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Do You Guys Get Lucky With Transmutation?


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Cause i sure don't 

I see people talking about rare mods and its all like

"Oh yeah big deal i got it from transmute! XD" "I didn't even farm for this, i don't even want it but it's still 30 plats"


Its like those pop ups telling you how you can gain 5000 dollars a week by playing poker but all you end up doing is losing money and now your kubrow is going to die because you can't pay for his butt needles 


I had 300k this morning...why do i keep getting Pressure Point for 4 rare mods T_T

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use common mods and after about 500k you'll get something decent, what nobody says is they spend millions of credits doong this. where else do you think all of the ammo drum mods go?

Edited by Trcgg
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The thing I kinda find funny is how people made a big stink about how ability mods shouldn't be in Transmutation, which, if I'm right, led to the horrible rates in rare transmutation.


Now the ability mods are just flat out gone and we're still boned in this department, if only we'd been patient, huh?  Ha ha...but I digress.  I get some good things from it, although as of late it's just been commons, which is starting to get on my nerves...I did get a bite back when it was still 100p+.  I think that was the best transmute I did.

Edited by UFOLoche
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I don't usually waste time and money for Transmutation.

I did get a couple nice stances, though. But that's all.


It's one of those things you may want to do if you have the resources for it. If you don't, well you're not missing anything, and you can get all you want without even touching it.

Edited by Vintovka
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Like every other thing in the game it's all RNG, but unlike everything else, you'll have to spend cred, millions upon millions of creds, so in some regards it is a whole lot worse.


Personally, it's great when it's good but absolutely awful when it's bad. I've gotten some super rare stuff from it like Dervish, Bite, etc. Losing four rare cards and getting a common is really disheartening though.

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