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Really Unhappy With The Frame Changes


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Especially Excalibur.

really? after his big "rework" he's being nerfed again?


why DE? the viver mission needed fixing , excal needed 1 tweak to slash dash and he would have been perfectly balanced......


so the LoS means it's back to its original state ,d espite the fact that javelins appear over enemies onstead of traellling from excalibur????? why?


Now there's no point in using that skill, Radial blind does a better job for CC since RJ doesn't deal that much damage 


+ that just nerfs the ability augment 

Edited by Deidaku
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So we can all agree now that Line of Sight is the new RNGesus: everyone hates it but DE won't change a thing about it.


And so how many times have Trinity been nerfed so far?

DOn't know , this is why she'll be the last frame I get. Until her situation is stable, I refuse to build her

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Mag got hit the hardest, SP now doesn't heal Mag, only heals teammates that are LoS, and only hits NPCs that are LoS.


Not a happy Mag player :(


IT DOES? What? I dont understand. Mag is a specialized support frame. All other support frames can benefit from their own abilities. I didnt know this.

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This patch was spiteful and mostly serves to screw over those of us who weren't farming viver to begin with.

Viver exploitation should have been taken as a sign that the syndicate system needs to be re-thought and instead you're nerfing frames as a ridiculous knee jerk reaction in order to break peoples toys because you don't like how they're playing with them.

Bad form. Seriously, horrendously, insultingly bad form.

Edited by Tiqalicious
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This patch was spiteful and mostly serves to screw over those of us who weren't farming viver to begin with.

Viver exploitation should have been taken as a sign that the syndicate system needs to be redthought and instead you're nerfing frames as a ridiculous knee jerk reaction in order to break peoples toys because you don't like how they're playing with them.

Bad form. Seriously, horrendously, insultingly bad form.





I didn't even think about vivier farming

I barely got 5000 rep since  the update. And now this appears.


goddamit DE

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In the missions I played to test this, I didn't really run into those issues. Partially because it is really rare for an enemy to sneak up behind you (the only real place that RJ will most likely miss it's targets unless you don't scope out out where enemies are to gauge the effectiveness of your skills or requirements of their use) and then sit around a corner silently not shooting you until you radial javelin, then come out and shoot you. I could see this being an issue in survivals, and solo interceptions maybe, but most other missions this  isn't going to be that big of a deal.The other reason I didn't really encounter those issues is because I always look in the direction I'm being shot from to quickly determine the threat :\ if you arent' doing that in a shooter and just expect your abilities to be an instant saving grace then I'm sorry but for high level play you might want to consider adjusting your tactics.


We shouldn't be able to 100% expect our abilities to be the instant solution to all of our problems when not used with skill by the player. If you can press any button and just not worry about anything it's going to end with a game that supplies instant gratification and quick loss of interest when the "challenge" is gone.


Edit: Maybe stomp should be more selective as well (and I say this as someone who mainly plays rhino)

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The problem is that RJ like RB, is unreliable now. How do I know where will pop up an enemy not blinded / hit by javelin. It is like having a selective stomp.



You can not rely on any of it's CC ability now.

i just did a survival in mercury with Excalibur and used RJ because enemies where attacking my teammate. Not one of them died.


Not happy with the update.

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