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I Cannot Understand De's Decisions


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This exploit showed the flaw in the syndicate system. The thing that DE should have changed is the rep gain of the syndicate system. But no, instead, you guys went ahead to nerf warframes involved in the exploit. SERIOUSLY?

There were so many great ideas in the forums, like specific missions get rep boosts, a token system to buy stuff, or use our resources to earn rep. But you guys decided to take the easy way out and just nerf frames. One other thing, why do the nerfs come so quickly and the yet the buffs often take an eternity? DE... Please.

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I totally agree with you. Too bad this will most likely be flamed out and/or locked my a mod before people get a chance to say anything. A testament to how they prefer to take the easy way out with everything. Such a shame to see this game die the way it is. :(

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because DE could not make a better syndicate reward system and they where butthurt because people found out how to farm exp good ruining there majorly flawed endgame content instead of seeing how S#&$ current syndicate system is they nerfed the warframe instead  

the nerfs are bs
better buff valkyr more and nerf trinity  ~DE logic 

this prolly makes more sense 

Edited by N7-CommanderShepard
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Not to mention the fact that this doesn't fix anything. I bet we will find a new method to grind super effectivly within a day. What will DE do then? Another nurf?


It makes you wonder, does DE even know what they are doing? Do they not understand why people were farming Viver? Do they think minmaxing is an exploit?

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I totally agree with you. Too bad this will most likely be flamed out and/or locked my a mod before people get a chance to say anything. A testament to how they prefer to take the easy way out with everything. Such a shame to see this game die the way it is. :(

Yeah, this thread will probably be locked.

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There is no flaw in the syndicate system - it is intentionally meant to be a lengthy, arduous grind.  The flaw is with people expecting to be done and over with it within a week or two.  Get ready for a real long haul.  The idea is that by the time people are grabbing around half the available prizes from their two/three syndicates, new stuff will have landed.


The alternative is we get everything sooner rather than later, and we're back to square one - complaining about nothing to work towards.


As for better ideas, while seeing MORE syndicate missions would be awesome, it doesn't fix the grind length as people WILL come back around to, "missions don't reward enough reputation!"  The problem people have remains no matter the method of delivery - people want to finish the grind sooner rather than later, and DE has shown no signs to give them that.  The nerfs are all in favor of supporting the idea of keeping the reputation grind a length process.  Yes, people will try to find the most efficient method.  That's not exactly the problem DE had with Viver.  The problem was that the most efficient method was too efficient.

Edited by Littleman88
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There is no flaw in the syndicate system - it is intentionally meant to be a lengthy, arduous grind.  The flaw is with people expecting to be done and over with it within a week or two.  Get ready for a real long haul.  The idea is that by the time people are grabbing around half the available prizes from their two/three syndicates, new stuff will have landed.


The alternative is we get everything sooner rather than later, and we're back to square one - complaining about nothing to work towards.


As for better ideas, while seeing MORE syndicate missions would be awesome, it doesn't fix the grind length as people WILL come back around to, "missions don't reward enough reputation!"  The problem people have remains no matter the method of delivery - people want to finish the grind sooner rather than later, and DE has shown no signs to give them that.

But many of the other ideas in the forums does not shorten the grind. In fact, they may prolong it. Players will not mind grinding as long as it is fun. The problem with syndicates is that it is not fun at all. It is just more of the same grinding we have been doing tons of times. If DE added lore and story to this then I can see players wanting to grind and wanting to do these missions.

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There is no flaw in the syndicate system - it is intentionally meant to be a lengthy, arduous grind

The deal with this is it is theoretically better for new players, therefore over time it doesn't seem as bad. With already being at the endgame, we only see it as yet another grind wall and would rather finish it sooner rather than later.


Every time anything happens that someone doesn't like, they say this.


Here, I'll give you a hint: game's not gonna die over something like this, as much as you might want it to



The only thing I have to say to you is that I have been playing this game for  a year longer than you, according to your profile and mine. I don't know if that is a glitch or not, but if it isn't than it stands to say I have seen this game go through a LOT more than you have. And with that being said, I can assure you that things like this didn't happen a year ago, hell even six months ago, it wasn't this bad. 

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But many of the other ideas in the forums does not shorten the grind. In fact, they may prolong it. Players will not mind grinding as long as it is fun. The problem with syndicates is that it is not fun at all. It is just more of the same grinding we have been doing tons of times. If DE added lore and story to this then I can see players wanting to grind and wanting to do these missions.


