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New Infested Lore. So Apparently They Just Came Out Of Nowhere. It Doesnt Work.


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How do all these technologies exist in full completed form if the infested were just let loose?

Different methods of building will sometimes require different materials and resources. There are many ways to synthesize certain chemicals, alloys and so on. Perhaps our Foundry uses different materials because its method of building differs from Grineer and corpus industry? Plus, the infested weren't just "let loose", they existed long before the Grineer. The Grineer didn't create them, much less set them "loose".


Plus it really destroys the story of the Warframe.

We went from a group of folks that are slowly building up our armies to go around and kick butt to..... by pure luck the Grineer found the infested and because of that we can now have multiple warframes. Because with no Infested there are no Infested resources to build warframes. The story of Warframe in the present time revolves around an accident.

The only thing destroying the story of Warframe is your insistence that the Grineer finding the infested canonically occurs after the player builds new Warframes. Also the infested had existed long before the Grineer, as you said found the infested and began experimenting with the infested. The infested already existed, however it was the Grineer's meddling which caused the infested to really start waking up.

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Hence: grow them in a lab.


In the end, everything is made of the same materials and elements. If you can gather enough of them and combine them in the right way you can make anything. And, again, because of the technology the Corpus and Grineer already have at their disposal and the interest both have in understanding everything about the Orokin I disagree that there would have to be such a long wait.


Though, in the end: it's a fictional game. Stop apply real-world logic to it. As long as it's self-consistent (which, while arguable, I'd say it's still fulfilling) there's not a damn thing wrong.


If this is the answer this needs to be added to the game, then.

From what we see in the quest it looks like the Grineer barely know what the Infested can do so it hardly leads to this conclusion easily based on whats in-game.

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The only tech that seems (from lore description) that it might cause a problem is Plastids, in which case it's just a minor slip.  For the rest, the tech has been around for ages, i.e. infested tech, or tech derived from infested tech, is old, and has been around, "Infestation" per se, or "Outbreak" of Infestation, the presence of Infested - this is the new thing (new to the SS) that's been (re)awakened by the Grineer.



There are other materials besides plastids that come from Infested. And if Infested tech, or tech that uses resources, and people have been using them, that means Infested must have been available and from this quests we are told that they have not.


So you seem to have changed your tune somewhat.  Initially, you thought the timing was weird; after that's been explained many times to you, you seem to accept that it makes story sense (at least, you're not talking about it any more).  So now you're sticking to the point about tech, but even that's pretty weak. 


IOW, we don't have the lore disaster you initially thought, at worst we have a few minor inconsistencies.


I have not changed my tune. My tune has been the same from the start, this new beginning story to the game messes up the rest of it.

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There are other materials besides plastids that come from Infested. And if Infested tech, or tech that uses resources, and people have been using them, that means Infested must have been available and from this quests we are told that they have not.




I have not changed my tune. My tune has been the same from the start, this new beginning story to the game messes up the rest of it.


Nah, your position has softened quite a bit, initially you were like "OMG the sky is falling", now that it's been explained to you several times, you've shifted the goalposts (note that you only realized the possibility of the tech being out of place half way through the thread); all you're doing now is complaining about a few resources that might possibly be out of place, and that's pretty weak sauce because as I've said several times, Infested tech is a different thing from the Infested as such and has been around for ages, even though the Infested as such haven't been until the Grineer started messing about.  Plastids are the only thing that, from description, could be possibly derived from the Infested as such (i.e. be bits of them).


I think if you strain this any further, people are just going to think you're trolling for the sake of it.

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I just gave it a little though, and consider the fact that the Hunt for Alad V had us clearing out the Infestation around his planet to get to him. Remember the quote in response to it that Frohd gave us: "Alad is using that damned infestation as a cover."


We dont know how this part of the lore now plays out because of the current retcon.

Nothing that involved the Infested is as solid as it was before because of the new lore  DE set.



Now, take into account what we now know: that the Infestation hasn't been something around in the time between our slumber and awakening (at least in great force, the presence of Lephantis suggests that Lotus was mistaken at least on one level) and apply it to that.


The derelicts are in unknown locations. She was obviously talking about the populated sections of the Solar System.


It seems to me that the Corpus were doing the same thing the Grineer were: only it seems they were capable of doing so on a MUCH larger and more efficient scale (the kind of scale where they were able to successfully deploy it as a bio weapon).


So, once again, we have a precedent for the Corpus having been working with the Infestation for some time - probably longer than the Grineer, and probably LONG before we even began to wake up (remember, there is STILL a story before our player character wakes up, things were STILL happening in that... I dunno, millennium) - and likely harvesting parts from what they grew in the lab.


It works, you just have to factor in all the elements to find out how.


If the Grineer are the reason that the Infested spread in the populated SS then the Corpus were not working with them.

We would need more lore to state they were.

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If the Grineer are the reason that the Infested spread in the populated SS then the Corpus were not working with them.

We would need more lore to state they were.


Alad seems to know his was around the infested in a way that's allowing him to tinker with that. Say what you will about the Infested hivemind, but if you're going to tinker with the genetics of something you need to know the way around it's DNA - and there doesn't seem to be an Abathur amongst them (unless you want to count Alad, but that brings us back to the first step).

