreys.

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So you want Neural Sensors to be just as "rare" as a control module? Nope.

How about you refer to all the resources? I mean sure, you might add Neural Sensors and Orokin cells but you maybe referring to Rubedo, Plastids, nano spores, Detonite ampule.

I can't exactly say oxium drop rate can be increased since it can only be gained from Oxium ospreys.


No, I'm saying that Neural Sensors should probably be made as "rare" as Neurodes (which aren't terribly common but aren't a huge pain to grind for either), and that Control Modules should be made as rare as Morphics, and be given a sink. Then, make it so the Void drops every resource except Oxium, so that way you can't effectively get too much of any one resource (meaning you would still want to go to other parts of the star chart to obtain specific reources).


Oxium droprate can be increased by buffing the amount the Ospreys give.

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I don't really have any problem with getting Orokin Cells if I do some ODD, or ODA if I'm desperate.

Personally I'm against oxium drop rate being boosted, it's the ONE thing in the game I actually have a somewhat hard time of obtaining, the rest feels just given to me.

As for all things dropping in the void, if DE can make it happen it sounds like a great idea. They are the remnants of a super advanced civilization and all. THOUGH, that being said certain things wouldn't make sense. Eg. Fieldron Samples, Detonite Ampules. As these are "modern day" things created by the factions, so perhaps exclude certain things.

I highly agree with a drop in research resources, though I don't think that should lead to an increase in other, rare resources.

A sink for resources would also be nice. Perhaps selling them for credits. Small amounts of credits for large amounts of resources of course, but it's still better than leaving them sit there doing nothing. (Seriously, how big is the storeroom my Liset drops this stuff off at? And where am I putting these huge containers of resources while running around during a mission O_o)

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More or less agree but I don't think neruals need their drop rate buffed.

I manage to find them on sets of 2 per drop at times and normally come away with 2-3 per mission on jupiter without repeatedly bullying Salad V for his lunch money. Interception is great for nerurals. With the amount of containers and lockers on jupiter its hard not to come away with at least 1.


Then again maybe RNGeesus has blessed me with neural drops.

The only resource I find almost impossible to get is forma.

Not too keen on the void dropping everything though, that seems a bit much. I'd prefer it dropped logical resources like cells and morphics (which is a Orokin resource if the old lore holds) instead of alloy plate and control modules. Not that anyone really needs morphics, but its better then alloy plate.


I'd also like to see the resource cost for things not seem to revolve around mostly plastids, nanospores, neurodes, cells and neurals. Most things have at least one of those as a crafting component meanwhile we are left with obscene amounts of morphics, gallium, salvage and alloy plate building up in our lisets. Even the amount needed for things like alloy plate is tiny compared to how often it drops and how much of it you end up with.



Spread out resource drops more evenly, nerf alloy plate and CM drops (seriously, in fact why are they even in the void?) and give us something to do with our vast amounts of useless clutter. 

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Not everyone spends their time in the Void.  I, for one, visit there maybe two missions out of forty.  I'm not saying your other points aren't valid (I only got enough Oxium for Zephyr about a week ago, having spent only enough for a Distilling Extractor and Helios since its introduction), but remember that not everyone plays the same way.


I think resource costs are in a similar boat, and need to be systematically reviewed to see if they make sense.  Oxium is an uncommon resource with requirements on par with Alloy Plates and Polymer Bundles, while DE seems to regard Argon Crystals as a universal element. 


I've never had to grind for any resources since somewhere around Rank 5, except for Oxium and Argon.  Argon is understandable, and I can forgive it because nothing requires more than 2 crystals; I feel it more acutely because I shy away from the Void.  Orokin Cells do pop up in weird places (Magnus?  Really?), but I've picked up enough incidentally to never feel the need to look for them specifically.


Then again, I'm Rank 14 now, with many hours spent in this game.  My experience is probably not typical, so I'm not in the best position to give feedback on resources.  They probably do need work.

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As for all things dropping in the void, if DE can make it happen it sounds like a great idea. They are the remnants of a super advanced civilization and all. THOUGH, that being said certain things wouldn't make sense. Eg. Fieldron Samples, Detonite Ampules. As these are "modern day" things created by the factions, so perhaps exclude certain things.


While you do have a point, according to the lore the corrupted are basically the enemies we encounter in the "modern day", but they fight for the Neural Sentry instead of whichever faction they came from. So it's not inconceivable that some of these mind slaves are still carrying around their faction-specific resources.

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Not everyone spends their time in the Void.  I, for one, visit there maybe two missions out of forty.  I'm not saying your other points aren't valid (I only got enough Oxium for Zephyr about a week ago, having spent only enough for a Distilling Extractor and Helios since its introduction), but remember that not everyone plays the same way.


I'm not saying that everyone plays the Void exclusively, I'm just saying that you wind up spending a huge amount of time there, period. Especially if you are hunting for the Primes. That's why a lot of my points focus on rebalancing the Void resources.

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I'm all for a resource rebalance.   Have too many control mods, and way to many alloy plates with nothing to use them on.   


Do make a good point about void dropping all resources, there is no reason to to think that the enemies, that are merely corrupted(enslaved) normal enemies wouldn't still have they resouces they would drop on other maps.   


That, or why no even change thigns around to where its not so many a planet that drops a certain resource but a faction.   




nano spores, Plasids, Mut samples




Control Mods, Cricuits, poly bundles, Fiedon Sample, ferrite, gallium




Alloy Plates, Rudedo, Neural Sensors, Detonite ampule, Ferrite, salvage


Dropped by all..  


Morphics, neurodes, Orokin Cells




All Resources, Argon Crystals.




Reasons behind this setup.


Infested.  Well, nuff said, they are a twist of Flesh and metal turned flesh(?)   So them dropping organic resources makes sense.