I guarantee you lore and story will last only so long.  How long does it take you do each quest, minus crafting times?


Would constantly running the syndicate missions we get now really be fun for people?  It's fun for me because I enjoy exterminates, sabotages, deceptions, etc.  I like just running through a very finite map, killing things, getting the job done, then extracting.  My reward?  I got to shoot things.  But look at how many people, many of the more vocal, possible majority of people, play the game - are they even playing?  They only run endless defense and survivals for the rewards because "everywhere else isn't worth it." 


No, I don't think there is any way to "make the grind fun" if the game play itself isn't fun for people, and if the complaint is the length of the grind for syndicate reputation then it's a safe bet it's not fun because their isn't an immediate new and shiny bauble for them to pick up every step of the way.  Frankly, these aren't the people DE is making the game for - they're already done playing, they're just too addicted to collecting things to know it.

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The only thing I have to say to you is that I have been playing this game for  a year longer than you, according to your profile and mine. I don't know if that is a glitch or not, but if it isn't than it stands to say I have seen this game go through a LOT more than you have. And with that being said, I can assure you that things like this didn't happen a year ago, hell even six months ago, it wasn't this bad. 


Just so you know, forum acitvity=/=game activity. The date you see on the profile is since their first post on the forums.


Also, it doesn't take being in the game for 2 years to make an educated hypothesis based on objective patterns from previous cases. Get off your high horse.

Edited by Ionus
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The only thing I have to say to you is that I have been playing this game for  a year longer than you, according to your profile and mine. I don't know if that is a glitch or not, but if it isn't than it stands to say I have seen this game go through a LOT more than you have. And with that being said, I can assure you that things like this didn't happen a year ago, hell even six months ago, it wasn't this bad. 


Forum join date =/= game join date


I was around for damage 2.0. I remember what bad nerfs are like. Considering all the recent buffs, these three ability changes hardly qualify.

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  Frankly, these aren't the people DE is making the game for 


I think it is fair to say we, and possibly even DE, doesn't even know who they are making the game for. There are so many conflicting voices out there, but anything that is ever actually constructive, or builds to help fix an aspect of the game, it is banished to the void, only to be forgotten and have the issue still unresolved even to the current state of the game. They really need to find a good balance, and not just make knee jerk changes like they have been doing for the past few months.

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this is why i am never throwing any more MONEY AT THIS GAME


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I guarantee you lore and story will last only so long.  How long does it take you do each quest, minus crafting times?


Would constantly running the syndicate missions we get now really be fun for people?  It's fun for me because I enjoy exterminates, sabotages, deceptions, etc.  I like just running through a very finite map, killing things, getting the job done, then extracting.  My reward?  I got to shoot things.  But look at how many people, many of the more vocal, possible majority of people, play the game - are they even playing?  They only run endless defense and survivals for the rewards because "everywhere else isn't worth it." 


No, I don't think there is any way to "make the grind fun" if the game play itself isn't fun for people, and if the complaint is the length of the grind for syndicate reputation then it's a safe bet it's not fun because their isn't an immediate new and shiny bauble for them to pick up every step of the way.  Frankly, these aren't the people DE is making the game for - they're already done playing, they're just too addicted to collecting things to know it.

Then they are making the game for the minority?



Forum join date =/= game join date


I was around for damage 2.0. I remember what bad nerfs are like. Considering all the recent buffs, these three ability changes hardly qualify.

The recent Buffs were to Excalibur. They nerfed Radial Blind and buffed Super Jump and Radial Javelin. They nerfed Radial Javelin.


The problem that people are having is that instead of addressing why people felt they had to go to Viver (Grind wall that does absolutely nothing to change the gameplay in any new and interesting ways) they instead nerfed the frames to stop Viver farming, but those nerfs will carry over: The LoS system already being finicky on whether it wants to or doesn't want to work.

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Syndicates was the dumbest game mode already created in warframe. As i stated before, was even disrespectful. They just created the most superficial and "grind for the grind" mode ever, and now everything that gets in the way of the infinite grinding will be nerfed. I wanted to have some fun with archwings, but i have to restart the grind there also. For me all this viver just showed in the more clear way possible what the mentality of the game will forever to be: infinite grind. I admit, i had fun, but for now i am tired. Time to move on.

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"Also, it doesn't take being in the game for 2 years to make an educated hypothesis based on objective patterns from previous cases. Get off your high horse." - Ionus 2014


Hmm baby, I love me some of dat'.


I've been quoted. I can die without marriage and this will be my legacy.

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