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The description for Neural Sensors and Neurodes have been swapped for who knows how long. This is the description for Neurodes:


Implanted neural-link for controlling augmentations. Grineer design.



See TV Tropes: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TravelingAtTheSpeedOfPlot


Those have always been the description.... i dont remember a time where they were different.


And that trope is about traveling.


Different methods of building will sometimes require different materials and resources. There are many ways to synthesize certain chemicals, alloys and so on. Perhaps our Foundry uses different materials because its method of building differs from Grineer and corpus industry?



If this is the reason then this needs to be added to the game.

But what other technology does the infested resources replace? The only source of biotech in this game comes from Infested.


The only thing destroying the story of Warframe is your insistence that the Grineer finding the infested canonically occurs after the player builds new Warframes.


Can you quote exactly where you think i said this?

Because i have never questioned the place where this quests take place.

In fact, the problem i have with it is how this is a new beginning to the story.


Plus, the infested weren't just "let loose", they existed long before the Grineer. The Grineer didn't create them, much less set them "loose".


Also the infested had existed long before the Grineer, as you said found the infested and began experimenting with the infested. The infested already existed, however it was the Grineer's meddling which caused the infested to really start waking up.


Whatever you want to call it it's all the same thing.

The Lotus states that the Infested have not being seen since the Orokin left. The Infested have not been in populated sectors since the old war and it wasnt until this event by the Grineer that the Infested began to spread through the populated solar system.


So the whole story of this game, from the player's side, revolves around some accident.



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Nah, your position has softened quite a bit, initially you were like "OMG the sky is falling", now that it's been explained to you several times, you've shifted the goalposts (note that you only realized the possibility of the tech being out of place half way through the thread); all you're doing now is complaining about a few resources that might possibly be out of place, and that's pretty weak sauce because as I've said several times, Infested tech is a different thing from the Infested as such and has been around for ages, even though the Infested as such haven't been until the Grineer started messing about.  Plastids are the only thing that, from description, could be possibly derived from the Infested as such (i.e. be bits of them).


I think if you strain this any further, people are just going to think you're trolling for the sake of it.


No my position has not changed, i am still asking the same questions. 

I have focused the argument on the technology because for some strange reason some of you folks kept trying to explain to me the timeline of event and saying this quests happening at the start..... which i have never said otherwise. Apparently focusing on the technology was easier for some of you folks to grasp than how this quests affects the whole story of the game. Apparently i was casting the net too wide.


And you are going to have to bring solid proof that Infested are separate from Infested-based tech instead of your personal theory. You are going to need to hard facts to explain why Grineer have tech that uses Infested Technology, like the Torid, but it didnt use Infested at all.


Some of you folks are now bring up the idea that there's another level of biotech in this story that has never been seen before.

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No my position has not changed, i am still asking the same questions. 

I have focused the argument on the technology because for some strange reason some of you folks kept trying to explain to me the timeline of event and saying this quests happening at the start..... which i have never said otherwise. Apparently focusing on the technology was easier for some of you folks to grasp than how this quests affects the whole story of the game. Apparently i was casting the net too wide.


And you are going to have to bring solid proof that Infested are separate from Infested-based tech instead of your personal theory. You are going to need to hard facts to explain why Grineer have tech that uses Infested Technology, like the Torid, but it didnt use Infested at all.


Some of you folks are now bring up the idea that there's another level of biotech in this story that has never been seen before.

So basically as of right now development wise(like a wip rather final product per say) there are 2 kinds of infested tech weapons:

Pure infested weapons with no original weapon from another faction (this is the wip part since no one knows if ANY of the weapons have original designs that got infested as of right now). And we have weapons that GET infested and we KNOW are infested versions such as the three Quanta variants showing its evolution.

We dont know how many or which weapons (majority since some like the quanta can be easily identified as having an original design) have or dont have an original design from another faction

Like I said this is a wip so theres literally no telling if all or just some weapons are infested VERSIONS rather than original infested weapons with no other design.

As of right now from what we can tell and see there 2 different kinds of infested weapons but its possible there is just one type and again we dont know since no lore

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  • 2 weeks later...

So basically as of right now development wise(like a wip rather final product per say) there are 2 kinds of infested tech weapons:

Pure infested weapons with no original weapon from another faction (this is the wip part since no one knows if ANY of the weapons have original designs that got infested as of right now). And we have weapons that GET infested and we KNOW are infested versions such as the three Quanta variants showing its evolution.

We dont know how many or which weapons (majority since some like the quanta can be easily identified as having an original design) have or dont have an original design from another faction

Like I said this is a wip so theres literally no telling if all or just some weapons are infested VERSIONS rather than original infested weapons with no other design.

As of right now from what we can tell and see there 2 different kinds of infested weapons but its possible there is just one type and again we dont know since no lore


Grineer had Infested Weapons first and those look like they were specifically built as a combination of two technologies.

And im giving feedback on how the story looks so when they get to filling it out it makes sense. And i am hoping they do fill it out.

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