Corpus would drop more techie stuff, and Grineer lest techie, with the corrupted being what they are, would drop all plus Argon crystals which can only be found in the void.   The reason behind the drops that are shared,  Morphics..  can't really find anything that really lists what it is.  Its metal like, but oddly flexible while strong.  neurodes (Part of the brain of something?)  and orokin cells, give how both grineer are corpus seek out orokin stuff makes sense they would have some, and the infested. use to be people...


just an idea i had..

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Agree with other statements that grind walls are not difficulty.  They are artificial limits to ensure an average amount of time required to acquire something.  Certain resources necessitate much higher grind times because of their drop rate and material requirements for desirable items.  I could go on about how this system ostensibly extends game life by drawing out the time it takes you to achieve any particular goal, but the flip side is that you can also rush past most grind walls by paying money.  So the case can be made that keeping drop rates low for certain resources is good business sense for a company that depends on that sort of revenue.  For this reason, I say, do not expect this to change.


I've played more than most and for longer than most (but certainly there are still plenty who have played more than I have), and I think at the moment I have about 2 million alloy plate, 4k oxium, and 50 orokin cells.  But also 0 mutagen samples.  I have a solo dojo so the mutagen sample grind for me has been the worst in completing my research projects.  Thanks to invasions I have about 50 unused mutagen masses, but the supposedly lesser item is far harder to come by.  But I admit, I also don't do a lot of derelict runs.

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Excuse me, grinding for twelve hours just to get enough resources for one gun is not difficulty. "I can't get Nekros because the boss level requires insane amounts of skill to beat" is difficulty.


Sorry, not easier.  Faster and requiring even less of the minimal effort already required.  Still not a rebalancing, still just an attempt to minimize how much effort a player has to put in. 

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I think I would be more willing to pay premium for resources if it didn't feel like they were extorting me for them. "Oh, you want Orokin Cells for your Primes/forma/potatoes/frames/weapons? Better pay up, unless you want to spend the next ten hours grinding for them".


Also, artificially drawing out the game with grind walls also dilutes the game and tends to turn a lot of people off, which in turn means less money spent on the game.

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Sorry, not easier.  Faster and requiring even less of the minimal effort already required.  Still not a rebalancing, still just an attempt to minimize how much effort a player has to put in. 

"minimal effort"? Excuse me, this is a video game, not a job.


I'm just trying to tell DE that getting screwed by RNG =/= content.

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Yes, minimal effort.  Clearly you accept that effort being required is acceptable, despite this being a game, not a job - else you'd be asking for them to simply be given to you, no need to build anything.  So don't sit there and pretend like that's some huge problem, when in fact every game ever made has require some effort.


And no, you're not saying RNG screws =/= content.  You include oxium, which is not RNG at all - it's inclusion tells me something. 

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Yes, minimal effort.  Clearly you accept that effort being required is acceptable, despite this being a game, not a job - else you'd be asking for them to simply be given to you, no need to build anything.  So don't sit there and pretend like that's some huge problem, when in fact every game ever made has require some effort.


And no, you're not saying RNG screws =/= content.  You include oxium, which is not RNG at all - it's inclusion tells me something. 


Look, I'm not saying that everything should be super easy to obtain in the game. What I'm saying is that the resources, where they drop, how often they drop, and how much they drop, are all out of whack. Think about how ridicuously low the drop rate for Orokin Cells are, vs. how much of them are used in recipes. Now take a look at how many dang Control Modules we get, and how few uses we have for them. I'm not saying "make the game easier", I'm saying "Fix the game, because clearly there is a problem".


As for Oxium, there is RNG that determines how often Oxium Ospreys spawn. And there is also RNG that determines how much Oxium you get per Osprey. Even though it's a guaranteed drop, it still has two layers of RNG hidden there (but I suppose it's better than the 7 layers of RNG we have to put up with to get a specific Prime Part).

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I did think about that.  And I adjusted where I did my leveling and formaing to account for it.  That's why I've now got over 700 cells.  They're not actually rare, compared to the amount of playtime actually required to get anywhere in this game.  But if you ignore the need that you know is coming then you end up short.  That's a player failure, not a game failure.


So yeah, easier.  You should be fixing how you're playing to the game, not expecting the game to change it's rules around you. 

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I did think about that.  And I adjusted where I did my leveling and formaing to account for it.  That's why I've now got over 700 cells.  They're not actually rare, compared to the amount of playtime actually required to get anywhere in this game.  But if you ignore the need that you know is coming then you end up short.  That's a player failure, not a game failure.


So yeah, easier.  You should be fixing how you're playing to the game, not expecting the game to change it's rules around you. 

Look, even I plan a head for what resources I know I need while leveling and I still agree with OP.

Why? because the current spread of resources is way out of balance and costs are way out of wack with what most players actually have an abundance of.

No one is asking to get resources given to them. They're suggesting that alloy plate should not be on a majority of planets and in the void while neurals are only on one. They're suggesting that a majority of craftable items shouldn't have obscene amounts of the the same, select few resources and then minimal amounts of stuff that drops like rain.


Everything is out of balance and illogically spread out.

You are just making a huge amount of gross assumptions about how people play and also assuming everyone is as lucky with RNG as you are.

Oddly enough, I do exactly what you do in terms of planning ahead, yet I can still see the bigger picture.

There is no reason for resource costs to be unbalanced and planet distribution the way they are.


Keep your elitism out of it and dispense with the assumptions.

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Does no one here remember what it was like before the void dropped control modules?


The only thing I don't like about the current implementation of resources is that I have nothing to use all of this cryotic on.

Control modules were a pain to get and then they got put in the void and their drop rate increased and now I have over 2000.

Ahh yes cryotic... the new alloy plate....

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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